Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety

Chapter 246: she knows what's up

  Feng Dong was very enthusiastic, and directly sent Ji Ling to Zhu Weidong's tent. This is a temporary residence, and the tents are set up irregularly, depending on personal preference.

  Walking all the way, Ji Ling also saw someone put up a tent in the woods, but the weeds over there were taller, unlike the soil surface here.

   "Sister-in-law, you are tired from the car ride, rest first, I will call you to send it to you in the evening, and I will go and talk to Director Wang above."

  Ji Ling had been in the car for a long time, and her waist was already uncomfortable. She didn't lie down in a hurry, "Shall I go and say hello to Director Wang in person?"

   "No, Director Wang is still at the construction site, the road is bad, so my sister-in-law is resting in the tent."

  Hearing this, Ji Ling was not polite.

  As soon as Feng Dong left, she went to the folding bed and lay down, flattened her waist, and then she had time to look at the surrounding environment.

  The tent is very simple, except for a table and chairs, there is a folding bed. There are many books and rolls of drawings on the table.

  Ji Ling yawned, turned over, pulled the blanket on the bed and put it on her stomach, her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, her breathing was steady and unconscious.

   A few minutes later, someone entered the tent, but she was not woken up.

  Chang Ya walked into the tent, stopped and did not go inside again, stood for a while, and found that the person on the bed was still, thought for a while, turned around and went out again.

   Outside, next to a tent near the woods.

  Chang Ya was wearing a white dress, waving her hands around her body from time to time, "I saw people resting, so I came out without interrupting. Ji Ling has a good temper, and Sister Fang Ping will know when she sees her at night."

   "Don't worry, people come here, Zhu Weidong is not here, we should take care of it, I will go and talk to Master Liu later, let him make a small cooking for Zhu Weidong's lover."

   "Sister Fang Ping thinks comprehensively."

"As I get older, I have experienced a lot, and I will gradually understand everything." Chi Fangping brushed the hair next to her ears. She has a very standard face, which is not straight, and her facial features are not outstanding. It can be described by standards. It is this that makes her have a good temperament, elegant and intellectual. When she speaks, the corners of her mouth are raised first, "Then let's do this first. I still have some projects that are not right. Go to work first. When we have dinner tonight meet."

   Chang Ya responded, and the two went back to their office tents.

  It was very dark, and when Ji Ling woke up, she was still at a loss for not knowing when, and it was the situation like being in a big tent that made her remember where she was now.

  She sat up, there was no light in the tent, it was dark, dark, and a bit stuffy. It was daytime when she fell asleep, and the curtains of the tent were not lowered, and the buzzing of mosquitoes could be heard in her ears.


  Clear slaps sounded from time to time, and Ji Ling's palms felt numb, and she couldn't help but grab a couple of places where she was bitten, and then sat up lazily.

  The suitcase was given to her by her mother-in-law. It is black, big and heavy, but it is rare in the Mainland. It was bought from Hong Kong City.

  The box was turned upside down and opened, Ji Ling found out the toilet water under the clothes, poured it into the palm of her hand and wiped her whole body, then put the toilet water on the table, and then got out of the tent.

  It was brighter outside than inside the tent, and there were electric lights set up. Compared with when she came in the afternoon, many workers had already returned from the residence at this time, and there were faint chatter and laughter.

  Ji Ling didn't go anywhere else, but walked around the tent, and when she reached the door, she heard someone calling her.

   "Are you Comrade Ji Ling?"

  Ji Ling turned around and saw a woman in her mid-twenties walking not far behind her. When Ji Ling turned her head, the woman had already walked in front of her.

"Hello, I'm Zhu Weidong's classmate, you can call me Accountant Chi." Chi Fangping lifted the lunch box in his hand, "Chang Ya came to see you this afternoon, and I didn't bother you when I saw that you were sleeping deeply. If there is something to do, I happen to be on the way, so I will bring you the meal."

   "Thank you Accountant Chi." After Ji Ling thanked, she reached out to take a lunch box.

   "Weidong will come back in a few days. If you have anything to do in the next few days, just tell me. You're welcome."

   "Accountant Chi, are there lights in the tent?" Ji Ling asked shyly.

   "Yes, I'll open it for you." Chi Fangping walked into the tent with a smile, pulled behind the table, and the tent immediately lit up.

   "So it was there, thank you so much, I thought you didn't have electricity here."

"It was true that there was no electricity when I first arrived here, and it was not connected until half a month after I moved in." Chi Fangping smiled, "This place is desolate, and life is a bit difficult, but if the husband and wife can reunite, those things are not important Alright. Alright, let's eat first, and we'll talk tomorrow."

  Ji Ling wanted to give it away, but Chi Fangping stopped her, "It's not an outsider, let's eat."

   "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Ji Ling watched Accountant Chi leave before returning to the table.

  She took a look at the place where the light was pulled, it was very hidden, she didn't know why they put the light cord in such a place.

  Open the lunch box, the first box on the top is braised pork, the second box is stir-fried choy sum, and the bottom layer is rice.

  Ji Ling doesn't have much appetite. There is no refrigerator in such a hot day, and these things are easy to break. She set aside a little food, and left the rest untouched. After packing, she went out of the tent.

   She didn't go there during the day, and she didn't know where to go, so she could only go to places with a lot of people.

   Walking to the side of the tent, I heard someone talking about her.

   "Engineer Zhu is such a cold person, and his lover is delicate and weak, how can he coax people to cry?"

   "It's cold in front of us, but it's hot in front of my wife."

   "Hahahaha, don't let Engineer Zhu hear this."

   "I dare to say in front of him, Engineer Zhu won't care about this."

   "Old Xu, you can't say that for sure. Engineer Zhu draws his lover's head portrait when he has nothing to do, and he also wears his lover's photo on his body. He values ​​​​his lover so much. If you talk about it in front of him, he can't be impatient with you."

  Everyone talked in a hurry, Ji Ling hesitated for a moment, and went back to the tent with the lunch box.

   After eating, looking at the rest of the meal, it is inconvenient to send it back. It will be broken after one night, so I can only wait for it to be thrown away tomorrow morning.

  Slept a lot in the afternoon, and just had something to eat, and there were mosquitoes outside, so Ji Ling could only walk around the tent a few times to digest food, and took out her books when she was bored.

  Just sitting down to read a book, she thought of Chang Ya.

   She was curious why Chang Ya was here, but she didn't ask Accountant Chi, after all, she was not familiar with him.

  In the compound, Chang Ya likes Zhu Weidong, everyone tacitly, recalling the actions of her in-laws, at this time Ji Ling also understood her in-laws' intentions.

   This was because she was afraid that someone might be thinking badly, so he packed her here to guard against it.

   Thinking of the truth, Ji Ling couldn't laugh or cry.

  But I was also very touched by the in-laws' thoughtfulness in my heart, and regarded her as my own family, not as a foreign daughter-in-law.

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