Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 30: Turning danger into safety

Chen Jianchou looked at Sikong Guang in front of him, his mood fluctuating.

Sikong Guang didn't take Chen Jianchou seriously. He leaned lazily on the chair and polished his nails while saying: "I didn't expect there is a mouse. It's sneaky and sneaky. Who sent you here?" of?"

Chen Jianchou naturally couldn't answer.

"If you don't tell me, I also know that it was that girl Chen Jianqiu who instigated you, right?" Sikong Guang laughed, "You men, as long as a beautiful woman gives you a little encouragement, plus a little dependence and admiration, you dare to have sex with her You are not afraid of the beheading business. Should I say you are stupid?"

Chen Jianchou finally spoke: "It sounds like you are not a man, and that's right. You are indeed not a man."

These words were not particularly lethal to the eunuchs. Chen Jianchou had the intention of irritating Sikong Guang. In fact, he had no good way to escape. However, he understood the truth. If he did nothing but just sit back and wait for death, something would eventually happen. Only with certain variables can there be a chance.

But Sikong Guang's reaction was completely beyond Chen Jianchou's expectation. Not only did he not get angry, he didn't even react at all. He seemed to have completely accepted the fact that he was not a man and was completely indifferent.

Sikong Guang said calmly: "You are quite capable. You can think of something wrong with the deaths of several great eunuchs. Then you must have been to that place."

Chen Jianqiu understood that "that place" mentioned by Sikong Guang was referring to the transformed underground tomb.

Chen Jianchou said: "You are also a eunuch, aren't you afraid that you will follow in their footsteps?"

"You want to trick me

? Sikong Guang said with a smile, "I might as well tell you clearly that as long as seven people die, it will be enough." "

Chen Jianchou's heart sank suddenly.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly. The eunuch Wu Fu who died in the end was actually used to make up the number, and he had to make up the number of seven people.

Sikong Guang stared at Chen Jianqiu for a moment and suddenly said: "It seems that I guessed wrongly. It was not that girl Chen Jianqiu who sent you here, but someone else."

Chen Jianchou said deliberately: "Yes, it was Master Wang who sent me here."

"Wang Jiaohe?" Sikong Guang snorted, obviously not believing it at all.

But he was sure of one thing, Chen Jianchou might be related to the Borneo Taoist Government. It is also easy to speculate that the one who has the ability, qualifications, and motivation to intervene in this matter is the Borneo Taoist Government.

Sikong Guang was able to take charge of the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion, so he was certainly not a fool. He immediately thought of something. The Borneo Taoist Government had always had an indifferent attitude in the past, so why did it suddenly decide to intervene? As long as other conditions remain unchanged, the only variable is that the Borneo Province has a new deputy governor.

It seems that the problem lies with this Qi Cixi.

Sikong Guang said slowly: "Did Qi Cixi send you here?"

Chen Jianchou was shocked, but said without any trace of emotion on his face: "Actually, it was Master Lan Da who sent me here. Master Lan Da already knows what you are doing. If he is furious, no matter how great your abilities are, they will be wiped out."

Sikong Guang did not deny this. After all, he was the Taoist immortal who was used by the Taoist sect to sit in Borneo, and he held immortal objects. Looking at the vast Southeast Asia, no one dared to say that he did not take this great person into consideration.

But Sikong Guang is not entirely convinced.

Chen Jianchou said half-believing this rhetoric: "Since the great master already knows, why should we investigate?"

Chen Jianchou said: "Master Da Zhen said that we must act in accordance with the law. Even if we kill people, we must kill them in a reasonable, reasonable, legal and convincing manner, so we must collect evidence."

Sikong Guang sneered: "You talk to me about the law, and I want to laugh."

Chen Jianqiu said: "I won't talk to you about the law, I'll talk to you about reality. The biggest reality now is that Master Lan Da has noticed your tricks. If you want to save your lives, you'd better hurry up before the incident comes to light. Let’s run away.”

Chen Jianqiu was just telling nonsense. He had never met the real person of Landa. He only knew a few words from his adoptive mother. Even if he knew more than others, the secret would eventually be exposed.

Just when Chen Jianchou was at a loss, a figure broke through the window without warning.

I saw this man dressed in night clothes, with a dark armor mask covering his face.

The next moment, the person waved his sleeves, and two cold lights flashed away.

Then they saw the two Qingluan guards who had kidnapped Chen Jianchou suddenly fell backwards, and a blood hole appeared on their foreheads. They were the "God-locking nails" in the "Taiping Yaoshu". A dark nail came out of the head and was nailed to the wall behind the two people. The tail end was still trembling slightly, and at the same time, blood drops could be seen dripping from the nail.

Sikong Guang's figure moved, like a line of light smoke floating out, using his left hand "Smoke Stab" and his right hand "Xuan Yin Slaughter" to attack the incoming person.

This great eunuch's realm was quite impressive, and he was actually a hermaphrodite.

The visitor turned his hands and took out two "Emei thorns" from his sleeves. They were about one foot long and outside.

It is named after it looks like a woman's hairpin. Although it is short, it can be used wonderfully. The knife can be used to stick to the enemy's body, the stick can be used to move the essence, and the sword can be used quickly and wonderfully. The Emei thorn has the advantages of all three.

The visitor was seen holding Emei thorns in both hands, as if dancing gracefully, with dazzling moves, and easily defused Sikong Guang's offensive. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Jianchou had already spotted the opportunity and fled outside the house without anyone's orders.

The visitor followed closely behind.

Sikong Guang also flew out of the tombkeeper's hut and came outside the courtyard.

At this time, the man in black raised a long tube-shaped object in his hand, and a firework meteor shot straight into the sky, exploding into a brilliant ball of fireworks in the night.

Not long after, the ground shook, and a large group of cavalry was coming towards us.

A Qingluan guard who was on guard loudly reported: "The Governor is the black cavalry of the Nanting Protectorate!"

Sikong Guang frowned and said, "Why is there a large group of cavalry here?"

The visitor smiled and said: "Of course I have arranged it in advance and am waiting to kill you."

The voice is hoarse and the male and female cannot be distinguished.

Sikong Guang snorted coldly, since he did not believe that a group of black-clothed cavalry could capture him, but he did not dare to rely on others, let alone have a head-on conflict with the black-clothed men.

Although this is within the territory of the Dayu Kingdom, which is also the most powerful country in Borneo, the bad thing is that the Dayu Kingdom is too close to Daxuan, and it is the center of gravity of the Borneo Taoist Government. Therefore, Dayu Kingdom really did not dare to openly provoke the Nanting Protectorate.

But if he just retreats like this, the secret under the big tomb will be completely exposed to Daomen's eyes, which will also touch Daomen's nerves.

Whichever is the lesser of two evils.

Sikong Guang finally made up his mind and turned around


As soon as he left, the Qingluan Guards also left quickly like a tide.

Only Chen Jianchou and the unidentified man in black were left.

Chen Jianqiu calmed down, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you very much."

The man in black suddenly smiled, put away the Emei thorn in his hand, and then reached out to take off the mask on his face.

When Chen Jianchou saw this person's face, he couldn't help but be startled: "Qiu'er, is it you?"

Under the starry sky, a girl in black giggled and said, "Of course it's me, Brother Qiu, is it an accident?"

Even the stars were eclipsed by this smile.

The person who came was none other than Chen Jianqiu.

Chen Jianqiu never expected such a result, nor did he expect that Chen Jianqiu had such an impressive level of cultivation.

After a while, Chen Jianchou recovered from the shock and asked, "Qiu'er, how did you know I'm here?"

Chen Jianqiu said: "I didn't know you were here, I was just checking up on Sikong Guang. After this guy became the Chief Bingbi of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, he has been mysterious, sneaky, and very suspicious, so I kept a close eye on him. He, let’s see what tricks he was trying to play. As soon as he left the palace, I got the news and followed him here. Unexpectedly, I happened to save you. "

Chen Jianchou thought for a while and realized that this made sense. Hearing the roar of horse hooves getting closer and closer, he asked again: "By the way, how can you mobilize the men in black from the Nanting Protectorate?"

The headquarters of the Nanting Protectorate is located in the Lion City, which does not mean that there are no garrisons in other places. Including the Dayu Kingdom, there are garrisons of the Nanting Protectorate in all the countries in Borneo, especially the Gyeonggi area. Seriously, when necessary, the people in black can "protect" the royal families of various countries.

Chen Jianqiu

He waved his hand and said: "Let's not talk about transfers. We should ask them to help me. After all, I am the Princess Furui conferred by the Daxuan Court. I can also be regarded as a member of the Daxuan Court. They are still willing to give me face."

Chen Jianqiu understood a little bit why Chen Jianqiu, a "weak woman", could always be safe and sound. In addition to her own level of cultivation, the key point was her status as a princess. Compared with the so-called princesses of small countries, this princess The identity of the master was officially canonized by the Daxuan court, with a gold book and gold seal, which was so valuable that even the military attachés of the men in black had to sell her some face.

It seems that in the past many years, she relied on her status as a princess to be good at dancing and made friends with many powerful figures in the Nanting Protectorate. With the support of the Nanting Protectorate, she was able to move forward and retreat freely in the palace of Dayu Kingdom.

Just as the two were talking, the cavalry of the men in black also arrived. Looking around, they saw black horses and black clothes, so dark in the night that it was impossible to see how many people there were. It gave people the feeling of dark clouds looming over the city.

The leader was a tall military general, wearing heavy black armor that covered his whole body and was tightly wrapped. He even wore a face shield, but only two points of divine light were exposed in the eye sockets, which was full of oppression.

Then he saw the general sitting upright on his horse without moving, and the black heavy armor on his body began to "melt" on its own, becoming as thick as mercury, gradually leaving his body, and finally turning into a black "armor pill" in his palm. ".

This is a characteristic of armor-type treasures, which saves the time of putting on armor. Even if you are in a hurry to face an enemy, you can quickly put on the armor. Normally, it turns into a ball the size of a longan, which is called "

Jiawan", easy to carry.

Chen Jianchou heard from his adoptive mother that this kind of thing seemed to be called "Xuanshui Military Equipment", and only high-ranking military officers among the men in black were qualified to use it.


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