Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 78: Surface

Qi Xuansu agreed with Shangguanya to send the elixir to Qiniang through the "Five Ghost Transport Technique", and then contacted Qiniang personally, asked Qiniang to serve snacks, and hinted that the Taiping money had been given to Shangguanya.

Qiniang naturally agreed wholeheartedly, not only for Qi Xuansu's sake, but also for Taiping Qian's sake, and promised to give Qi Xuansu an answer within three days at the latest.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to wait for three days, and at the same time asked Shangguan Ya to stabilize the situation of the king as much as possible, at least not to die.

Shangguan Ya had expected this and had been prepared before coming. After giving the Lord of Dayu a pill produced by the Eight Tribes, the Lord was still stiff in bed, but the blood and energy in his body had begun to flow slowly. .

Shangguan Ya judged that it was basically impossible to restore the Lord of Dayu to his original state, but it was not difficult to barely maintain his life.

Qi Xuansu no longer cares about this, he just wants people to live. Not to mention other things, the king of the country cannot absolve himself of the blame for the palace of Dayu becoming what it is now.

Qi Xuansu had a hunch that as he continued to investigate further, the black hand behind the scenes, whether it was Chen Shuhua or Wang Jiaohe, was speeding up.

Maybe he was right in his guess. Chen Shuhua suddenly came to the palace in person because Chen Shuhua noticed something and had to speed up the progress instead of exploring his background. The so-called probing might be just a cover-up, or it might be a cover-up for him. misleading.

So Chen Shuhua didn't hesitate to give out a pill, was it to stabilize him? In other words, hold him back.

Fake elixirs could not deceive him, nor could they stabilize him. Chen Shuhua took a huge risk and gave him a real elixir, asking him to turn his attention to the elixir and slowly follow the clues in the elixir. Chen Shuhua took this opportunity to continue to accelerate his pace, and one can imagine the magnitude of his plans.

Now Qi Xuansu's only advantage is that Chen Shuhua and others do not know the existence of the Eight Tribes and may misjudge.

Chen Shuhua believes that if Qi Xuansu wants to find out the ingredients of the elixir, he cannot do it by himself. He must use the methods of Huashengtang, and it must be the Yujing main hall. It will take a long time to find out the ingredients. Ingredients of the elixir. Shangguan Ya clearly admitted that he could not analyze the ingredients of the elixir without the help of instruments. From this point of view, Chen Shuhua's judgment was not wrong.

But Qi Xuansu had eight tribesmen by his side, and Qi Niang was by his side. Qi Niang would not be inferior to Xu Dacheng, and was closer than Yu Jing, so this time was greatly shortened. If Chen Shuhua predicted that the time would be seven days, and Qi Xuansu only needed three days to find out the ingredients of the elixir, then the extra four days would be Qi Xuansu's advantage.

Qi Xuansu felt even more urgent when he thought of this. So he summoned Chen Jianqiu again.

He only gave Chen Jianqiu one task. Whether he used his identity as a princess or the special channels of the Ziguang Society, he was to find Sikong Guang who was hiding in the house within three days. He wanted to see him alive and his body alive.

On the other side, Chen Jianchou brought good news to Qi Xuansu.

He discovered a key clue by consulting the confidential files of the Qingluan Guard Governor's Mansion.

Just a few years ago, the king of the country personally issued a secret order to Qingluan Guard, asking Qingluan Guard to send people to secretly dig the tomb outside the city. The location of this large tomb is exactly where Chen Jianchou discovered the Blood-clothed Bodhisattva.

Chen Jianqiu continued to investigate along this clue, and found that the king had issued several orders one after another. First, he asked Qingluan Guards to secretly escort a large number of craftsmen to the tomb, and second, he searched for the corresponding Feng Shui around the tomb. The third is to execute the insiders of the matter and destroy all files.

It's just that the person who carried out the execution kept the files for self-protection. No one would have thought that in a few years, someone would forcibly take over the Qingluan Governor's Mansion, and these files would finally be revealed to the world.

Because Shenglong Mansion itself is located at the node of the Southern Dragon, the so-called Feng Shui treasures actually correspond to some small branches of dragon energy. Chen Jianchou discovered that these geomantic treasures could just correspond to the tombs of seven eunuchs.

After Qi Xuansu listened to Chen Jianchou's report, he fell into a long silence.

In fact, at this point, many things are already clear, and the previous doubts can be solved.

The first is Qi Xuansu's biggest question, why was the palace of Dayu Kingdom so infiltrated that it was riddled with holes? Naturally, it's because there is a mole.

This mole is not the Queen Mother Yang E, nor is it Princess Furui Chen Jianqiu.

But the leader of Dayu himself.

The Lord of Dayu wanted to kill seven powerful eunuchs silently, which was easier and more trouble-free than anyone else. He could not control the dragon's energy, but he could decide where the dragon's energy belonged.

These eunuchs were loyal to the King of Dayu, so when the King of Dayu decided to kill them, they basically had no power to fight back.

Obviously, the Lord of Dayu loved his daughter Chen Jianqiu very much, but he had been wary of Chen Jianqiu. On the surface, he pretended to believe in Buddhism and deceived the Taoist government and Chen Jianqiu. In fact, the Bodhisattva he believed in was not that Bodhisattva, but the Blood-Clothed Bodhisattva. The Buddha he believed in was not that Buddha, but the Buddha in White Clothes. It is the human incarnation of Wu Luo and Siming Zhenjun.

In order to resist Taoism, the ancient immortals once cooperated with Buddhism, so it is not surprising that they also have the corresponding identity and image of Buddhism.

All in all, the Lord of Dayu single-handedly planned the birth of two ancient immortals into the world with the help of Nanlong.

The fact that Queen Mother Yang E became like this is inseparable from the Lord of Dayu.

Chen Jianqiu said that Yang E's beliefs were very mixed, which meant that she was very ungrateful, and converting to another belief was commonplace. With a little guidance, Yang E can start to believe in the ancient immortal.

Yang E's role is also very simple, just a shield. If the matter is exposed and it is found that all the dead eunuchs have been to Changning Palace, and the Queen Mother is a believer in the ancient immortals, it will be easy to conclude that Yang E is the mastermind behind the scenes. In this way, no one will doubt the Lord of Dayu.

However, Chen Jianqiu still noticed the clues. She did not expect that the leader of the Dayu Kingdom planned all this. She thought it was Chen Shuhua who did it secretly, so she contacted herself and got herself involved. She sent Chen Jianqiu through Xu Jiaorong to investigate, disrupting the investigation. Their arrangement eventually led to the two ancient immortals facing off against Landa Zhenren in advance.


Qi Xuansu overturned his guess.

Chen Jianqiu's move was also expected by the Lord of Dayu.

In other words, this did not disrupt their arrangements. Master Lan Da's confrontation with the two ancient immortals may not be in their plan, but after what happened, it was in their interests, and they were happy to go along with it. Because Landa Zhenren and the two ancient immortals fought hard, both sides would suffer losses, and they were unable to control the situation in Borneo in a short period of time. During this time, they could free their hands and feet to do what they wanted to do.

What really exceeded their expectations was probably that they quickly stabilized the situation in the Borneo Taoist House. The Borneo Taoist House did not become a dominant family as they expected, but became two factions trying to contain each other. situation. So they tried to kill themselves through the puppet Yang E, but still failed.

As a result, new questions inevitably arise.

Since the leader of Dayu was the mastermind, why did he become a living dead?

The Lord of Dayu cut off the wings that were loyal to him, treated his biological mother as an abandoned child, and even did not let him go. What was the meaning of this?

What role did Chen Shuhua play in it? Is it the mantis stalking the cicada with the oriole behind? Or is it a conspiracy, with the Queen Mother Yang E blocking the way for the ruler of Dayu, and Chen Shuhua using the ruler of Dayu as a shield?

Unfortunately, with the various evidences currently available to Qi Xuansu, it is impossible to implicate the matter to Chen Shuhua. Now it seems that Chen Shuhua has only one suspect, and that is suspected of murdering the leader of Dayu. But this incident happened to conflict with the fact that the leader of the Dayu Kingdom was the mastermind behind the scenes. On the contrary, it indirectly cleared Chen Shuhua away, unless he insists that Chen Shuhua killed someone and silenced him.

Is it necessary to use that special elixir just to kill people and silence them? Even if the Taoist sect carries out large-scale cultivation, Wenyu's juice is not an ordinary thing, it is very precious and cannot be obtained by just anyone.

With these alone, Qi Xuansu could not give Chen Shuhua a fatal blow, so he could only wait.

The next day, news came from Chen Jianqiu. Although she did not catch Sikong Guang, she had found out his identity through Ziguang Society's special channels. His true identity is a follower of the Zhiming Sect. After the sudden death of seven eunuchs, he entered the palace as an eunuch and served as a messenger for the Lord of Dayu. He was mainly responsible for supervising the Qingluan Guards and promoting the divine descent.

This was not Chen Jianqiu's intention to conceal it in the past. In order to get this news, three people from Ziguang Society died. They were all secret agents arranged by Ziguang Society in Zhiming Cult.

This is not surprising. Although the Zhiming Sect is a cult, cults also have human desires. Men are indispensable for women. Many believers of Lingshan Witch Cult believe in Wulu in order to satisfy their desires through sorcery. This gives Ziguang Society an opportunity.

This is where Ziguang Society’s intelligence advantage comes from. Therefore, Ziguang Society is a very special secret society. It is far from harmful to say that it is extremely harmful, because Ziguang Society never makes too much noise, does not make blood sacrifices, and does not harvest living souls, but Ziguang Society However, the penetration of Ziguang Society is extremely terrifying, and even the upper echelons of the Taoist sect will be tricked. This is one of the reasons why Ziguang Society is included in the three major secret societies.

From this point of view, Chen Jianqiu's status in Ziguang Club is not low, and he can even be regarded as one of the future senior leaders who are being specially trained. Qi Xuansu was curious about how Chen Jianqiu joined the Ziguang Society, but now was not the time to care about this.

Qi Xuansu had a hunch that a head-on confrontation between him and Chen Shuhua would not be too far away.

Now, he still has to wait for Qiniang's reply to know what the pill does.

During this period, Qi Xuansu once again sent additional spiritual officers to the palace to closely guard the Lord of Dayu who was lying in bed, almost treating him as a prisoner.

At the same time, Qi Xuansu also held a secret discussion with Xu Jiaorong, Jiayin Lingguan, Ding Chou Lingguan and others, and sent people to closely monitor every move of Chen Shuhua and others to prevent unexpected events.

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