This fundraising dinner was very interesting, but it had little to do with Qi Xuansu, because he had neither money nor status, and was even a stranger. He was very lucky to be able to come to this floating island. In Eastern terms, the main purpose of his visit this time was to see the world. All he had to do was watch silently and then applaud along with the crowd.

The so-called various transactions or conspiracies also took place privately in separate and secret rooms and had nothing to do with Qi Xuansu.

If he wanted to find out the news, Qi Xuansu had to rely on Strawney in addition to taking risks.

However, Strawney is only a newly-minted young congressman, not an established senior congressman like Leopold. His personal connections and background power are completely different. Whether they can enter this inner circle and obtain useful information is also unknown.

In the middle of the banquet, after the so-called fundraising came to an end, it entered a relatively free and relaxed state, which is the so-called social session. Visiting guests came in groups of twos and threes, forming distinct small circles. Some stayed in the splendid hall, but were scattered everywhere. Some went to balconies, terraces, gardens, and some went to separate rooms or lounge.

Qi Xuansu and Strawney belonged to the group who stayed in the hall. They and Swanson formed a small circle. Although the banquet tonight was quite high-standard, neither the patriarch nor the cardinal showed up. Only A cardinal priest attended the dinner, but it seemed that the Holy See was not very interested. Swanson did not have a close relationship with the cardinal and was not deeply involved.

Qi Xuansu looked around and saw tuxedos and evening gowns everywhere. His thoughts wandered, why do men in the East and the West always have a relationship with birds? One is a crane, the other is a swallow, and women from the East and the West invariably expose their shoulders and chests - this is what the palace costumes handed down from the Daqi era are like, but conservatives don't like it, and Taoist women are even more incompatible with this. This kind of clothing is insulating. In Taoism, both men and women wear formal clothes with crane cloaks.

What is worth mentioning is that men's tuxedos are all the same, but women's evening gowns are completely different. They are two extremes.

At this moment, a beautiful lady walked up to the three of them. This lady was wearing a dark purple evening dress. She was so charming. Her face was sad and charming, but she was beautiful. Her blond hair was tied up, and she had a beautiful face. A pair of bright blue eyes, like the sea, and a bright and passionate mouth, but there is a special passion in her voice that makes all men who have loved her unforgettable. Her brilliance is like the bright moon in the dark night. , surrounded by stars, will steal all eyes no matter where he goes - what a cliche description, but this is the intuitive feeling of most men present.




Strout's performance was very exaggerated. He took the initiative to come forward and kissed the back of the married woman's hand. His lips did not really touch the back of the hand. However, the requirements in this regard were not so strict. After all, Westerners are too open-minded. The trend is here.

Qi Xuansu disagreed. He dislikes and even detests Western etiquette. He often hugs, kisses, and kisses each other, without physical contact. He is not subtle or reserved at all, and he hates having too much contact with irrelevant people. Physical contact.

In fact, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are both conservatives in their attitudes towards Westerners. There is only a difference in degree. Zhang Yuelu feels that Qi Xuansu is not conservative enough.

Fortunately, this beautiful lady didn't seem to take Qi Xuansu seriously and had no intention of saying hello. This made Qi Xuansu breathe a sigh of relief.

After Strawney spoke a few words with the lady, he came back to Qi Xuansu and said, "This is Miss Karen Jones. She invited me to Mr. Strauss's lounge."

Herr Strauss is Leopold.

Qi Xuansu was moved in his heart, but said nothing, just watched Strawney leave with Karen.

In fact, Qi Xuansu could do some tricks on Strauss, but considering that he was only in the creation stage, not the pseudo-immortal stage of incarnation, Leopold was probably not weaker than Qi Xuansu, and he had the home field advantage, so his existence was discovered. The risk was high, so Qi Xuansu did nothing after hesitating for a while.

This is the Holy York of the Westerners, not the Nanyang Borneo where Qi Xuansu can cover the sky with one hand, nor the Central Plains under the rule of Daxuan's court, nor even Fenglinzhou where you and I are among you. If you are in an enemy situation, it's better to be careful.

Qi Xuansu could probably guess what would happen.

It should have something to do with the Baron. After all, the "Baron" did not go to see Leopold, but instead detained Leopold's people, which would inevitably lead to some wrong predictions by Leopold.

However, Qi Xuansu was more concerned about Strawney's attitude.

A spy who holds a high position within the enemy can easily develop into a double agent. Therefore, we must pay close attention to its various dynamics and strictly prevent it from defecting to the enemy.

Just now, Strawney acted very exaggeratedly, as if he only knew Karen Jones but was not familiar with her. But Qi Xuansu knew it was not that simple. After all, he was the chief of Beichen Hall.

The deputy hall master, the most powerful person next to Qingwei Zhenren, has the files of overseas non-staff personnel, especially important chess pieces like Strawney, and has all-round detailed information, including eight generations of ancestors. Checked it out.

Strawney didn't know this. Strauni did not know that Qi Xuansu was his top boss in the New World. He only thought of him as a high-ranking Beichen Hall executive, so he did not expect this. If Qi Xuansu is just an assistant, or another deputy hall leader, then he really does not know the relevant information about Straunii, but it is a pity that Qi Xuansu is not.

Because of this secret file, Qi Xuansu knew that Strawney had had a past with Karen.

This is a slightly clichéd story. As a descendant of a well-off family, Strawney once had a different scene than today, which was due to the shadow of his family. During this period, Strawney and Karen fell in love, but the good times did not last long. Strawney's father suddenly passed away. Under the calculation of some thoughtful people, the family property became insolvent and was seized by the bank. Strawney Laoni fell from a wealthy family to a poor family overnight. He had to leave the Old World and go to the New World to make a living.

It seemed like an accident, but it was actually inevitable. Karen broke up with him and was betrothed to another playboy by her parents. Strawney was in agony and thought he had lost everything. It was at this time that he was considered a suitable candidate by Beichen Hall. When Beichen Hall came to visit him, Strawney agreed and agreed to work for Beichen Hall.

With the secret help of Beichen Hall, Strawney regained his father's connections. These connections could not help him in the past because he had nothing left, did not have enough material support, and did not meet the rules of equivalent exchange, so he naturally could not use them. When Beichen Tang helps him solve the problem of material resources, then these personal connections can come into play again.

Strawney was already a member of the upper class, and it was easy to return to that circle without having to be beaten to death like a nouveau riche or forced to submit a declaration of surrender. This was why Beichen Hall was optimistic about him.

This is just like Zhang Yuelu. No matter how embarrassed and troubled she was in the past, when people mentioned her, they would always say that she is the noble daughter of the Zhang family. She was naturally a member of the Yujing circle. Everyone recognized her. At most, they said she was lonely and unsocial. As for Wang Danqing, a rising star from a family background, no matter how wealthy he is, he cannot squeeze into the circle of Yujing. He is just a local "country bumpkin".

As for Qi Xuansu, of course he is not a son of aristocratic family, but he essentially borrowed the light of Qiniang and Zhang Yuelu.

Even though Qiniang is a charlatan, she


Obviously, he is very familiar with Pei Xuanzhi, Li Wugou, Su Yuanyi, Zhang Jucheng, Qi Jiaozheng and others. He had crossed paths with them back then, so he was indeed an insider.

Qi Xuansu relied on Qiniang to bring him a specious identity of the Yao family, and half of the identity of the son-in-law of the Zhang family. In addition, others did not know his details, and even some people behind the scenes were adding fuel to the fire. Sneaked in by accident. By the time others find out his true identity, he is already a powerful figure and has established various interest relationships, so it is impossible to kick him out again.

As a result, Strawney made a comeback and became a respected parliamentarian. It was at this time that Karen came to the New World with her husband Tom.

The so-called upper class circle is not large, and Strawney soon met Karen.

Of course, the old lovers rekindled their old flames and hooked up again.

The reason why Tom came to the New World was because he had made a big mistake in the Old World. He essentially came to seek refuge. As a local MP, Strawney was naturally something Tom could not offend. Karen has stunning beauty, and as a qualified socialite, she quickly established relatively close personal relationships with the dignitaries of St. York. In this case, Tom can only carry forward the aristocratic manner and acquiesce in the interaction between Strawney and Karen.

Social butterfly.

As a matchmaker, Karen helped connect Strawney, a young congressman, with Leopold, a senior congressman?

Maybe the two still share a "cavity brother" relationship with the same woman.

Qi Xuansu thought so, no wonder Strawney's reaction was a little wary when he mentioned Leopold.

Could there be something hidden in this?

Qi Haoran's incident still sounded the alarm for Qi Xuansu. Since seeing him for forty-one years, his life has been a little too smooth. Although it can't be said to be carried away, he has somewhat lost his vigilance. In fact, the vast majority of people are untrustworthy. This untrustworthiness may not come from their original intention. There are also objective factors, or they are involuntary, etc. No matter what the reason is, this is a fact.

This is true for our own people, let alone these Westerners. Non-my family, its heart must be different. As a conservative, Qi Xuansu would not really trust a Westerner.

The same gold crown, one

One was given by Beichen Hall, and the other was given by the Holy Court Adjudication Department. In front of you, which one is noble? Which one is dirty?

Strawney can betray or repent, the key is to control him.


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