Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 100: When it’s over, go away

"It's so powerful." Sean sighed. "Leopold, Bill, and Charles joined forces and were suppressed by the mysterious visitor. He is a god."

A big golden sword can be seen in a square inch.

Even in this level of battle, the Baron's mansion was still largely intact. The main damage came from Bill, the rude werewolf, and not others.

"Congressman, you are ready," a member of the elite team reported.

There is a reason why Sean is not present. He is directing the steam team to assemble a steam cannon, about the size of an ordinary carriage, and aim it at the baron's mansion.

Strawney was also here, worried, "The three congressmen are still inside. Since the mysterious enemy is more powerful than the three congressmen, there will be a problem. This cannon can hurt the enemy, but the three congressmen can't." He was spared, but if he couldn’t hurt the three congressmen, he couldn’t hurt this enemy either.”

"No, no, no." Sean raised his right hand and swung his index finger from side to side, "Dear Joshua, it's not that simple. This Gustav security gun Type 3 produced by Krupp is the most impressive. What I am proud of is its accuracy.”

Strawney was stunned for a moment. He couldn't connect the words "security" and "attack" together. It feels like thick flakes, big chunks.

An elite law enforcement officer asked again, "Congressman, do you want to fire?"

"Follow my instructions." Sean picked up his cane - his cane was very interesting. It was not made of wood, but made of full metal, and its appearance and structure were very similar to the magic wands of mages.

Sean touched a switch, and the top of the cane rotated and bloomed like a flower, and a red gem slowly rose.

Sean raised his cane high and shot a thin red light from the ruby, passing through various obstacles such as walls, and locked directly on Qi Xuansu's body.

Almost at the same time, the Steam Elite Team opened fire.

As Sean said, this Gustav security cannon Type 3 focuses on precision.

It was not a cannonball in the traditional sense, but a beam of light that flashed away.

The cannon spewed out all kinds of white hot steam everywhere, like smoke and fog, overwhelming.

The well-prepared steam elite team had already avoided sight to prevent blindness.

Following the guidance of the cane in Sean's hand, this beam of light penetrated all obstacles. Instead of smashing them, it broke down all obstacles into fine dust, and finally landed on Qi Xuansu's body accurately.

Qi Xuansu's "Magic Sword" has actually been predicted, but it's just a matter of time.

The speed was so fast that Qi Xuansu had no time to dodge.

If it was Qi Xuansu who was standing here, then this shot could indeed severely damage Qi Xuansu. However, Qi Xuansu's incarnation is essentially still "Seven Birds and Five Fire Fans". Is a fairy that can be easily destroyed still a fairy?

The three senior councilors who were in the room at this time were all staring at the penetrating wound on Qi Xuansu's body.

The wound did not bleed. Although you could see through the wound that the inside was red, it had nothing to do with flesh and blood. Instead, it was almost condensed into liquid flames. Naturally, there were no internal organs, but the small five qi Chaoyuan simulated by flames. pattern. The same is true for the body, mind, and meridians. They are all false simulations, running on their own, endlessly revolving, and jointly building this incarnation.

In fact, if Qi Xuansu alone could not achieve this level of Bing Jiejing at first glance, the key was Wu Niang's full cooperation to achieve such perfection.

Although this blow hit Qi Xuansu's heart, Qi Xuansu's body at this time was not his real body after all, so there was no real vital point. There was no difference between hitting his head and hitting his feet, and the wound healed instantly. , there is not even a scene derived from the flesh and blood of the martial artist, it is as if the process has been omitted and it has directly become a complete state.

This kind of scene is naturally more shocking than the flesh and blood derivative of a warrior, and is even very similar to the immortal golden body of a god.

Of course, Qi Xuansu was not completely depleted, and his divine power was still depleted a lot.

Due to various constraints, gods often cannot come to the world. If there is no suitable container, they can only cast a projection. They have divine power, that is, momentum and pressure, but their impact on reality is very weak, and it is difficult to exert their full strength. The suspicion of bluffing, that is, having only three points of my strength but nine points of my momentum, is very bluffing.

As a heritage that combines the strengths of each family, Sanren have something in common. The incarnation of Bingjie is somewhat like a deity coming to the world through a divine weapon, and the external object he relies on is the container. The difference is that the deity himself stays in the kingdom of God, while Sanren His true self is still in the world. Moreover, the incarnation of Bingjie cannot be as bluffing as the incarnation of gods.

Bill mistakenly admitted, "The incarnation of the ancient god? Kukulkan, the sun god?"

Leopold was well-informed after all. "It's not Kukulkan, it's more like the methods of the Orientals."

"Xidaomen." Charles was surprised, "They are indeed from the Southern Continent."

These have long been mixed in the Western Ocean of the New World

People may have no idea about the far east across the ocean, and they may not know much about the powerful Eastern Dao Sect, but they will definitely be deeply impressed by the Western Dao Sect that has been entangled with them for hundreds of years.

The Western Holy Court has five major dioceses, and the Eastern Daomen also has five major branches, east, south, west, north, and middle. Among them, the North Daomen became the Daxuan Imperial Court. The East, South, and Central Daomen jointly rebuilt the Daomen. Only the West Daomen went overseas and took root. . Steam Gospel hates this branch of Taoism deeply. If it weren't for them, those natives wouldn't be able to become a tribe, let alone build the current Tawanting.

These damned infidels, who have always haunted us, now dare to lay their hands on St. York.

On the other side, Sean fell into silence.

Shangguan Ya of the Eight Tribes only has one prosthetic eye, while Sean's two eyes are both prosthetic eyes, and the two eyes are different colors, one is flashing with red light, and the other is flashing with blue light. So he usually wears glasses to cover the abnormality of his prosthetic eyes.

At this time, Sean's two prosthetic eyes were flashing violently, and through various obstacles, he had a panoramic view of the scene in the house. "It turns out that the real body has not come, so killing him does not seem to make much sense. And if you want to kill him, The price of killing him would be too high."

Would you like to consider the art of deal and compromise?

However, Qi Xuansu did not want to compromise. He had raised his left hand and the flames quickly gathered.

When Daomen besieged Izanozun on the East China Sea, Izanozun once used a method similar to self-destruction, centered on himself, and eventually turned into an earth-shattering explosion.

Qi Xuansu followed suit this time. The flames quickly spread all over Qi Xuansu's body, wrapping him up. If you look closely, it seems that a flaming palm is holding Qi Xuansu, looming.

Then Qi Xuansu suddenly made a fist with his left hand.

The flaming palm holding Qi Xuansu tightened his fist.

Countless fire gases filled the surroundings, accumulating continuously, and were so rich that they almost turned into liquid, like fire oil. As a little flame came out, it exploded directly. With Qi Xuansu as the center, a dazzling ball of light quickly grew from small to large, from a white bright spot to a huge fireball in an instant. The temperature of the fireball had exceeded the limit, as if it were a sun. The baron's mansion disappeared in an instant, and even more. The steel structure used to reinforce the dungeon's dome began to melt.

The next moment, a huge mushroom-shaped cloud rose into the sky, setting off a huge wave of flames of more than ten feet, sweeping in all directions.

The scope of the ripples

, just the terrifying temperature, not even the need for physical flames, can make everything burn. Many barons only have a human-shaped charcoal shadow left, except for flesh, blood, bones, and clothing. will be left. The skin of anyone within a hundred feet of the center will also be completely carbonized, making it almost impossible to survive.

The dazzling light completely illuminated the underground city in a very short period of time, bringing a very brief light to the dark underground, and then suddenly disappeared, leaving only the remaining fire emitting red light.

The next day, the St. York Times reported that a fire broke out in the Lower City in the early morning, which subsequently triggered a violent explosion of a steam engine, causing the fire to spread further. The accident killed about 29 people and left 18 missing, including 20 The specific economic losses of the three law enforcement officers are still being calculated. As of the date of publication, the city government has initially brought the fire under control and treated the injured. Relevant city government officials said they were investigating the specific causes of the accident one by one and encouraged citizens to observe silence for the victims of the accident and pray for the injured.

Qi Xuansu was sitting in a high-end restaurant in Richmond District, enjoying morning tea and reading the newspaper like other gentlemen.

Steam engine explosion?

If he himself is called a steam engine.

In fact, there was no factory near the Baron's mansion, and naturally there was no steam engine. This is just the official statement of the city council. After all, people who are willing to spend money to read newspapers will not live in downtown, and people who live in downtown will not spend money to buy newspapers.

It's just that the movement last night was so loud that a certain amount of earthquake could be clearly felt even in the above-ground city, so they had to give an explanation.

As for the identity of the deceased, city council officials have chosen to remain vague. In fact, the explosion last night did not cause the death of innocent people. The dead were all the baron's subordinates and law enforcement officers of the city council, as well as a few unlucky people who were detained in the basement by Qi Xuansu.

The baron's mansion was directly razed to the ground, and all of his subordinates, whether they were turned into puppets by Leopold or not, were all destroyed. The surrounding law enforcement officers, including a steam elite team and a Gustav steam cannon, were all wiped out.

The four senior congressmen escaped. Sean was the farthest from the center of the explosion and successfully rescued Strawney. The two were unharmed, while Leopold took away the baron who was not sure whether he was alive or dead.

Gangsters and law enforcement officers went to hell together.

Qi Xuansu naturally used this as a cover to leave calmly and erased all traces.


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