Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 109 Four Questions

In a sense, Zhang Yuelu is not suitable to be a "tool person" because she has too many ideas of her own. She likes to do her own thing, and she is determined and determined.

Qi Xuansu is on the contrary. His background determines that his ideas are not actually many, but are more instilled in him by others. He is very suitable to be a "tool man", that is, to ask a problem and let him solve it. He often gets the job done well, from the Marble Mountains to Borneo. Moreover, his half-black and half-white way of acting determines that he can be soft when necessary. Let's not discuss whether this approach is right or not, he is definitely more likable than Zhang Yuelu.

Because of this, both Master Donghua and Master Qingwei like to use Qi Xuansu and constantly entrust them with important tasks.

The most common situation encountered by tool people is that they work hard and have their credit taken away by others. But for various reasons, Qi Xuansu avoided this situation and got the credit he deserved every time. This made Qi Xuansu no longer a simple tool man, but gradually accumulated enough capital.

It is worth mentioning that tools have no thoughts, and there is no concept of betrayal or loyalty. The key is how to control them. The ax can chop down trees, but if one accidentally swings it on his head and kills himself, he cannot say that the ax betrayed him, he can only say that he is useless.

Since Qi Xuansu is regarded as a tool, naturally don't expect Qi Xuansu to be loyal. Qi Xuansu can be loyal to the Taoist sect, but he does not necessarily need to be loyal to a specific person. ??

Qingwei Zhenren had suffered a lot. Qi Xuansu was very easy to use on the Fenglinzhou battlefield, but at the critical moment of the decisive battle with Huangquan Kingdom, Qi Xuansu was not used to Qingwei Zhenren and did whatever he wanted. Because Qi Xuansu is just a tool, Master Qingwei can use it, and the Heavenly Master and the Earth Master can also use it. It depends on whose hands it is, he just fulfilled the duties of a tool very well.

The earth master also regarded Qi Xuansu as a tool man, so Qi Xuansu went to Lingshan Cave.

The concept here is very clear. Although the theory of monarch and minister does not sound good, it is what it is. The king regards his ministers as his hands and feet, and his ministers regard him as his heart. The king treats his ministers like grass and grass, and his ministers regard him as a bandit.

Therefore, Master Donghua has changed his mind and accepted Qi Xuansu as his disciple. He is no longer a tool, but a successor of the mantle. Correspondingly, Qi Xuansu must be loyal.

When Qi Xuansu returned to Yujing to report on his duties, he had to give a clear answer to Master Donghua.

Moreover, this work report is not just as simple as Qi Xuansu responding to Master Donghua, but also reporting specific work conditions to Master Qingwei. Qingweizhenren and Jinque may make corresponding adjustments based on Qi Xuansu's work results during this period.



In other words, if Qi Xuansu has no achievements and his performance is ugly, he may not be able to secure his position as the chief deputy leader of Beichen Hall.

Although at the beginning, Master Qingwei somewhat "begged" Qi Xuansu, there is a basic concept here. Why did Master Qingwei "beg" Qi Xuansu? Because Qi Xuansu's past performance was so good, he could properly complete the tasks assigned to him. This is his greatest value. Qingwei Zhenren hopes to make use of this greatest value.

In other words, Master Qingwei asked Qi Xuansu to solve the problem. If Qi Xuansu cannot solve the problem, then his greatest value will no longer exist, and he can switch to the second plan to suppress Qi Xuansu from the beginning. .

All in all, before Qi Xuansu became the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall, he took the initiative, but after he became the chief deputy head of Beichen Hall, he changed from active to passive. It's a bit like getting married. Before getting married, the girl from the same family wants to marry her, so she has a lot of choice. After getting married, she has to marry and obey her husband, and there is no choice.

In fact, Qi Xuansu had no clue at the beginning. The size of the West Dao Sect was there. Even if it was not comparable to the other four Dao Sects - Daxuan Imperial Court, Zhengyi Dao, Taiping Dao and Quanzhen Dao, it would not be able to support a Tawanting. Too weak.

The three giants of Xidaomen are probably Tianshi, Zhenren Cihang, and Zhang Jucheng. Weaken the Heavenly Master and strengthen Zhang Jucheng, and that's about it.

Let Qi Xuansu mediate the differences between these three people and the three parties. Even if Qi Xuansu has a powerful Taoist sect behind him, he still finds it difficult and even impossible to start. So he didn't go directly to the Southern Continent, but came to the Northern Continent.

I have to say that Qi Xuansu’s trip to the Northern Continent really did not disappoint.

If Audrey's information is accurate and there is indeed a traitor, then it will give Qi Xuansu a pretty good entry point.

However, Audrey will definitely not tell this information easily. Her body is very special and can withstand the arrival of a Hell Apostle, and she can also deceive the Hell Apostle. After all, she directly creates a cage and invites the Hell Apostle to come. The Hell Apostle will definitely not To be fooled, you have to look like a living person on the surface. With such a special body, even if some special means are used, it is impossible to get anything out of her mouth. All the soul-searching and ecstasy techniques are useless.

Qi Xuansu had only one way to complete the deal and get this information. Then use

The traitor is the entry point to intervene in the internal affairs of Xidaomen and finally achieve balance.

The problem of how to eliminate the erosion of the Hell Apostles can be put aside for the time being. When we get to Xidaomen or Yujing, there are so many experts and there are many ways to solve it slowly. The key is to get Audrey out of St. York and out of Sophia's clutches.

Qi Xuansu has several issues to consider.

First, how much control does Speaker Sofia have over Audrey? Can it be accurately determined? Even if Audrey has escaped thousands of miles away, does she still know where Audrey is? Or should we say that this kind of positioning has certain distance restrictions. If such positioning exists, can it be interfered with or blocked?

Second point, what is the so-called "steam power core"? To be honest, when Qi Xuansu heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. After all, it easily reminded him of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". Can Sophia close the "Steam Power Core"? Can the Earth Master close the "Heart of the Immortal Stone"? ? This is a problem. Even if we ignore the issue of "Heart of Immortality Stone" for now and only consider the issue of "Steam Power Core", Qi Xuansu cannot escape with a large, immobile person on his shoulders. Whether Audrey can move freely is very important. The essential.

The third point is that even if Qi Xuansu solves the above two problems and blocks the positioning, Audrey can move freely. The disappearance of such a key figure will definitely be noticed soon, and Sophia will definitely not give up and will do her best. The search would even alarm the Holy Court. In her territory, how to avoid pursuit was also a problem. It was necessary to plan the escape route in advance. It was best to have an alternative plan.

The fourth point is about the aftermath. Qi Xuansu cannot let the identity of "Dutch van der Linde" be associated with Audrey Elle, because Dutch van der Linde is a friend of Josiah Strawney. It was no secret that they attended the banquet in Uptown together. If Dutch kidnapped Audrey, then Strawney would be in a dangerous situation of being suspected. Qi Xuansu wanted to ensure Strawny's safety and remove all traces to make sure nothing went wrong.

There are only these four points for now.

Solve the problem one by one.

Qi Xuansu first asked Audrey about positioning and "steam power core", and then discovered that this was actually a problem.

According to Audrey, Sophia can indeed locate her position, and this positioning comes from the "steam power core". If Qi Xuansu had a way to block the connection between the two, or find the control in Sophia's hands,

With the secret key of the "Steam Power Core", both problems can be solved. Sophia can neither locate Audrey's specific location nor paralyze Audrey.

"The key is how to get it?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Shielding, Daomen can definitely do it, but Qi Xuansu can't do it. The key is that on other people's territory, there is a lack of necessary conditions and a lack of time.

Now it seems that there is only one other way to choose.


Qi Xuansu said, "According to my common sense, such important things must be carried with you, for example, in a space bag. I can't steal a space bag from Sophia. That would be harder than killing her."

Audrey said, "This secret key is quite special and Sophia can't carry it with her."

Qi Xuansu asked, "What exactly is it?"

Audrey said, "Although I have never actually seen it, I have heard descriptions about it. It is very large, taking up an entire large room, and it has to be connected with various pipes and lines, so it cannot be put into the space at all." " in the bag."

Qi Xuansu asked again, "Since this secret key is so huge, how can I take it away?"

"Why take it away? Why not destroy it?" Audrey observed Qi Xuansu's expression, "Your Excellency, do you also want to control me?"

Qi Xuansu's expression was calm, "Miss Aier, you are worrying too much. After you arrive in Yujing, we will dismantle the 'steam power core' in your body and replace it with the righteousness of our Taoist sect to maintain the normal operation of your life. Then we will I will study this 'steam power core' and understand the technology involved, so I still hope to get this secret key, which will be more beneficial to our future research."

Audrey smiled slightly. "Your Excellency is thinking a little too far. I think we should solve the immediate problem first. If we can't leave St. York, then all of this is meaningless."

Qi Xuansu approved this statement, "Okay, I will think about it. I believe that with the help of Miss Al, we will solve this problem. That's it for today. This is our last meeting in St. York. I hope we The next meeting will be somewhere in the southern continent tomorrow, and I will arrange for others to contact Miss Al."

"Others?" Audrey was a little surprised, "Are they reliable?"

Qi Xuansu said, "Reliable enough, as reliable as my siblings, his name is Hosea Matthews."

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