Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 153 The North-South War (5)

Huangfuji's "fishing" strategy was actually killing two birds with one stone. Not only did he catch the big fish Du Juanzhi, he also invisibly helped "Cuckoo" win the trust of the Gospel Ministry.

After the "Ape God" developed the "Ape God", the "Cuckoo Bird" went dormant. Many of the subsequent intelligence came from the "Ape God". It was not until the "Ape God" was exposed and caught that the Gospel Ministry had to re-activate the "Cuckoo Bird".

There is a trust issue here. It is not that the Gospel Ministry suspects that the "Cuckoo Bird" betrayed the "Ape God", because the "Cuckoo Bird" has no such motive, and the "Cuckoo Bird" is not the upline of the "Ape God". The "Ape God" is Liaise directly with the Gospel Ministry.

What the Gospel Ministry was afraid of was that the "Ape God" was caught and confessed to the "Cuckoo Bird". Although the "Ape God" was indeed helpless, the Gospel Ministry didn't know, so there was still doubt here.

After the gospel ministry re-activates the "cuckoo bird", it must leave some leeway. However, the first intelligence from "Cuckoo Bird" allowed the Holy Court to successfully blow up Tawanting's armory, which proved that "Cuckoo Bird" was still worthy of trust.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The fundamental reason is that Milton has to believe in the "cuckoo bird".

Since the "ape god" was exposed, Cardinal Joseph gave Milton the order to "make up for the loopholes." After hearing this order, Joseph could only remain silent and had no clue. This is the first pressure.

Next, Robert asked Milton to figure out Tawanting's main force and true strategic intentions as soon as possible. Although the two men had the same rank and were both cardinal priests, Robert was the deputy commander-in-chief of this war, second only to Joseph. As the commander-in-chief, Milton's first task as an intelligence officer is to assist Commander Robert in winning this war, and he cannot ignore Robert's reasonable requests. This is the second pressure.

There is also the Ministry of Finance in the rear, which has repeatedly expressed the huge logistical pressure and demands that the war be ended as soon as possible and not fall into the quagmire of a protracted war. This pressure was first passed to the commander Robert, and then indirectly to Milton. This is the third level of pressure.

Finally, the headquarters of the Evangelical Ministry was bombed, and Milton bore direct and unshirkable responsibility. He must make up for his mistakes. This is the fourth level of pressure.

Under these four consecutive pressures, if Milton doesn't believe in the "cuckoo bird" who has already proven himself, who else can he believe? He didn't have time to go and verify it slowly, so he had to believe it.

To put it harshly, this is called emergency medical treatment.

Maybe the Holy See has various regulations and rules, but the rules are dead, people are alive, and the rules are downward, not upward. Milton cannot use these rules to deal with Joseph and Robert above.

Rules are not a shield.

Not to mention, the "cuckoo bird" also brought Milton a good

News, this good news can not only fulfill Joseph's request to "close the loopholes", but also satisfy Robert's request to find out Tawantin's true strategic intentions, and even allow Milton to make up for his mistakes.

How could Milton not believe it?

This is like a person who is about to die of thirst and discovers a clear spring in the desert. His first reaction is definitely not to consider whether the water is poisonous, but to take a sip.

Drink poison to quench thirst.

Many issues can only be considered with a normal mind. The key is to have a normal mind first.

Being calm in the face of big events is a valuable quality that most people don't have.

On the contrary, Qi Xuansu and Huangfu have no such pressure. They are not afraid of delay and can plan slowly. If their plan fails, they can think of another one.

In terms of mentality, Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji have the upper hand.

At this time, Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji reviewed the map and sand table over and over again until they both thought there was no problem.

Qi Xuansu straightened up and said, "Let's just leave it at that. I think Master Gong Da personally directed the attack on Del Rio, which is about this level."

Huangfu Ji smiled, notified his secretary to come in, handed the plan that he and Qi Xuansu had jointly drawn up, and ordered, "Arrange for execution immediately."

The secretary took the order and left.

Qi Xuansu gave a plan with some parts deleted to Du Juanzhi to "send to the Gospel Ministry."

The overall plan must be known only to the commander, and some of the plans are more in line with the identity of Zan Hua.

Du Juanzhi was very honest and sent it to the Gospel Ministry verbatim.

Qi Xuansu did not relax his vigilance and personally monitored Du Juanzhi and did not give Du Juanzhi a chance to play tricks.

After finishing his delivery, Du Juanzhi looked at Qi Xuansu and said respectfully, "Chief Qi, I've finished my delivery."

Qi Xuansu praised and said, "Very good, I'll do this from now on. Once you're done, we can arrange for you to go to Kunlun Taoist Temple to practice Taoism."

Du Juanzhi was not angry but happy. It was better to practice Taoism than to lose his life directly.

Ants still live in vain, let alone humans.

Gospel Ministry.

After receiving the information from the "Cuckoo Bird", Milton couldn't hide his joy. He said to Alex, "Tawantin's main force wants to start from Monterey, move northwest, and cross the tributaries of the Rio Grande. , approaching Del Rio, swinging

It is clear that we want to cut off my army's retreat. How is the situation over there? "

Alex said, "The small airship we sent out detected that some Tawantin troops have gathered near the tributaries of the Grand River, and there are also large movements of people in the direction of Monterey."

Milton smiled and said, "That's right. In the words of the Orientals, the soldiers and horses move forward before the food and grass are moved. Tawanting has already begun to prepare in advance for the next rapid march. I think we can report to Robert ”

Milton did not forget to tell his secretary, "Continue to urge the 'Cuckoo Bird', don't slack off, and continue to collect more valuable intelligence."

Soon, Du Juanzhi received a positive reply from the Gospel Ministry, and she immediately informed Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji of the news.

After Qi Xuansu and Huangfu Ji discussed it, based on the original plan, they decided to send an additional 20,000 second-line troops to march northwest, taking a posture to block the main force of the Holy Court and prevent them from returning to aid Del Rio, and continue to attract the main force of the Holy Court. attention. In this way, the garrison in Del Rio did not dare to act rashly, let alone rush to the aid of Laredo, thus reducing the pressure on Gong Dazhen's side to attack Laredo.

To be fair, Qi Xuansu and Huangfuji's strategies are not very clever. The key lies in the grasp of people's hearts.

People in the gospel ministry are not necessarily stupid. If they are in normal times, they can easily see through it. As long as they calm down, they can notice that something is wrong. The problem now is that I can't calm down at all. The situation on the battlefield changes three times a day. The pressure is full. My nerves are tense and may break at any time. I have fallen into a feverish state.

Once you enter this state, you will do all kinds of strange things.

When a person makes a decision by tossing a coin, it is not because it gives the correct choice, but because the moment he throws it into the air, he knows the choice he wants more.

This is not an isolated case.

Before Feng Linzhou decided to start a war against Daomen, there was a military chess game. At the beginning, no matter how he played, he would lose because the gap in strength between the two sides was too big and no strategy could make up for it. So Tianmen began to continuously strengthen Fenglin. Continent's value, while weakening the Daomen's value, finally completed Fenglinzhou's victory in the military chess game.

The result was that when the fight actually started, no one could increase the value of Feng Linzhou, and no one could weaken the value of Daomen. Under the huge strength gap, Tianmen was destroyed by Qingwei Zhenren's February offensive.

This kind of thing is absurd and funny, but it happened.

To put it bluntly, Fenglinzhou had already made up its mind at that time

Determination, they only believe what they want to believe.

Milton also fell into this dilemma under heavy pressure.

He could no longer look at this information calmly and objectively. It didn't matter whether he was arrogant or not. In his opinion, this was already his hope. Anyone who doubts it will cut off his hope.

When Milton happily reported this information to Robert, Robert asked, "If Tawantin is going to attack Del Rio, it means locking all our main forces in Del Rio and Monclova." Do they have such a big appetite? Even if they do, can they digest it?"

"If my main force returns to Del Rio, wouldn't Tawantin's main force attacking Del Rio be attacked from both sides? Although Tawantin will most likely arrange partial divisions to block the attack halfway to prevent our main force from returning to support, but the main force will be Isn’t it too risky to rely on the success of a partial division to stop the attack? This is like Huangfu Ji’s method of using troops, not like Gong Fu’s method of using troops.”

Compared to Del Rio, Robert was more worried about Laredo. After all, this was Tawantin's key defense direction and had sufficient troops. Robert doubted whether Tawantin was going to make a fuss in Laredo.

It must be said that Robert Abraham, the "war bishop", was indeed a famous general who had made great contributions to the Holy See. He hit the nail on the head and saw the problem directly.

But at this time, Milton had reached the edge of the cliff and had to make a desperate move. Not only did he not think there was a problem with the intelligence, but he thought Robert was deliberately making things difficult for him. The two had a big quarrel and broke up.

At the subsequent military meeting, Robert raised his concerns, but most of the generals present believed that Tawanting did not dare to attack Laredo.

Because aside from the huge logistical pressure, the Holy Court has an absolute advantage on the frontal battlefield because it does not consider the issue of winning or losing the war, but only considers the cost of the war.

If Tawantin dares to attack Laredo, Monterey will be empty. Once Monclova falls, Monterey will also fall soon after.

As a result, the three points of Del Rio, Monclova, and Monterey in turn surrounded Laredo, and the annihilation of Tawantin's army was just around the corner.

This is a risky move.

In addition, Milton has been deeply involved in the local area for many years and has a wide network of contacts, while Robert has a relatively shallow foundation.

Eventually, at the council of war, Milton's supporters prevailed.

Robert is only the deputy commander in chief, not the commander in chief. Faced with this situation, he cannot have his own way.


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