Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 161 Ragnarok

If Xidaomen really wants to make up its mind to change the situation of blood sacrifice, can it be changed?

The answer is yes, but the cost is too high. Boiled down to three words, not worth it.

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but think of the old events of killing Wan Xiuwu and throwing Yue Liuli into a dark prison. At that time, he was still very young and immature, and he was still struggling with procedural justice and factual justice.

Later, as his status became higher and higher, he gained more knowledge and different positions, which also caused a great change in his ideas.

The law itself is related to justice, but it cannot be said that the law completely represents justice.

If a law can conform to the consensus of the people, then it is righteous to a certain extent and possesses sanctity, and even the people who practice it also possess part of the sanctity. But if a law violates this consensus, then it is difficult to say. If the world does not recognize it, how can we talk about justice? Not to mention sanctity.

Law is essentially a tool to safeguard the interests of the ruling class. It can also be said that the role of the law is to define what justice is. Whose justice is the defined justice? What is in the interests of the overwhelming majority of people is justice for the overwhelming majority of people. On the contrary, it is not justice for the vast majority of people.

Qi Xuansu realized that Taoism did not care about procedural justice or factual justice. What Taoism cared about was cost, that is, maintaining order at the lowest cost.

Justice is not important, stability is the most important.

On the premise of stability, costs are kept to a minimum.

Therefore, a series of practices such as feeding the troubled children with milk, making mud with them, and making the dead bigger are derived. The essence and core are all based on cost. There are many things that are incomprehensible, unbelievable, and absurd. Things can be clearly seen from a different angle.

Do whatever you can to maintain a stable order at the lowest cost.

Xidaomen undoubtedly inherited the ideas of Daomen well. They want to maintain stability. Abolition of blood sacrifice will lead to great instability. The crazy ancient gods and priests will definitely not agree. It will lead to rebellion and internal fighting, and the cost will be as high as the West If the Taoist sect cannot bear it, then the blood sacrifice will not be abolished.

So the logic is very simple, justice must give way to stability and cost.

In other words, justice can also be divided into small and large ones. Order and stability are the greatest justice, and other small justices must be based on this great justice.

This is not unreasonable, because after the loss of order, the number of deaths is probably in the millions. Even just losing part of the order is unbearable.

Just imagine, if the ancient gods and priest class rebelled, how many people would die? If the Holy Court takes advantage of the situation, how many more people will die?

By then, most people will only

If you want to live, who cares about blood sacrifice or not, let alone this trivial justice.

Maybe it's cold, but it's the truth. When running a place or a country, one must always be careful in budgeting, spend what should be spent, and do not spend what should not be spent, and use the cost wisely.

For individuals, especially little people, there is always someone who will be the price.

For the ruling class, there will always be people who take the opportunity to mix their personal will into it and use public weapons for personal gain.

Because of this, Qi Xuansu did not get angry because of the blood sacrifice or declare war on the ancient gods.

The most realistic way to abolish blood sacrifice is to give the Ancient God an alternative. The Ancient God does not take pleasure in blood sacrifice. In essence, he still wants to live. No one wants to be riddled with karma and drink poison to quench their thirst.

The reason why these gods are so weak should be the sequelae of the last divine war. Although the divine system headed by Kukulkan survived with difficulty and was not destroyed by the apostles of the Holy Court, it also paid a considerable price. , has not yet fully recovered.

It can be said that if it were not for the appearance of Xidaomen, they would definitely have died in the subsequent attack of the Holy Court.

This reminded Qi Xuansu of the term Twilight of the Gods.

This word has appeared many times. Many ancient gods in the Western Continent, including Misil's ancient gods, have entered dusk or even died. For example, the hammer in Alex's hand belonged to a certain ancient god from the Western Continent, but this ancient god had already fallen and died under the power of the Supreme Will. His artifacts became trophies of the Holy Court and were given to believers.

In fact, the ancient witch religion can also be regarded as a divine system, which also died out.

From a certain perspective, it is inevitable that the ancient gods, ancient immortals, and ancient witches will withdraw from the stage of history, but they are just unwilling to accept it.

Qi Xuansu visited several more pyramids and found that the level of these priests was still at the level of the era before Zulong, that is, the level of witchcraft. Even if the Holy Court does not take action directly, but competes fairly and competes to preach and deceive people's hearts, these ancient gods will lose miserably.

If it weren't for Xidaomen needing to unite some high-end combat forces to resist the Steam Gospel, and if the entire New World was dominated by the Xidaomen family, then these ancient gods would have been swept into the Yinshui ditch by Xidaomen long ago. How could they be allowed to be aloof? The Central Plains people The ancient immortal is a lesson learned from the past.

Thinking about this, Qi Xuansu found a hotel with a Central Plains style in the business district. Of course, such a hotel is not cheap.

Fei is specially used to receive guests who are deeply Chinese, or simply guests from the East. After all, in Tawanting, being Centralized means being advanced, and being able to be Centralized often means a high status.

After checking in according to the fixed procedure, Qi Xuansu began to read a travel diary about the aboriginal civilization of the New World. This travel diary was written by a missionary of the Society of Goddess. This man was very famous, his name was Andres, and it was he who discovered The existence of Paititi was reported to the Holy See in the form of a written report.

Andres raised a point in his travel notes, which is the issue of land carrying capacity limit and population.

When he was young, he traveled to the East. At the end of the Wei Dynasty, he saw a scene of thousands of miles of red land and nine empty houses. He believed that every time the East faced the problem of population ceiling, it would launch a large-scale peasant uprising and eliminate the excess population by changing dynasties.

Because of land issues and farming technology issues, this cycle is usually around two to three hundred years.

This view is very common. Many Confucian and Taoist people at the same time also put forward similar views. On this basis, the leader Xu Zu proposed the solution of "making the pie bigger". to break the periodic law.

The key is that Andres deduced the periodic law of the indigenous people of the southern continent through the experience of the East.

According to Andres, the southern continent is rich in rainforests, with strong organic matter decomposition and nutrient recycling. The soil lacks nutrient accumulation and replenishment, so the land is barren and far inferior to the cultivated land in the east. Therefore, the agricultural ecology of the rainforest is more fragile. In addition, the indigenous people of the Southern Continent are still using very backward farming techniques, which means that the Southern Continent cannot persist for more than two hundred years. Often in less than a century, they are already overwhelmed.

After a hundred years, social conflicts have not yet reached the point where they are irreversible, and it is difficult to launch such a large-scale uprising. So the Southern Continent took another path, that is, offering sacrifices. Eliminate the excess population through continuous small-scale blood sacrifices.

To use an inappropriate analogy, Dongfang accumulates all the work and waits until the end to solve it all at once, but it will be exhausting to death. In the Southern Continent, today's affairs are completed today, and the daily workload is very small.

There are also elements of ancient gods in this. Ancient gods can benefit from blood sacrifices, so they naturally support and condone this behavior.

In fact, in Qi Xuansu's view, these ancient gods are unqualified. They simply regard believers as slaves, sacrifice themselves at will, do whatever they want, and try to please the gods at every turn. In the Central Plains, being so indifferent would be regarded as an evil god, but here he has become a righteous god.

In a sense, it is certainly necessary to condemn

The Holy Court's act of extermination and slavery must also be acknowledged. The backward and ignorant behavior of blood sacrifice and cannibalism is not in line with the world trend.

Although Tawanting is excellent in many aspects, such as observing astronomical phenomena, formulating calendars, sculptures, painted pottery, murals, etc., if it cannot break through in key technologies, the entire civilization will stagnate and eventually perish when encountering foreign enemies. .

Dongfang has also faced this kind of dilemma. Fortunately, Dongfang is large enough and finally completed a difficult, painful, heavy, and great transformation.

Today, Tawanting is still in the process of transformation, at a turning point between the old and the new. The whole process will inevitably be accompanied by a lot of pain, and various contradictions are very sharp, but these contradictions are now covered up by a bigger contradiction—— The Steam Gospel of the North.

The Holy Court wants to exterminate the indigenous people, and the Taoist sect wants to cure diseases, save people, and transform them. However, one thing is the same. Both sides do not recognize this civilization.

There is a simple truth here, face is not given by others, it is earned by oneself. If you are cannibalizing and making blood sacrifices, and you are still doing the same thing that others have abandoned long ago, it is no wonder that others look down on you.

Qi Xuansu closed the travel diary in his hand and fell into brief contemplation.

The future of the Southern Continent is a bit too grand a proposition and is not something Qi Xuansu should consider, at least not now.

Qi Xuansu opened another book of relevant textual research written by Xidaomen Su Lao.

This deceased Xidaomen senior put forward a point in the book. Misir and the New World are both pantheons dominated by the sun god, and both have built a large number of pyramids. Is there any connection between them?

This Xidaomen senior made a bold guess. Is it possible that these two ancient gods have a relationship similar to that of "senior brothers"? For example, Buddhism in the Middle Kingdom and Buddhism in the Western Regions originated from the same source, but due to different environments, they embarked on different development paths.

Kukulkan stole the priesthood of Misir Sun God, which is a proof.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu suddenly heard a faint calling voice, like a whisper in his ears.

Qi Xuansu was startled. He was very sure that there was no one around him, so this whisper came from a higher level of existence.

Such as gods.

This is not a coincidence. When Qi Xuansu was weak, this situation could be explained by coincidence and chance. Now Qi Xuansu is not a small person. As the plenipotentiary envoy of the Taoist sect, even if he is not an immortal, he cannot be underestimated, because behind Qi Xuansu stands a powerful Taoist sect.


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