Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 178: After seven years of illness, I need three years of moxa

Li Zhuyu is a smart man. After a short silence, he figured out a joint.

Qi Xuansu handed in a draft, but he was still signing the deposit and continuing to prepare the report. That meant one thing. Qi Xuansu also knew that there was a high probability that this draft would not be passed, and he was under too much pressure. So he reserved space in advance, which was room for compromise.

Compromise within a Taoist sect is generally not a unilateral compromise, that is called admitting defeat.

Usually there is a compromise. .??.

You give in a step, and I will give in a step too. This is a compromise.

Li Zhuyu said, "There is no talk or lack of clarity. We are talking about key issues, and discussions must have priorities. You listed half of the achievements and half of the problems. It seems that both are important, but in fact The above is that neither is important, which conflicts with the spirit of emphasizing the focus above, and also conflicts with the general direction of the entire discussion. "

After Qi Xuansu pretended to be thoughtful, he said, "Since we want to focus more on it, let's change it from 50 to 50 to 40 to 60. What do you think about 60% of the questions and 40% of the results?"

Li Zhuyu said nothing.

Qi Xuansu went on to say, "We must always consider Xidaomen's feelings. Even if it is an internal discussion, we cannot hide it from Xidaomen."

Li Zhuyu finally spoke, "Since the chief has said so, in order to take care of Xidaomen's feelings, this is the only way. But my opinion is nothing, let alone a guarantee. In the end, it still depends on the real person in charge and the national master." the meaning of."

Qi Xuansu said, "When the Master comes back, I want to have a detailed interview with the Master on this matter."

Li Zhuyu agreed without thinking, "Okay."

Although Shen Yuqing is the secretary of Zhenren Qingwei, Li Zhuyu is the adopted daughter after all and can also make the decision.

After Li Zhuyu left, Qi Xuansu returned to the study, wrote quickly, and quickly finalized the draft.

Later, Shen Yuqing informed Chen Jianchou that the real person in charge asked Chief Qi to come over.

Qi Xuansu took his new manuscript and went to the signing room of the master in charge.

Looking at the entire Beichen Hall, Qingwei Zhenren is the number one person and Qi Xuansu is the second person. Apart from Qingwei Zhenren, that is Qi Xuansu. But it is different from the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Wang Jiaohe. At that time, Qi Xuansu went down with the mission of Jinque, which was equivalent to that of an angel. Later, he took over some of the power belonging to the great master in charge, so that he could compete with Wang Jiaohe.

But in Beichen Hall, this is not the case. Master Qingwei is not only the master in charge, but also the second-ranking master of Jinque. Strictly speaking, Master Qingwei is first the second-ranking Master of Jinque, and then he concurrently serves as Master of Beichen Hall. This order cannot be wrong. In this way,

The status gap between the two has widened to the point where the chief deputy palace master cannot compete with the real person in charge.

Qi Xuansu arrived outside Master Qingwei's signing room. Shen Yuqing was already waiting here, "Master Qi is waiting for Chief Qi."

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly, opened the door and walked into the reception room.

There were only two people inside, namely Zhenren Qingwei and Li Zhuyu.

Master Qingwei sat on the main seat and pointed to the seat next to him, "Sit down."

Li Zhuyu was playing with the tea set and filled a cup of tea for Qi Xuansu.

After Qi Xuansu sat down, he handed the report draft in his hand to Master Qingwei, "Please take a look at it."

Master Qingwei didn't say anything, he just calmly took the report and read it slowly.

Qi Xuansu picked up the tea cup, but did not drink the tea, just letting the heat curl up.

Soon, Master Qingwei finished reading and did not comment immediately. Instead, he asked, "Tianyuan, what do you think of the situation in the New World?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and replied, "In the short term, as long as there are no major changes, neither Xidaomen nor Steam Gospel can do anything to the other. The confrontation between the north and the south should be maintained. Military confrontation will become a thing of the past. Development and change will Become the general direction. Xidaomen is facing a major transformation issue from a wartime system to a normal mode. It is the so-called turning around of the ship in disaster, which will test the courage and ability of the helmsman. "

Master Qingwei nodded slightly, recognized Qi Xuansu's analysis, and then said, "Development is a big problem. If you are the helmsman of Xidaomen, how will you develop?"

Qi Xuansu couldn't figure out Master Qingwei's intention for a while, so he could only follow along and said, "Taomen has reached this point and has begun to implement the transformation of various industries. It is to transfer a large number of industries with low technical content. Previously, It is to move to Nanyang. I have been in Nanyang for three years and I am quite familiar with the situation there. Now Nanyang is becoming saturated, and even some areas, such as Lion City and Thang Long Province, are also beginning to transform. Judging from the general trend of development, these industries are of course low-level, but for the poor Southern Continent, accepting the transfer of these industries is a major opportunity to promote the overall transformation. "

Qi Xuansu paused for a moment, finally took a sip of tea, and then continued, "If I were the leader of Xidaomen, I would definitely seize this opportunity. These industries are like bread. Bread with butter and honey is of course delicious, but the output is limited. Not everyone can eat white bread, of course, it's not as delicious as butter bread, but it's better than bread mixed with sawdust.

Brown bread is delicious. When you don't have white bread yourself, getting some white bread from others will also lay the foundation for you to eat butter bread in the future. "

Master Qingwei concluded, “Equality, mutual assistance, and harmonious development.”

Qi Xuansu was startled, and then said, "Yes, there is a big premise for all this, that is, the Daomen is willing to cooperate with the Xidaomen. If the Daomen blocks the Xidaomen, then the result will be difficult to say. Sometimes, the person at the helm cannot help himself. , It’s not that you don’t want to develop, the key is to look at other people’s attitudes.”

Master Qingwei asked, "Then why does Daomen help Xidaomen?"

Qi Xuansu said, "We have the same origin and are dependent on each other for survival. To put it bluntly, brothers help each other. When the elder brother is prosperous, shouldn't he help the brother?"

Master Qingwei laughed, "Since we are brothers from the same ancestry, why do we have to eat from separate pots? Why don't we just become a family and eat from the same pot?"

Qi Xuansu understood what Master Qingwei meant, "Of course, but there are many problems here, which may be difficult to solve. We and Xidaomen are a family, Tawanting and the Central Plains are not a family, at least half of the countries in Nanyang They are immigrants from the Central Plains, and becoming a vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty did not happen overnight. The foundation is laid here. Of course, you can eat in one pot. But Tawanting has almost nothing in common. It is just a pot of raw rice. If you eat it forcefully, it will probably bloat. abdomen."

Qingwei Zhenren said, "Everything depends on human effort. If you don't try, you will never succeed."

Qi Xuansu said, "I'm afraid I'm taking too big a step..."

Master Qingwei interrupted him, "You are not afraid of doing something wrong, you are afraid of not doing something. If you don't take steps, you will never get in trouble, but if you don't take steps, how can we talk about development? Development, development, is just touching the stones. Cross the river."

Qi Xuansu glanced at the manuscript that was placed on the coffee table by Master Qingwei and was silent for a moment. "How about I go back and think about it?"

Master Qingwei nodded and said, "There's no harm in thinking about it more."

Qi Xuansu picked up the manuscript and stood up to leave.

Shen Yuqing sent him off in person.

However, Qi Xuansu expressed his dissatisfaction by saying nothing and having almost no interaction with the secretary.

Qi Xuansu returned to his signing room, crumpled the manuscript into a ball and threw it on the ground.

Chen Jianchou, who was following Qi Xuansu, picked up the manuscript and whispered, "Chief..."

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath and calmed down, "It seems that I will be disappointed with the high expectations I have for Brother Huangfu."

Chen Jianqiu said, "Master Huangfu will understand Chief

Difficulties. "

Qi Xuansu did not speak, but took out a piece of rice paper cut into a banner from the cupboard, spread it out on the desk, and flattened it with a paperweight.

Chen Jianchou quickly helped add water to grind the ink.

Qi Xuansu picked up his pen and fell into deep thought.

More than one person has taught him to learn to control his anger. Controlling his anger means controlling his emotions. If you want to soothe your emotions, you can practice calligraphy.

Qi Xuansu has also learned a few strokes in his spare time in the past two years. People who can use swords and swords are not far behind in writing. They dare not compete with others, but they can still be on the stage.

Today's Qi Xuansu is no longer the same Qi Xuansu who made a joke in front of Yao Pei.

Soon, Chen Jianchou finished grinding the ink, and Qi Xuansu dipped his pen in the ink, but he was still unable to start writing. As a result, the ink formed a dot on the paper.

When Chen Jianchou saw this, he wanted to help Qi Xuansu change a piece of rice paper.

Qi Xuansu raised his hand to stop him and said, "No need."

After that, he wrote with this ink dot from right to left: "Seven years of illness, please pray for three years of moxa."

If you don't count the dip in ink in the middle, then these words can be regarded as one stroke. Qi Xuansu casually threw the pen into the brush wash and examined the words.

Chen Jianchou was by his side, his eyes also fell on this calligraphy, and he said, "Chief's calligraphy has 'qi' in it, and the tip of the pen is like a knife."

The job of secretary is not that easy. Not only do you have to support him, you also have to guess your boss's thoughts.

At this moment, Chen Jianchou had an accurate idea of ​​Qi Xuansu's thoughts - the discussion between the chief and the real person in charge was not satisfactory.

Qi Xuansu took the school test: "Then tell me, why am I angry?"

Chen Jianchou replied, "Today's desire to be king is like being sick for seven years and asking for three years of moxa. If you are not an animal, you will never live in it. Yasheng believes that Emperor Xin lost the world because he lost the support of the people. Now those who People who want to dominate the world are like those who have been suffering from a disease for seven years. They must use mugwort that has been stored for more than three years to be cured. If they don't pay attention to saving mugwort, they will never get it in their lifetime. Benevolent government will worry and humiliate you throughout your life, and you will not be able to do it until your death.

Rule the world. "

Qi Xuansu agreed, "Very good. If four or six is ​​not enough, then three or seven. Put my seal on it."

Chen Jianqiu took out Qi Xuansu's private seal, stamped it heavily in the cinnabar ink pad box, then raised it to his mouth and took a deep breath, then stamped it squarely on the upper right edge of the banner.

Qi Xuansu ordered, "There is no need to avoid others, just send it directly to Master Huangfu, he will understand."


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