Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 94 Couple

Ixichel did not fully know what Chakchel did. He could only vaguely guess, but he was not surprised.

She has a deep understanding of what it means to be in conflict between husband and wife, and what it means to have different dreams in the same bed.

Like most couples in the world, the relationship between Itsumna and Ischiel has long since disappeared, leaving only a formality. However, for the sake of dignity, they still have to maintain a harmonious appearance in front of others.

Privately, there was a lot of overt and covert fighting between the couple.

As the main god, Itsumna was not satisfied with the relationship between husband and wife and made some efforts to save it. However, the way of saving the gods is of course different from that of mortals. It cannot be solved by coaxing, and Itsumna will not bow to Ixichel.

People in high positions always have a habit of thinking. If they can do it, they will do it. If they can't, they will be replaced. They will never compromise. Itsumner probably had the same mentality, so his solution was to replace him.

Itsumna is known as the god of heaven, not only the sun god, but also the lord of day and night, so part of his authority overlaps with that of Ixichel in the past. It is not surprising that Kukulkan is also associated with the god of death. There is some overlap in the realm of death.

So Itsumna cleverly used the overlap of priesthood and the flaws of Ixichel to secretly influence Ixichel, causing Chakchel to be born in Ixichel's body. From this, you have two faces, namely the Moon Girl and the Old Woman with Tiger Claws.

Chakchere is the goddess of the stars and moon, and has a deeper connection with the night, so she is naturally inclined towards Itsumna.

Many secrets are known only to Chakchel, but Ixichel has no idea.

Itsumner naturally hopes that Chakchel will slowly replace Ixchel and transform this wife who is often at odds with him into a goddess who fully meets his own wishes. This is also a preview of Itsumna's resurrection in Kukulkan's body.

What was originally a matter of two people turned into three people, and the situation became complicated. Ixichel did not sit still and waited for death. She split herself in two with the help of the Holy Court, which was equivalent to cutting out Chakchel. Although she lost the "Chakchel Lock Wheel" and a lot of divine power, her The realm of cultivation is shaky, but there is no internal friction. This is where Ixichel is more decisive and clever than Kukulkan.

In any case, Ixichel still got most of the authority over the moon, and Chakchel got the authority over the night left by Itesumna, so Kukulkan later was only the sun god, not the day and night god. Lord of the Night.

Poverty leads to change. Although Ixichel didn't know what Chakchel was going to do, Ixichel still had a sense of urgency, so Ixichel changed her strategic direction. She was the first to respond to Xidaomen's Central Plains Transformation, actively move closer to Xidaomen and Daomen, and be good at dancing.


The Taoist sect has been influenced by the Taoist sect. Without affecting the overall situation, it is necessary to unite, or at least flaunt the unity. In fact, for Tawanting, there are three empires integrated together. There are great internal differences and many contradictions. It is necessary to emphasize unity. This requires thousands of gold to buy horse bones and establish trees as trust.

In Xidaomen's view, Ixichel, who is actively approaching, is naturally an extremely suitable candidate and can definitely set a benchmark.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and for the sake of balance, Xidaomen also intended to use Ixichel to check Kukulkan, so he was very biased in favor of Ixichel in terms of divine power, which allowed Ixichel's strength to be quickly restored. .

Ixichel is also well versed in the power of a fox pretending to be a tiger. She leaned against the Xidaomen, dressed up like a Taoist fairy, and began to be Chinese in every move she made. In addition, the Xidaomen favored her in terms of divine power, which all made people think that Yi Xichel has a deep relationship with Xidaomen, and even thinks that Ixichel is already a member of Xidaomen. This made other ancient gods very afraid of Ixichel, and even moved closer to Ixichel in order to gain support.

Later, Ixichel met Qi Xuansu. Qi Xuansu said that she was willing to follow the story of True Monarch Taiyin, which was considered sincere, because she had always done this. She did not contact Daomen just now. She had tried many times a long time ago. Direct contact with Daomen. Otherwise, where did Dao Sect's other information channels about the Southern Continent come from. This kind of internal secret related to the Ancient God must only be known by the Ancient God himself.

Therefore, Ixichel was able to raise a faction against Kukulkan and leave Kukulkan helpless, not by divine power, but by machinations.

When there is no overwhelming strength advantage, it is inevitable to fall into this situation.

One-on-one, Ixichel was certainly no match for Kukulkan, but Kukulkan had to take into account the other ancient gods and Xidaomen forces behind Ixichel. In the end, Kukulkan, who had a higher level of cultivation, failed.

As for Qi Xuansu, for Ixichel, he is of course a variable. He is young but holds a high position of authority. Even if he thinks about it, he knows that this young man has a great background. How can a young man with less than a hundred years left in his life be able to influence the Southern Continent? Just because he has a master who might become a great leader, and just because he has the support of half a Taoist sect behind him.

It is not difficult to kill Qi Xuansu, but it is difficult to bear the consequences.

It's definitely not possible to use force. It's the worst of the worst.

We also need to take into account the rebellious psychology of young people. Whatever you want, I am not so good. A desire to prove

Show your unique psychology.

So Ixichel's strategy was not to confront, but to get closer. With the dignity of a god, he condescended to express goodwill to a young man who was not even a fake fairy. It was almost to please. If it didn't work the first time, he would do it again or twice. It's always possible, she can always stabilize Qi Xuansu, and even let Qi Xuansu become her helper.

This is not easy. How many people are unable to let go of their airs once they take on the airs, especially those who have been in high positions for a long time. Before his death, Kukulkan was still shouting that he was the God King, and he had no intention of surrendering.

This is Ixichel's biggest advantage, he can afford to take it up and put it down, and he is good at dancing.

If you are not as strong as others, you should use more wisdom.

If it were anyone else, even if he could let go of his arrogance at the beginning, he would be furious when Qi Xuansu takes over Unuratu. I am a god and I have given you face enough, but you still do this, so shameless . At this point, it’s time to fall out.

But Ixichel still did not fall out, and still chose to compromise, expressing his understanding of Qi Xuansu. At this time, Qi Xuansu could only believe Ixichel.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Ixichel has anticipated it and made certain preparations in advance, so he is not too panicked.

She even had the leisure to talk to Chakcheer instead of rushing to the pyramid. "There is a saying in the Central Plains, which is called standing after breaking. You must break first before you can stand up. I guess Itsumner has touched on this truth. He If you want to take that step, you have to stand up once and for all, and sacrifice yourself once to become a calamity immortal according to the Taoist definition. "

Chakchel looked at Ixichel, "Ixichel, I have to admit, you have always been very smart."

Ixichel said, "It seems that I guessed it right. Itsumna predicted his own death and wanted to use this death to push himself to a higher existence. You are loyal and do your best for him." , if it had been anyone else, I would have just gone with the flow and simply let Itsumna die completely, and then he would get all of Itsumna's inheritance and completely replace Itsumna. "

Chuck Chell said "So It Sumner didn't trust anyone else but me."

Ixichel sarcastically said, "After all, you were born because of Itsumna, so of course he believes in you."

Chakchel was unmoved and continued, "Itsumna has long had a power comparable to Kukulkan, but it was only controlled by the karma fire. Now, by sacrificing Kukulkan, it has eliminated the diffuse divine kingdom. The fire of karma will no longer hinder you. When Itsumna returns to his divine kingdom, it will be your death."

Ixichel said, “That’s not necessarily the case.

. "

But when he said this, the God of Rain and the God of Death behind Ixichel obviously didn’t think so. If what Chakchel said was true, and Itsumna would return as a calamity immortal, then these old ministers like them It is time to think carefully about whether to continue to be loyal to the old king and restore the old order of the palace, or to be loyal to the new king and move towards a possible better future.

If it is just Ischiel, then there is nothing to say, thinking with the heel is also to choose Itesumna. The key is that Ixichel not only represents herself, but also Xidaomen behind her.

If this had not been taken into consideration, the God of War and the Goddess of the South would have appeared long ago.

Chakcheir also understood this and deliberately asked, "You don't seem to be in a hurry?"

Ixichel said calmly, "I have nothing to worry about. There is an old saying in the Central Plains, if the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up. The person who least wants to see Itsumna resurrected may not be me."

Chakchel's expression changed slightly.

Although Ixichel's extreme neutralization made Chakchel very uncomfortable, it also reminded Chakchel.

Ixichel continued, "Neither the Xidaomen nor the Daomen are willing to see the birth of a calamity immortal, especially a calamity immortal who is ambitious and unwilling to be inferior to others. That will break the existing balance of power and even make the West The Taoist sect has lost its absolute leadership over the Southern Continent, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Taoist sect radicals.”

Ixichel obtained power through Xidaomen and Daomen, so he naturally understood Xidaomen and Daomen. If a One-Calamity Immortal were to integrate the Holy Court and have so many ancient gods under his command, although they would still be unable to compete with Daomen or the Holy Court on the human level, Able to become a separate pole.

For Xidaomen, it means that Xidaomen cannot dominate the situation in the Southern Continent. It has changed from a leader to a collaborator, that is, from one word to two emperors co-ruling. Xidaomen will not agree.

For Taoism, especially for the radicals within Taoism, this is even more intolerable. The Taoist radicals are pursuing one or two Taoist temples to transform the Southern Continent into a Taoist sect. If the Southern Continent is now in the state of a vassal town, then after the resurrection of Itesumna, it will not even be a vassal town, but will change from a vassal town to a vassal town. Becoming a vassal state would not only make no further progress, but would actually lead to a step back.

Ixichel said, "When Itsumna was preparing for his funeral, his biggest enemy was the Holy Court. I'm afraid he didn't expect the influence of Xidaomen and Daomen today, right?"

Chakchel said coldly, "The resurrection ceremony has been started. The West Daomen cannot stop it. The Daomen is thousands of miles away, let alone coming."

Ixichel smiled and said, "We'll see."

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