Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 183 Violence and Gifts

Qi Xuansu asked people to take good care of Zhang Wuyue and must do their best to treat Zhang Wuyue. Wutu was somewhat involved in the soul realm and promised to do his part.

Huen Ahan is a martial artist, so he can't help much. This is the limitation of martial arts.

Qi Xuansu thought over and over again and contacted Zhang Yuelu to inform her of the matter.

"Qingxiao, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Qi Xuansu pretended to be relaxed.

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Good news."

Qi Xuansu said: "I have found Tianzhong, and all those from Taiping Dao have also been arrested."

Zhang Yuelu's eyes lit up and he asked again: "What about the bad news?"

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment, "Something went wrong in Tianzhong. Those Taiping Dao people used tricks on Tianzhong. Tianzhong is a good person and didn't say anything. I admit that I underestimated him in the past, but..."

"Just what?" The smile on Zhang Yuelu's face had disappeared, and his heart sank little by little.

Qi Xuansu took a deep breath, "It's just that Tianzhong is still unconscious. Wutu said that his soul was injured, and even if he wakes up, it may affect his mind."

Zhang Yuelu was silent.

Qi Xuansu was also silent.

Neither of them knew what to say.

After a long time, Qi Xuansu broke the silence: "It's my fault, I was careless."

"It's not your fault." Zhang Yuelu's voice was low but firm, "It was my neglect of discipline that led to today's bitter consequences. You were just helping me clean up the mess, how can I blame you? If If I can discipline him well and prevent him from having those evil thoughts, then he should be in Wuzhou now instead of going to Lion City.

You don’t have to take him to the Southern Continent either. "

Qi Xuansu wanted to say something else, but Zhang Yuelu interrupted him: "Maybe this means that good and evil are rewarded. Tianzhong did something wrong in the Lion City and was not punished enough. He deserves this disaster."

"Don't think like that." Qi Xuansu couldn't stop talking, "If it is true that good and evil are rewarded, then where is the retribution for Li Tianzhen and others? This matter will not just be forgotten, whether it is Li Tianzhen, Li Minghuang, or... Li Changge, no matter who is behind this incident, I will make him pay the price."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu: "What are you going to do?"

Qi Xuansu said: "No matter who is instigating this matter, there is only one purpose, and that is to make you stink so that Li Minghuang can compete for the position of chief deputy leader of Tiangang Hall. Then I will make it impossible for Li Minghuang to do it. On their side After killing Xie Jiaofeng in Nanyang and arresting people in the Southern Continent, I will give them a two-pronged approach. Don't think that they can do anything if Feng Xiantang is in their hands. Ziweitang is still there. For us, before appointing specific positions, we need to go through an inspection by Ziweitang. I would like to see how Li Minghuang passes this inspection. "

In addition to Lu Yujue, Qi Xuansu also has another card, and that is Gu Ying.

Because Gu Ying was arrested in Jiangnan Province, she was detained on the spot in Jiangnan Province. That's the territory of Zhang Jucheng and Lei Xiaohuan.

Zhang Jucheng did not leave people to the Li family. It can be seen from Shi Jiaosan's incident that Zhang Jucheng likes to stay behind, or play idle chess. It may or may not be useful, just in case. It’s useful. Yao Shu won’t do it this time


Qi Xuansu did promise to Master Qingwei not to mention this matter again, and he did intend to keep his promise.

But the Li family broke the rules first, so it's no wonder Qi Xuansu.

You made Zhang Wuyue like this, what kind of promise did you make to me? Even if I confront Mr. Qingwei face to face, I won’t be afraid!

Qi Xuansu wants to uncover all these bad things and let everyone in the Taoist sect take a look. Li Minghuang still wants to be the chief deputy master of Tiangang Hall? Have your spring and autumn dreams.

Qi Xuansu wanted to make Li Minghuang unable to even become the chief deputy palace master.

Even in the world of martial arts, it is taboo to date women who are friends and elders, not to mention those who follow moral principles in everything.

Qi Xuansu said: "You don't have to worry about how to do it specifically. You just need to concentrate on handling Xie Jiaofeng's affairs and leave other matters to me."

Zhang Yuelu didn't say anything more. She also understood the truth that seeking peace through struggle would lead to peaceful existence. There is no such thing as peace of mind in this kind of thing, and she must fight back.

Qi Xuansu thought of another thing: "By the way, you should pay attention to the 'Tianting'. If necessary, you can contact Qiniang. She knows Liu Gui's contact information. There are also Shangguanya and Yuheng Star Master, who should be used When people want to use it, that’s what you’re not good at, you’re too independent.”

Zhang Yuelu did not refute: "I understand, don't worry."

Liu Gui is a member of "Heavenly Court", and "Heavenly Court" is supported by Taiping Road. Why should Liu Gui get closer to Qi Xuansu? The reason is very simple. We should not only consider the issue from the perspective of "Heavenly Court", but also consider the issue from Liu Gui's own perspective.

To put it bluntly, Liu Gui doesn’t want to be the second child for ten thousand years. If you look at the attitude of the Li family, then why can’t Liu Gui

He couldn't compare to Wu Guangbi. This Dao leader was able to put down his arrogance and did the same thing as Hu En Ahan. He acted like a cow and a horse with the dignity of a pseudo-immortal. The difference is that Hu En'ahan pleases Qi Xuansu, and Wu Guangbi pleases Li Changge.

How can Liu Gui compare? He can only ask outside.

It’s not that Patriarch Jin Gong didn’t know, he just pretended not to know and had an ambiguous attitude.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. What if Qi Xuansu wins? If "Heavenly Court" wants to survive, it will be natural for Liu Gui to take over. In addition, if "Tian Ting" ties itself to the Li family's warship too early, it will lose its bargaining power and the ability to sway. Only when there are bidders can its own price go up.

Qi Xuansu ended the call with Zhang Yuelu and turned around to go to the underworld.

Qi Xuansu was thinking about a question, should he keep these people to attack Taiping Road? Or venting anger?

Don't say "we are all fellow Taoists".

Didn’t they remember that they were all fellow Taoists when they beat Zhang Wuyue to death? Now that they have been arrested, they are all fellow Taoists?

There is no such truth.

From a rational point of view, Qi Xuansu should keep them.

But I have always been rational, very tired and frustrated.

Qi Xuansu thought about it again and again, and finally took out a peace coin, threw it high, and then caught it.

Flip side up.

Qi Xuansu no longer hesitated.

There are people from Xidaomen in the hell, even Huangfuji is here.

Qi Xuansu was a little surprised: "Brother Li Ming, why didn't you go to Wuniang's celebration?"

"It's not that I didn't go, it's that I've come back." Huangfuji put his hands behind his back, "I already know what happened in Tianzhong, and I'm sorry."

Qi Xuansu waved his hand: "It's none of your business, no one thought of it."

Huangfu said: "Speaking of it,

My impression of Tianzhong is quite good. He is a very smart young man. Even if he makes mistakes, he knows how to correct them. Of course, after this incident, I have a better impression of him. He is a tough-minded and iron man. We men like to make friends with such people. "

Qi Xuansu was silent for a moment and asked, "Where are those people?"

Huangfu Ji asked back: "How do you plan to deal with it?"

Qi Xuansu didn't speak, just clenched his fists.

Huangfu smiled extremely: "I support you."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Isn't it going to cause trouble for you?"

Huangfu Ji said: "There won't be any trouble. If a crime is committed on Xidaomen's territory, of course it must be dealt with according to Xidaomen's rules, and Daomen cannot interfere. What's more, these people are from Steam Gospel and are senior members of the Gospel Department. . According to the laws of Xidaomen, spies and spies are not treated as prisoners of war and are deprived of all rights and can be executed immediately without trial. "

Qi Xuansu said softly: "Do you mind if I am the executioner?"

Huangfu Ji said: "Of course I don't mind. Don't worry, these are all my people. They are absolutely reliable. They won't let out the slightest bit of wind. They will just treat it as a few dead bugs."

Qi Xuansu stopped talking and walked deeper into the hell.

The spirit officer responsible for guarding the door immediately opened the door, not letting Qi Xuansu's steps stop for even a moment.

One portal after another was opened, and there were fewer and fewer spiritual officials. Qi Xuansu just moved on by himself, and in the end Qi Xuansu was the only one left.

Qi Xuansu also met the people who kidnapped Zhang Wuyue.

These people were all shackled and uneasy.

Qi Xuansu once said that he had always had a violent spirit in his heart, and it was quite large. He usually only

He just tried his best to suppress it, but he didn't plan to suppress it today.

Qi Xuansu took out the "soul seducing whip" and asked, "Whose thing is this?"

One person raised his head subconsciously.

Qi Xuansu didn't say any nonsense, he just raised the "soul-sucking whip" and hit him.

One after another.

Qi Xuansu's face was expressionless, like a machine man, repeating this action repeatedly.

The man screamed at first, but soon he couldn't even scream anymore, his body just twitched. In the end, he no longer even twitched, and there was no movement at all.

Several other people were so excited to see this that even the leader of the Heavenly Man could not help but twitch his face.

Qi Xuansu beat the man to death and then looked at the others.

One of them shouted: "Chief Qi, spare your life, I didn't do anything..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and Qi Xuansu directly stuffed the "soul whip" in his hand into the man's mouth and passed through his head.

"Since I haven't done anything, I'll give you a treat." Qi Xuansu's tone did not fluctuate at all.

With a plop, a man knelt down to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu didn't feel any soft-hearted. He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the man's head, asking, "What's the next thing the immortal said when he caressed me?"

Before the man could say anything, Qi Xuansu used his palms to press the man's head directly into his chest.

Anyone could see that Qi Xuansu had no intention of interrogating him at all, he was asking for his life.

Soon, only the leader was left.

Until now, this person's face still looked like a zombie, without much emotion or anger.

No matter how he looked at it, Qi Xuansu found it distasteful: "How good are you at practicing? Do you have a zombie face? Let me see!"

Then Qi Xuansu ripped off his face directly.


The man covered his bloody face with both hands and roared like a wild beast.

Qi Xuansu threw away the shame in his hands, grabbed the man's back of the neck, and lit up the flames.

In the flames, the man began to shrink continuously, dark red scorch marks appeared on the surface of the skin, and finally turned into a scorched corpse, with some dark red light remaining, flickering on and off.

There was a blackened skull in Qi Xuansu's hand.

He wanted to give this thing to Li Changge as a gift for the handover between the two.

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