Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 18 Support

After Qi Xuansu met with the Earth Master, he had both gains and losses. At least he wanted to open up one thing. Now that he had made it clear, he was not afraid to put the conflict on the table.

Since the Earth Master has been paying attention to him and knows everything, it doesn't matter to him anymore. He no longer needs to be as sneaky as before, for fear that the Earth Master will know, so he can just make preparations in an open and honest manner.

However, Qi Xuansu still knew the importance. With the existence of Taiping Dao and Daxuan Court, internal strife could not be allowed now, so he did not fully clarify it. He only mentioned the Yao family and not the Earth Master.

Qi Jiaozheng was not very surprised. Zhou Mengyao pretended to be Qi Haoran, Qi Xuansu replaced Yao Pei, and Pei Shenfu later had a conflict with Qi Xuansu. He had expected this day.

Qi Jiaozheng did not feel that Qi Xuansu was overestimating his own abilities, but felt that Qi Xuansu had the upper hand. In his opinion, the earth master's ascension is approaching. After the earth master ascends, although the Yao family is one of the three major aristocratic families, they may not be able to get benefits from Qi Xuansu.

When Qi Xuansu was still the young headmaster, he might not be able to do anything to the Yao family. At most, he would come and go, or create obstacles for the Yao family at critical moments. But once Qi Xuansu becomes the headmaster, the good days of the Yao family will come to an end - what's wrong with the Yao family being one of the three great aristocratic families? When the Fifth Generation Grand Master was in power, the three great families of Zhang, Li, and Yao couldn't do much together. It was better to wait until the Fifth Generation Grand Master ascended before they dared to counterattack.

Qi Jiao is an old man who has been in the Taoist sect for a long time. Qi Xuansu has already guessed it after mentioning it: "You are talking about Palace Master Yao. When the Grand Master was still the master of Ziweitang, Palace Master Yao was always his Deputy, the two have been working together for many years, and they are not only used to it, but also have a tacit understanding. Now that the headmaster has taken over the Zixiao Palace, it is reasonable to want to use his old partner. After all, using it smoothly is the top priority of the Zixiao Palace. It is to serve the Grand Master. In addition to loyalty, the key is tacit understanding and knowing one's heart. "

Qi Xuansu said: "The Taoist sect is not a court. Those who are lucky enough to enter are always criticized by others. They still have to talk about their qualifications and merit."

Qi Xuansu specially added "emphasis on merit", because he and Xiao Yin both relied on merit to get to the position, and the merit was too great, so they couldn't be promoted. But if we just talk about qualifications, Qi Xuansu should be a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest now, and Xiao Yin should be a ninth-grade Taoist priest or a Taoist boy.

"As for Palace Master Yao, I have worked with him and have some say." Qi Xuansu said, "When I was the chief deputy palace master in Borneo Taoist Palace, Palace Master Yao was only the chief deputy master of Ziwei Hall. It wasn't until Master Jiang Da went to Borneo to capture the rebellious King Jiaohe that Lord Yao became the head of the Borneo Taoist Palace.

"Although Palace Master Yao is the chief of Ziwei Hall, the head of the nine halls. He has a high position and cannot be considered together with the other chiefs. He can directly become the real person in charge of the Borneo Taoist House from the chief deputy hall master. This is somewhat true. It's unreasonable. Strictly speaking, Palace Master Yao skipped the level of real master in charge and ordinary master in charge, and directly became the real master in charge of the Dao Palace, second only to the real master in charge.

"Although I am young, I have also been the chief of Shangsantang. I came step by step from the master in charge of the palace. It is true that the Western Region Dao Palace is the Dao Dao Palace, but I started from the acting president, and the situation at that time was special. , received the order in the face of danger, cleaned up the mess, completed Jinque's instructions, and was recognized by Jinque before he was able to become a regular employee.

"I have to say that the position of Palace Master Yao was a bit too easy, and he did not make much achievements after becoming the real person in charge of the Palace. When Qingxiao was the chief of the Borneo Taoist Palace, he had some inaction. Suspicion. To put it bluntly, why should Palace Master Yao be the master of the Zixiao Palace? If he is really allowed to take the position, isn’t that unconvincing?

"On the contrary, it is Master Wanmiao. When I was a seventh-grade Taoist priest, Master Wanmiao was already in charge of a Taoist government such as Shuzhou Daofu, ranking high in Quanzhen Taoism. I remember very clearly, the first time I went to Yunjin Shan, just in time to catch up with Master Wanmiao leading the Masters of Quanzhen Taoism to visit Dazhen Mansion and meet with the Celestial Master.

"In terms of qualifications, it is not too much for Master Wanmiao to be the master in charge of the palace. When Master asked for opinions, I made it clear that Master Wanmiao should be allowed to take over the position of master in charge of Zixiao Palace. If not, then I recommend Master Wanmiao to take over the position of Master of Ziweitang.”

After Qi Jiaozheng listened to Qi Xuansu's words, he was silent for a long time and then said: "Tianyuan, how do you want me to thank you?"

This is the power of the little master. Although Qi Xuansu cannot participate in the Jinque meeting, he is close to the big master and the highest power. He can say key words at critical times and influence the big master. So the little master The power that the church can wield is greater than that of some masters of the church and Heping Zhangda.

Another point is that a young headmaster may not be able to succeed, but it is not difficult to fail. Therefore, others did not dare to offend Qi Xuansu and called him little headmaster when they met.

Personnel is politics. If Qi Xuansu can influence personnel, he has the ability to control the situation.

Because the main task of the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace is to serve the Grand Master, the appointment of the Grand Master of Zixiao Palace completely depends on the Grand Master. It can even be said that in this matter, the influence of the Earth Master is Not as big as Qi Xuansu.

Don't look at Qi Xuansu and Master Donghua as masters and disciples, because Qi Xuansu never disappoints Master Donghua, so the two masters and disciples can be regarded as mutual achievements.

Maybe the emperor would be suspicious of the prince, but the Dao sect's election mechanism determined that there would be no such contradiction between the big head and the little head. Relying on the inheritance of power by blood, the prince can ascend the throne on the premise of the emperor. The Taoist sect does not pay attention to blood relations, and the little head master who kills the big head master is just making wedding clothes for others.

Therefore, the big leader and the little leader are a community of interests. The reason is very simple. What the big leader wants is not a smooth implementation, but a reputation after his death. If he wants his political legacy to be passed on and not to be liquidated, he must cultivate a reliable person. successor.

The five generations of great masters are an example. The successors failed to stand up, and not only were their policies denied, but their achievements were erased, and they themselves almost became sinners of the Taoist sect.

Because of this, Master Donghua must pay attention to his successor. Even if Qi Xuansu cannot be the Eighth Master, he must become one of the three masters, have enough influence, and be in charge of the Taoism, so that people are afraid and dare not deny Donghua at will. Mr. Hua, this is how you can protect your life.

To put it bluntly, Master Donghua needs someone to speak for him after he ascends.

Then it makes sense that Master Donghua attaches great importance to Qi Xuansu's opinion. It would be the same if Qi Xuansu was the great leader. This has little to do with Qi Xuansu himself, and more to do with the Grand Master's own interests.

Qi Xuansu was not polite and naturally wanted to take this opportunity to exert his influence and unite more people around him.

At first, Qi Xuansu only united the principal level like Lu Yuting, and later it became the uniting level of deputy palace masters and assistant managers like Ji Jiaozhen, and then the chief deputy level such as Xu Jiaorong. Now Qi Xuansu wants to unite the chief minister. At level one, you can establish your own faction in Jinque.

After much consideration, he decided to invest in Qi Jiaozheng and support Qi Jiaozheng to rise to power.

Su Yuanzai was a man who did not dare to be entrusted to others easily. To put it bluntly, he is not a kind person.

Not to mention Yao Shu, Qi Xuansu and Yao Shu had long been at odds with each other, but they didn't break up. Not to mention that Yao Shu's surname was Yao, and he was from the Earth Master.

Only Qi Jiao was correct.

Of course, Qi Jiaozheng understood what Qi Xuansu meant, and also understood the deeper meaning. The attitude of the big headmaster and the little headmaster towards the Yao family was relatively unified. They both wanted to get rid of the influence of the Yao family. The little headmaster was more radical, and even opposed the Yao family. The family is vaguely opposed.

It has to be said that the Yao family has some problems. Master Donghua is Yao Pei's uncle, and Qi Xuansu is Yao Pei's cousin. As a result, both of them have opinions about the Yao family.

As for being the headmaster of Ziweitang, just listen. This position is a transitional position and will be handed over to Qi Xuansu sooner or later, so it must be done by a transitional figure, whether it is Yao Yi or Qingwei. , because these two people will not stay long and will be promoted to Earth Master and National Master in the future.

Qi Jiaozheng didn't want to retire to the mountains and forests early, so he naturally didn't want to be a transitional master of Ziweitang. The position of master of Zixiao Palace was the best choice.

Qi Xuansu smiled and said: "Master Wanmiao, there is no need to thank me, I just said something fair."

Xiao Yin, who was playing cards, couldn't help but curled his lips with disdain.


Unlike her, she only tells the truth.

However, for the sake of Lao Qi helping her win the title of "Wanmiao Zhenren", she will not break up the trouble this time and keep the truth in her heart.

Qi Jiaozheng asked: "What do I need to do?"

Qi Xuansu said: "In fact, it's not complicated. The key is cultivation. Master Wanmiao is now..."

"Pseudo-immortal cultivation." Qi Jiaozheng didn't hide it.

Qi Xuansu nodded: "If Master Wanmiao can become an immortal before Master Jiang Da ascends, and both Master Jiang and I support Master Wanmiao, then it should be absolutely foolproof. Although the wife of the Grand Master supports Master Xiaoxiang, Master Xiaoxiang is the right person after all. The Grand Master is from the Quanzhen Dao, so it is reasonable for someone to not be a member of the True Dao. As for Palace Master Yao, I am firmly opposed to it, and the Grand Master also has some concerns."

Qi Jiaozheng pondered for a moment: "I know. Although the threshold for immortality is high, I have stayed in the pseudo-immortal realm for many years and have some foundation. If I use some methods from the Waidan Sect, I can probably be 50% sure. To be honest, I I wanted to let nature take its course and be content as long as I became an immortal before I turned 100 and would not die, but now it seems that I can’t delay it.”

Qi Xuansu asked directly: "What does Master Wanmiao need? Maybe I can help."

Qi Jiaozheng waved his hand: "Thank you Tianyuan for your kindness, but over the years, our Qi family has still accumulated some wealth, which is enough. My original plan was to rely on my own ability to become an immortal before I was a hundred years old, and to These family assets are left to future generations in case of emergencies, but Jianyuan died unfortunately, so there is nothing to leave to future generations. "

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