Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 58 Shuitang Workshop

Zhang Yuelu did not inform Bai Yingqiong directly. Instead, he told Mu Jin the news and told Mu Jin to wait until Bai Yingqiong took the initiative to ask about it before telling Bai Yingqiong. If Bai Yingqiong doesn't ask, then there's no need to say anything.

Mu Jin couldn't help but ask: "What about the investigation? Just forget it?"

Zhang Yuelu replied: "Brothers live in the wall and resist their insults. If I can only choose one of the two, I would rather let those Taoist scum go for the time being and save Jinling first."

Mu Jin fell silent and said nothing more.

In terms of priorities, if Zhang Yuelu's guess is correct, then naturally the Jinling Mansion is more serious and the investigation is less serious.

After Zhang Yuelu finished explaining, he slightly raised his chin to Qi Xuansu, who was waiting beside him: "Let's go."

Before Qi Xuansu could reply, Zhang Yuelu jumped up and flew into the air.

Qi Xuansu injected true energy into "Taiyi Cloud Clothes" and felt a rising force coming from his waist. Then, cloud energy appeared around "Taiyi Cloud Clothes", making his whole body feel light suddenly, and then he was covered like goose feathers. This rising force lifted it up and flew up.

To be fair, if the shawl is fixed on the chest strap of the half arm, then draped over the shoulders, and twisted between the arms, the lift formed can lift the whole body evenly. At this time, Qi Xuansu wrapped it around his waist, and his center of gravity was somewhat unbalanced and swayed. It can be seen that the design of the silk shawl has its own reason.

Fortunately, Qi Xuansu was not far away from the gods. He had no experience of riding the wind, but he had the experience of staying in the air for a short time. He quickly controlled his body shape and began to fly forward according to his thoughts.

It was already dark at this time, and even if there was no curfew in Jinling Mansion, not many people were still doing outdoor activities. The two of them took advantage of the night to fly over half of Jinling Mansion, and then landed not far from a busy long street.

This long street is the famous Shili Qinhuai.

There is no way. Shili Qinhuai was built along both sides of the Qinhuai River. It has been passed down for hundreds of years. The water purification workshop cannot be far away from the Qinhuai River, so the two are close together.

Legend has it that the Qinhuai River was dug by Zulong. It has two sources. The eastern source is located in Ronghua Mountain and the southern source is located in Shuilu Mountain. The two waterways merge into the main stream at Jiangning Prefecture and flow to Jinling Prefecture. At Tongjimen, the Qinhuai River divides into two, one branch is the "Inner Qinhuai River", which enters the city from the East Shuiguan, flows through the south of the old city, and exits the city from the West Shuiguan. The total length is about ten miles, which is the "Ten Miles of Qinhuai"; One branch flows around the city wall outside the city, playing the role of a moat. It merges with the inner Qinhuai River near Shuixi Gate, and finally merges into the main river at the Sancha River.

The two sides of the "Ten Miles of Qinhuai" are the most prosperous area of ​​Jinling Prefecture, where all kinds of businesses gather and shops flourish. The two sides of the river are separated by water. The north bank is the Jiangnan Gongyuan, and the south bank is where famous musicians from the Jiaofang gather.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were at the south bank at this time. Even though it was late at night, it was still very lively. Not only were the lights brightly lit, but also people were coming and going.

The two of them walked side by side, and after crossing this long street, they arrived at Shuitang Workshop.

Colored lanterns were hung high all around, music and instruments were noisy, and figures were moving.

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu were walking among them, looking out of place with their surroundings.

Qi Xuansu restrained the cloud energy generated by "Taiyi Yunyi" and the murderous aura on his body, and appeared very low-key. Zhang Yuelu was still dressed as a Taoist priest, but during the previous fierce fight, the crown on his head had been broken, so the green hair on his head was casually hanging down, even covering part of his face, and it was not very conspicuous.

The two deliberately walked in the dimly lit shadows, using the night to cover their bodies.

Zhang Yuelu was distracted for a moment. His thoughts briefly broke away from the investigation and secret societies, and his eyes turned to Qi Xuansu beside him.

The uncertain light fell on Qi Xuansu's body, illuminating his face in flickering light and dark, just like he was never bright, but it couldn't be said to be dark, but a mixture of black and white.

If it weren't for her, Qi Xuansu probably wouldn't take the initiative to participate in these things. Many people felt that Qi Xuansu was greedy for vanity and wanted to get something from her when he was with her. But if you think about it carefully, did Qi Xuansu really get something? I'm afraid not necessarily, but he almost lost his life.

If he wasn't by her side, he would be alone at this time. He would not return to the dungeon after escaping, nor would he come to the water hall instead of repairing the Zhenwu Temple at this time.

In a sense, Qi Xuansu has been pursuing "equalizing the family" rather than "pacifying the world."

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but hum the song "Double Tune Qiao Pai'er" softly. Although Zhang Yuelu was not proficient in music, compared to someone's ridiculous tune, at least he was in tune.

Although the voice was low, it lingered around the two of them and still reached Qi Xuansu's ears.

Zhang Yuelu discovered that Qi Xuansu was still looking forward, but his lips were moving slightly, as if he was silently keeping time.

Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but smile lightly, and continued humming without saying anything, feeling inexplicably more relaxed.

The two of them walked through this bustling long street and came to a deserted place.

Zhang Yuelu raised his hand and pointed: "That's Shuitang Workshop."

Qi Xuansu then looked around and saw a temple-like building standing quietly in the dark shadows, with high walls and black tiles and a closed door. Four big red lanterns hang under the eaves of the main entrance, with the four characters "天", "下", "太" and "平" written on them from right to left. However, the light from the lanterns only reaches a few feet in front of the door. There are still other places. Darkness. From a distance, it looked like a black beast with its bloody mouth open.

"Why is it a temple?" Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuelu replied: "There are 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, and many towers are in the mist. It is not unusual for Jinling Prefecture to have temples, but there are not many Taoist temples. However, at that time, the Buddhist and Taoist families were at odds with each other, and the Taoist sect seized many temples, some of which were seized. The temple was converted into a Taoist temple, and some of the temples were directly demolished and used for other purposes. This water hall workshop was transformed from the temple. "

"How to get in?" Qi Xuansu asked again.

Zhang Yuelu pondered slightly and said: "Sneak in. If we are wrong, then we can just exit and just pretend that there is no such thing. If we are not wrong, we will not scare the snake."

Qi Xuansu had no objection, looked around, and walked straight to the alley next to him.

Zhang Yuelu followed Qi Xuansu.

In this regard, Qi Xuansu has more experience than Zhang Yuelu.

Entering the alley, there was no light at all, only moonlight. Qi Xuansu spotted a blind corner, jumped lightly, and climbed over the wall.

Zhang Yuelu followed closely behind.

After climbing over the wall, there was supposed to be a small enclosed patio, but many buildings were demolished and the patio was connected to the yard outside, turning it into a large open space.

Looking around, the surroundings were desolate and overgrown with weeds. Because it was summer, the weeds against the wall were almost half a person's height, making it easy to hide one's body.

Zhang Yuelu explained: "The main facilities of Shuitang Workshop are concentrated in the underground part. The above-ground part is just a cover. To those who don't know what is going on, it looks like an abandoned temple."

Qi Xuansu nodded and asked, "How do we get to the underground part?"

Zhang Yuelu activated the "Immortal Qi Watching Technique", purple air flowed in her eyes, and a blood-red "air flow" invisible to the naked eye appeared in her sight, extending to a very far distance like a winding path.

"Follow me." Zhang Yuelu followed this blood-red "air flow" and walked, Qi Xuansu followed behind Zhang Yuelu.

After going around seven times and eight times, we came to a side hall, which is the entrance to the underground part.

Pushing open the ajar door, Zhang Yuelu paused for a moment, then looked down and saw a large puddle of wet water.

Qi Xuansu twitched his nose: "It smells really bad, like the smell of corpse water."

The so-called "corpse-turning water" is famous in the world. As long as corpses and living people are contaminated by the corpse-turning water, they will be turned into a puddle of liquid by the poisonous water in a very short time. Even bones and clothes will be dissolved into The liquid melts like a candle. This kind of thing is not difficult to get, but it is expensive. A poor boy like Qi Xuansu knows about it but has never used it.

Zhang Yuelu stepped over the threshold with one foot and gently twisted the toe of his shoe. Sure enough, he felt the ground under his feet was slightly uneven. This was probably due to corrosion, making the originally flat ground look like sand after being beaten by rain.

Judging from the area of ​​water damage, there should be a lot of corpses that have been removed.

No wonder it's so quiet here.

Zhang Yuelu whispered: "It seems we came right."

Qi Xuansu pulled out the "Feiying" from his waist.



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