Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 60 Sedimentation Tank

After all, this is not the lair that has been run by the demons of the Zhiming Cult for many years, so except for the living corpses of Taoist priests outside, there are no other living corpses, and it is impossible to have mechanisms and other things.

Qi Xuansu hung the glowing "Nine Yang Li Fire Shield" on his waist, and only held a "Feiying" in his hand. Without the fire gun, he was still a little uncomfortable. Although he had magic power, he had not learned the way of talismans. , very lack of long-range attack methods, the key to hidden weapons is sneak attack. In this case, fire gun is an excellent supplement.

Zhang Yuelu walked a few steps quickly and walked side by side with Qi Xuansu.

She is not a weak woman who needs to be protected behind her. If she were to stand in front of Qi Xuansu, it would be almost the same.

Qi Xuansu asked: "It is said that the Zhiming Cult is good at spreading curses. How do they spread curses?"

Zhang Yuelu replied: "Of course it is not spreading curses out of thin air, but through a thing they named 'gift', similar to our Taoist sect's 'dragon eye' and 'phoenix eye'. There are many kinds. I don't know what they are doing this time." Which one to use?”

Qi Xuansu said clearly: "In this way, its essence is not much different from poisoning during marching and fighting."

"There are some differences. Poisoning is nothing more than death, but the curse of the Fate Cult can make people unable to wish for death." Zhang Yuelu said, "Although I don't know the specific classification of its 'gifts', I still know a few things, such as The living corpse of the Taoist priest we just encountered was given a "gift" that can turn people into living corpses. There is also a "gift" that is extremely lethal. It will almost kill you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it. 'It will turn people into living dead and become what they call sacrifices, all of which are different."

Qi Xuansu asked again: "What is the difference between the living corpses created by the Zhiming Sect and the corpses refined by the Huasheng Hall and the Eight Tribes?"

Zhang Yuelu pondered for a moment and said: "This is a complicated issue. The three are quite similar. Their origins are related to the method of raising corpses in Guge Zaodao, which was carried forward by Earth Master Xu Wugui. Later, Earth Master's successors Patriarch Shangguan presided over the creation project and inherited everything learned from Xu Zu. However, Xu Zu was both good and evil, and some of the methods he taught were inevitably too cruel and harmful to nature. Due to various considerations, Xuan Sheng decided. This part of the Dharma was forbidden, so there was a split among the Eight Tribes. After the Eight Tribes left the Taoist sect, they had contacts with all the major secret societies, and these Dharma practices were introduced into the Zhiming Sect."

Qi Xuansu asked: "So the three are similar?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said: "The three come from the same source, but they are divided into three tributaries with different directions. Because they focus on different directions, the results are also very different."

"The focus of Taoism is not on 'raising corpses', but on the transformation of yin and yang involved. Taishang Taoist Taoism gave birth to one, two gave birth to three, three gave birth to all things. Taoism is not satisfied with one, and aims at all things, so that Its application range is wider, such as Lingguan Armor, which applies part of the principle of yin and yang transformation. It can be said that the Dao Sect has the most extensive and profound achievements. "The swords of the Eight Tribes are deviant and cruel. Their greatest wish is to recreate the Emperor." Shi Tian', using human power to create immortals and gods, is called the purest."

"As for the Zhiming Sect, its focus is on the transformation of life and death, transforming life into death, and death into life, and incorporating the application of divine power into it. It is unique and unique, and Zhenjun Siming is the ancient immortal in charge of life and death. The pinnacle At that time, he was not inferior to Xu Zu. He personally carried it forward. Compared with the Taoist sect and the eight tribes who were innately weak, he achieved the highest level. "

"In short, except for the eight tribes who still cling to the inheritance, the Taoist sect and the Zhiming Sect have deviated from the original inheritance of Xu Zu and embarked on another path."

Qi Xuansu asked: "I can understand that cutting off one arm of Taoism and being broad but not masterful. I can understand that Xuan Sheng banned some of the methods, which is like cutting off one arm. There are too many directions for development, and it is naturally not as good as specializing in one. But why Are you saying that the Eight Tribes are inherently deficient?”

Zhang Yuelu said: "Because there are living immortals in the Taoist sect and ancient immortals in the Zhiming Sect, but there are none in the Eight Tribes. Without the support of immortals, many researches cannot be carried out. It is more fatal than lack of financial resources. This is the biggest congenital deficiency. "

Qi Xuansu had long guessed that there were immortals within the Taoist sect, but he had never confirmed it. Since the Taoist sect was reorganized, all that was talked about was position and grade, and few people talked about realm cultivation all day long.

Take Zhang Yuelu as an example. Outsiders value her inheritance as an immortal, and she has the potential to be a heavenly being at a young age. However, the Taoist sect valued her for being promoted to deputy hall master at a young age. She was immediately promoted to the third rank of Youyi Taoist Priest, and she was even expected to compete for the top master in the future.

This explains the difference between inside and outside Taoism.

The reason why Taoist people value status more than realm cultivation is not to say that realm cultivation is not important, but that if realm cultivation is not high enough to change the situation, then each individual is weak.

The power of dragons is close to that of immortals, and some old dragons can even rival immortals, but they are slaughtered by Taoists. What is the reason?

To put it simply, the Taoist sect uses the more to bully the less. To put it more complicatedly, the power of Dao Sect comes from the organization.

People live in groups. No matter what the situation, organized people are definitely stronger than unorganized people.

No matter how high the level of cultivation of ordinary Jianghu people is, even if they are in the realm of pseudo-immortals, they will not be able to make any splash against a huge organization like Dao Sect. Unless the realm of cultivation is high enough to shake the Taoist sect with one's own power, it won't be of much significance. Therefore, for people in the Taoist sect, realm cultivation is of course important. The important thing is that the level of realm cultivation is the step to advance within the Taoist sect, but the status within the Taoist sect is even more important.

Even if he becomes an immortal, he is at most an ancient immortal. How can he compare to the Great Master?

Qi Xuansu's thoughts drifted away.

He had already begun to think about being promoted to a fourth-grade Taoist priest for wine worship. Although there was a suspension system, Xuan Sheng felt that the Confucian school was not accepting young people at that time, and left behind the ancestral precepts of giving priority to young people. For low-grade Taoist priests, this ancestral precept is reflected in the special treatment of candidates and preparatory sacrificial wines, while for high-grade Taoist priests, it is reflected in the fact that there is no restriction on the age limit.

In other words, as long as he can become a heavenly being before the age of thirty, he can ignore the age limit. Now he can be considered to have a backing, no, it should be called background resources. The third-grade Youyi Taoist priest is also at his fingertips, and he can make a good operation. That is the level of deputy palace master and deputy hall master, who really holds the power. What? House problems and peace money problems can all be solved.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "We're here."

Qi Xuansu looked up and saw that the downward passage had reached the end, and an iron door had been opened.

Zhang Yuelu waved his sleeves gently, pushed open the iron door with the wind of his sleeves, and walked in first.

Behind the iron door is a large square room. The iron door is opened on the south wall. On the east wall are various push-pull switches. On the west wall are many iron cabinets, tables and chairs, and various things similar to account books. Record, on the north wall are glass windows and an iron door. Through the windows, you can see the sedimentation tank and various pipes on the other side.

Zhang Yuelu walked to the table, picked up a record, and flipped through the latest page. He found that the record ended at the end of Youshi, which is when the demon from Zhiming Cult took action.

Judging from the number of chairs, this room is equipped with a total of eight Taoist people and Taoist priests, who are responsible for the entire process. However, these eight people have all been killed. Together with the Taoist spiritual officers responsible for guarding and guarding above, there are about 20 people. Those who were cultivators among these twenty people were all turned into living corpses by the Zhiming Cult.

Qi Xuansu also carried the "Nine Yang Lihuo Mask" and carefully checked the entire room. There were no signs of fighting at the scene. It seemed that it was not a forced attack or even a sneak attack, but more like poisoning.

Zhang Yuelu put down the record in his hand, walked to the east wall, closed the water inlet, and then walked towards the small iron door on the north wall, followed by Qi Xuansu.

This small iron gate leads to the sedimentation tank.

The two passed through the small iron gate and came to the sedimentation tank, and couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At this time, the sedimentation tank has turned into a fish pond, filled with all kinds of indescribable things, some like catfish, and covered with squid whiskers. They are full and squirming, making people's skin crawl. .

As the water flows, these strange fish enter the pipeline in batches.

Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu looked at each other.

Zhang Yuelu raised the "Cang Lei" in his hand, pierced it into the pool, and injected real energy. Thunder and lightning exploded on the sword, and the water grew wood. It instantly turned the sedimentation pool into a thunder pool. Some strange fish were directly electrocuted into charcoal, and some strange fish were directly electrocuted into coke. Jump out of the sedimentation tank and escape using the tentacles.

Qi Xuansu injected magic power into the "Nine Yang Lihuo Shield" in his hand, and gave birth to nine fire dragons as thick as arms, which kept swimming around the sedimentation tank and burned the fish that escaped the sedimentation tank to ashes.


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