When Zhang Yuelu returned to Huasheng Hall, he saw Qi Xuansu lying upright on the bed, like a piece of wood, motionless.

Even when he saw Zhang Yuelu coming in, Qi Xuansu only moved his eyes, looking like he was about to die.

"What's going on? Wasn't it fine when I left?" Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but ask.

Qi Xuansu said weakly: "It's nothing, just a little exhausted both physically and mentally."

Zhang Yuelu didn't think much about it, just thinking that he was still a little uncomfortable with the "Xuanyu" fusion. He took out a book from the Xumi object and placed it on Qi Xuansu's chest: "If you are bored, you can read it."

"What kind of book is this?" Qi Xuansu picked it up and took a quick look, only to see "The Legend of the Ghost Fox" written on the cover.

"I have never read the book about female ghosts, fox demons and scholars. It is said that it is very famous. Qingping Book Company has published a million copies, and a great Confucian master wrote poems for it." Zhang Yuelu said casually.

Qi Xuansu regained some energy, sat up, opened the cover, and wrote a seven-character quatrain on the tube page: "I will listen to what I say, and the rain is like silk in the melon stand in the bean shed. Because I hate talking in the world, I love to listen to autumn." The grave ghost sings."

Zhang Yuelu sat next to Qi Xuansu and leaned his head over to rub his ears and temples together.

Qi Xuansu turned to the catalog again and saw that there were many titles such as "Kao Chenghuang", "The Man in the Ear", "Corpse Transformation", "Wang Liulang", "Beggar Immortal", "Monk Sin", etc., all of which were independent. The story has a total of twenty-four volumes, and the text is half-literary and half-white. However, it is not difficult for Taoist disciples to read. After all, many Taoist classics are obscure and difficult to understand, and ancient Chinese is a required course.

Since they are all independent stories, there is no need to read them from the beginning in order. Qi Xuansu turned a page casually, and the chapter title was "The Fox", and he saw the words: "Tai Shi was charmed by the fox... Tai Shi went and the fox followed." He was so frightened that he had nothing to do. One day when he stopped at Zhuo, there was a bell doctor outside the door who said that he could subjugate the fox... If he applied medicine, it would be a magic trick in the room. The fox begs for help but refuses to listen. The fox moves to the camp and escapes, but the pain is gone. When he looks at it, he appears in the shape of a fox and dies. "

At first, Zhang Yuelu's face was normal, but when he saw "Enter and Fox, unstoppable", he frowned, and when he saw "Jin Yiyong" again, his expression became weird.

Then he looked down: "In the past, a certain living person in Yuxiang had a poisonous eye... He stayed in an orphanage at night without any neighbors. Suddenly, a running girl came in without opening her door. She knew she was a fox, so she happily had sex with her. As soon as Jinxu was released, he penetrated straight through the skin. The fox screamed in pain, and flew out through the window like an eagle... This is a real fierce general who can drive away foxes at Yibangmen. "

"Let's do it if you're happy" is nothing, but "just understand it and get it straight to the point" is a bit unacceptable. Zhang Yuelu's face turned red.

Translated into vernacular, these eight characters mean that just after untying his clothes, before taking them off, a certain student directly pierced his skirt and pants and walked straight in. Just thinking about it makes people unforgettable.

As for the author's last comment, it is the finishing touch. This certain student is really a fierce conqueror of vixens. He should hang a sign in front of the door to drive away foxes.

Qi Xuansu was no longer half-dead and became energetic: "It's interesting."

Zhang Yuelu, however, gave up and stood up angrily: "What are all these?"

Qi Xuansu was very innocent: "You bought the book."

As he spoke, Qi Xuansu turned another page. The title of the chapter was "Dog Rape", but it was about a woman doing that kind of thing with a dog. The dog became jealous and bit her husband to death. After the incident was revealed, the government sent officials to take him into custody. The woman and the dog went to Jiebuyuan. Along the way, some people wanted to see people and dogs interacting, so they bribed the government officials. The officials would bring the dogs and do unspeakable things to the woman. Wherever they went, there were often hundreds of people. Look, the government officials are profiting from this.

Zhang Yuelu dodged the book with his hands and shouted: "Don't read it."

Qi Xuansu followed the good advice: "If you don't want to see it, you won't see it. I haven't seen anything in the world, so it doesn't matter."

Zhang Yuelu glanced sideways at him.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and explained: "What I mean is that we have to look at it with a critical eye."

While the two were talking, Mu Jin knocked on the door and came in. Seeing Zhang Yuelu holding "The Legend of the Ghost Fox" in his hand, she couldn't help but said: "Qingxiao, do you also read this?"

Zhang Yuelu felt a little guilty and said vaguely: "I just bought it and haven't read it yet."

"I heard that someone reported this book to the ancestral temple." Mu Jin said casually without thinking too much.

Qi Xuansu hesitated and asked: "Because... it's too bold?"

Mu Jin nodded and said, "It's a bit bold, but I don't think the author's original intention may be this."

Qi Xuansu was startled: "What else is there to do with this kind of thing?"

Mu Jin said: "I also heard from my friends at the ancestral temple that the chapter "Pear Planting" is actually a satire on those who are obsessed with pornography and want to spend all their money. However, many people think that it is generosity to others."

Zhang Yuelu opened the "Legend of the Ghost Fox" in his hand again and found the chapter "Pear Planting". It was concise and short. It probably meant that a countryman went to the city to sell pears and met a Taoist priest who asked him for a pear to eat. The man selling pears Refuse. The Taoist priest said: "You have hundreds of pears in your car, and the poor Taoist only wants one from you. It doesn't cost you much, so why are you so angry?" I gave the good pears to the old Taoist priest and sent him away, but the countryman refused.

Some people couldn't stand it and bought a pear for the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest used a pear core as a seed and planted it in the ground. In a blink of an eye, it grew into a lush pear tree with flowers and fruits. The Taoist priest picked pears from the tree and distributed them to the onlookers. Then the Taoist cut off the pear tree, carried it on his shoulders, and walked away calmly.

After the Taoist priest left, the pear seller found that there were no pears on his cart and the handlebars had been cut off. Then he suddenly realized that the pears the Taoist priest had just divided belonged to him, and the pear tree that the Taoist priest had just chopped was his. handlebar.

This time, Zhang Yuelu's expression was much calmer: "There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Mu Jin said: "Some people read this story and say that Taoist priests are the evil ones. They also say that the world has always been like this, and morality has not declined today. From ancient times to the present, there are many people who are generous to others, because Taoist priests are the members of our Taoist sect." From this, he was suspected of smearing the Taoist sect, so he reported it to the ancestral temple and wanted to seal the book "The Legend of the Ghost Fox."

"It is true that the author used ghost foxes to satirize the world, but it has nothing to do with Taoism. In my opinion, someone used the topic to play on it." Zhang Yuelu turned through a few more chapters and found that she and Qi Xuansu's opening posture was wrong. That kind of plot actually accounted for Bi was very young and somehow managed to meet them all. Could it be that Qi Xuansu had seen it a long time ago and did it on purpose? But Zhang Yuelu thought about it and realized that Qi Xuansu's reaction was unlike anything he had seen before. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

Mu Jin nodded and said, "Who says it's not the case? There are many people living in Jade Capital who don't see the truth. They claim to be civilized. They use today's moral standards to demand the ancients from hundreds of years ago. They are so complacent that they really don't know what to say."

Qi Xuansu was a little dissatisfied with Mu Jin interrupting his and Zhang Yuelu's alone time, so he changed the subject: "Master Mu, are you here to see me?"

Mu Jin glanced at him and hummed softly: "Your letter."

As she spoke, she handed the envelope in her hand to Zhang Yuelu.

Qi Xuansu was startled for a moment, and then protested: "Since it is my letter, how can you give it to Qingxiao? Can you women be reasonable?"

This "you" naturally includes Qiniang who took away his hard-earned money without authorization.

Mu Jin said matter-of-factly: "It's from a woman. Let Qingxiao check it to see if you are honest and if you have secretly flirted with women."

Zhang Yuelu did not open Qi Xuansu's letter without authorization, but she was a little curious, so she motioned to Qi Xuansu to make up his own mind.

Qi Xuansu thought to himself that he must be upright. Qiniang had just left and it was impossible to send anything over, so he said, "I am upright and not afraid of slanting shadows. Qingxiao, just look at it."

Zhang Yuelu was not polite, returned "The Legend of the Ghost Fox" to Qi Xuansu, opened the envelope, and unexpectedly it turned out to be an invitation.

"Class reunion, what is this?" Zhang Yuelu handed the invitation to Qi Xuansu's hand.

Qi Xuansu was also startled, and then said: "Because the 'chang' of a classmate has always meant 'cold window', the Taoist disciples who were born in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace regard people in the same class as their classmates. The so-called classmates' reunion is those who were born in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace." A gathering of classmates, one born in Yujing or a noble family cannot be considered a poor student, so naturally there will be no such gatherings. "

Zhang Yuelu immediately remembered the content on Qi Xuansu's file: "You are a member of the Jia family in Bingzi."

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhang Yuelu and pointed out: "I have two classmates, Yue Liuli and Wan Xiuwu, whom Qingxiao met that day at Shangqing Palace."


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