Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 28 The sound of reading aloud

Mr. Yin turned around with a warm smile: "My little friend, we meet again. My little friend did not disappoint us. He actually came to the Imperial Capital. I think his career is not far away."

"Mr. Yin, thank you for the award." Qi Xuansu said with shame.

By now, Qi Xuansu has roughly guessed the thoughts of the three great ghosts. They do not want to leave the Taoist sect, nor do they have the idea of ​​becoming kings on their own. However, for the long-term plan, they need to have one of their own among the top leaders of the Taoist sect. It can be an ally or a backer. To put it more vulgarly, they want to have the power of following the dragon.

Obviously, the status of the three major yin objects is very high now, but there are also many restrictions. Basically, there will be no change. They are not as good as many young Taoist priests. Their grades are not high now, but they have the hope of reaching the top of the Taoist sect in the future.

It's just that the special identities of the three great ghosts make it difficult for them to find suitable candidates. Although Zhang Yuelu, Yao Pei, and Li Changge have a bright future, the attention on them may not be too much. What the three great ghosts can give It is limited, and may even arouse the fear of the families behind these young talents.

The most important point is that these three people basically don't lack anything. Even if they really lack something, the three evil things can't give it to them. It is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to provide help in times of need, and the rewards are also different.

So the three great ghosts had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and chose Qi Xuansu.

The most direct reason was the "Xuan Jade of Death". Qi Xuansu didn't know why at the time, but later he figured it out after learning the truth from the mouth of Master Cihang.

The three great ghosts have been around for hundreds of years, and their knowledge is far better than that of ordinary people. They naturally know many inside stories of the creation project. They seem to care about the "Jade of Death", but in fact they care about the "Heart of the Immortal Stone Embedded" ". Anyone can get "Xuanyu", but not everyone can fuse "Xuanyu". Qi Xuansu can actually fuse "Xuanyu", and its specialness is immediately highlighted. This is why the three major evil objects chose Qi Xuansu root cause.

They place their hope in the future and help Qi Xuansu now. This is an exchange and an investment.

What Qi Xuansu got now had already been marked with a secret price, and it was also a kind of loan.

Sometimes, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but wonder, Qiniang is a successful businessman, or an important businessman, so what kind of price does she secretly mark for all the things she gives to him?

How beneficial is farming? ten times. What's the odds of winning jewelry? hundred times. How much will the leader of the country win? countless.

But now is not the time to talk about this. Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Yin, are these people dead?"

"Not dead." Mr. Yin said, "As the saying goes, 'Death is like a lamp going out.' No matter whether it is a Taoist sect or a court, there will be something called a 'life lamp.' The principle is very simple. Take some hard work as lamp oil, and take a little The soul is the wick of the lamp, forming an oil lamp, which is closely related to one's life. When a person is alive, the lamp will be on, and when a person is dead, the lamp will be extinguished. If I kill them, their life lamp will be extinguished, and the children may be in some trouble, so I will make the decision. I haven’t killed them yet. If I think they must die, it wouldn’t be difficult for me to kill them.”

Qi Xuansu hurriedly said: "Mr. Yin is more thoughtful and it is better not to kill. It is better not to kill."

Mr. Yin nodded: "I will invite them to be guests in the cave."

Hearing this, Qi Xuansu was curious again: "A guest?"

"My little friend, you will know it at a glance." Mr. Yin pointed to the portal leading to the cave of the ghost country.

This was not the first time for Qi Xuansu to go to the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven. After a slight hesitation, he followed Mr. Yin into the portal.

Speaking of which, Qi Xuansu went to Master Wan's residence, when he used a palace as a stool, like a mountain, and also to Madam Bai's residence, Blood Lake Emperor Liu. The only exception is that I have never been to Mr. Yin's residence. He seems to live in the "Ghost Pass" most of the time, rarely returning to the ghost country and the cave, and the three major ghosts rarely gather together.

This is also reasonable. We have been acquaintances for two hundred years. I am afraid that we have long been tired of seeing each other. It would be best if we could not see each other. What's there to say when we get together? It is better to separate and do their own things, and then get together to discuss when there is serious business.

However, Mr. Yin must have a place to live in the Ghost Kingdom Cave Heaven. After all, Master Wan and Madam Bai have suffered heavy losses. He is the strongest among the three evil beings and is the leader of the three great evil beings.

Passing through this portal, Qi Xuansu found that he was not in the palace city of the Ghost Kingdom, but in the noisy market outside the palace city, which is where he got the "Ghost Sword".

However, the whole market was very big. Qi Xuansu was chased in a panic and had no chance to visit all of them. Therefore, he was in a strange place at this time and he was sure that he had never been there before.

Qi Xuansu looked around, but there was no trace of Mr. Yin, nor the four heavenly beings. There was only a small courtyard not far away, which was like a private school in the county. It was both the home of Mr. Yin and the elementary school classroom.

Qi Xuansu had an intuition that this was probably Mr. Yin's home, so he stepped inside.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a black horse strolling in the courtyard - its name was "Bu Yue", it was Qi Xuansu's mount, and it was fostered in the cave of the ghost country. Qi Xuansu almost forgot about it. In the past, this guy was old and skinny, looking like a low-grade horse, but now he was shiny and smooth, with an eye-catching black coat, and even a light mist covering his body.

But Bu Yue still recognized Qi Xuansu. When she saw her old master coming, she was stunned for a moment, then she nuzzled Qi Xuansu flatteringly with her head.

Qi Xuansu was not a man in black and did not have much special feelings for horses, so he just touched it casually and continued walking inside.

Opening the door, you will find the classroom where children study. It is surprisingly spacious. Even if there are forty or fifty people sitting there, it will not look crowded. The tables and chairs are arranged neatly, and the teacher's seat is currently vacant.

This is nothing, but the strange thing is that most of the classes are full, and there are no children, they are all adults.

Qi Xuansu counted with his eyes and found that there were about twenty people, including four heavenly beings including Du Yuyan.

It turned out that after they were taken away by Mr. Yin, they were sent here.

At this time, they were still looking dull, like clay puppets, sitting upright behind their desks. It's chilling.

Looking at the other people, they all looked dull, as if their souls had been taken away, leaving only a body sitting behind the desk.

Some of these people wore the crane cloaks of Taoist priests, some dressed as Confucian scholars, some had bald heads, and there were even people from the Golden Tent, people from the Western Regions, and Westerners. Black-haired, yellow-haired, white-haired, all have different looks and different clothes, but their expressions are all the same, as if they have lost their souls.

Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered something and used his "yin and yang eyes".

For a moment, he could clearly see in his sight that there was a black line as thin as hair on the tops of these people's heads, extending upwards, through the roof, and leading nowhere.


It seems as if there is a big hand hanging high in the sky, manipulating these bodies through these thin lines, like a shadow puppet show.

However, this big hand obviously has no interest in playing shadow puppets now, so these people are sitting quietly, motionless.

Qi Xuansu also understood that Mr. Yin did not fix the person with his eyes, but when he looked at the person, there would be a black line invisible to the naked eye connected to the person, and the person was restrained by Mr. Yin. It was as if his soul had been taken away and he had become a puppet.

Thinking of this, Qi Xuansu couldn't help but feel a chill down his back.

If he and Mr. Yin were not allies, and he suddenly encountered such a wise "old ghost", or wandered into this place by mistake, and resorted to such weird methods, it would probably be a disaster.

At this moment, the door behind Qi Xuansu opened.

Qi Xuansu was almost startled and turned around suddenly. It turned out to be Mr. Yin's granddaughter, the little girl Yin.

"Are you ashamed that such a big person is so timid?" The little girl tapped her cheek with her index finger.

Qi Xuansu smiled awkwardly: "Where is Mr. Yin?"

"Grandpa is in the back." Little girl Yin said and climbed up to sit down in the seat that belonged to her husband. She was not as high as the chair and her feet did not touch the ground. Then she picked up the ruler on the table and took a picture of the table.

The originally dead classroom suddenly became lively.

Those dull-looking people began to memorize books while shaking their heads, and it was really loud. Some people think, "The Tao can be said, the Tao can be named, the name can be named, the name is very famous." Some think, "Man's original nature is good," some think, "The sky and the earth are black and yellow, the universe is primitive," and some think, "God said there was light, and there was light." of.

The little girl got over the addiction of being a husband and clapped her hands happily.

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Mr. Yin did not have such weird hobbies. The reason why these people sat neatly in the classroom was probably because of the little girl.

Qi Xuansu walked to the back and saw Mr. Yin in the real study room.

Mr. Yin sat behind the desk with his hands intertwined and placed on his lower abdomen, surrounded by various books. On the desk, on the bookshelf, in the bookcase.

It's just that these books, like the environment here, exude an air of twilight, yin, death, and decay. It was like a burial object in a mausoleum, accumulating countless dust.

"My friend, what do you think after reading it?" Mr. Yin asked.

Qi Xuansu said: "To be honest, it's a bit scary. But when I think about the true form of Madam Bai and Master Wan, I feel that it should be like this."

Mr. Yin smiled and said warmly: "In that case, it would be better for me not to meet the old master. Among the three of us, Mrs. Bai is the prettier one. At least her profile is not bad. Master Wan and I are the prettiest. It’s ‘each has its own merits’.”

Although it is a feminine object, over time, it has become accustomed to calling itself a human being.

Qi Xuansu smiled in agreement and asked, "Have their souls been taken away?"

Mr. Yin shook his head and said: "That is what the ancient immortals did. The Taoist sect does not allow it. Don't forget, I am also a member of the Taoist sect, so I just let them sleep in a state of delusion. If nothing happens, they will sleep until the end of their lives. It’s forever.”

Qi Xuansu didn't know what to say.

This is considered death in a sense.

Mr. Yin said: "Okay, let me take my little friend back."

Qi Xuansu nodded.

Mr. Yin did not open any door, he just waved his sleeves.

Qi Xuansu's vision went dark, as if he were going to a meeting in a dream. When his vision became clear again, he was already in the above-ground sacrificial hall of an emperor's mausoleum.

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