Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 51 The reception banquet

As per the old rules, a welcoming banquet was held at the branch of Taiping Inn beside Penglai Pool in Haosheng Southeast Square.

Qi Xuansu remembered that the last time he hosted the reception banquet was also the chief deputy palace master Zhou Jiaoxian. From this point of view, the three main senior officials of the Imperial Palace had a clear division of labor.

At the reception banquet, the five-person group plus Qi Xuansu and Zhou Jiaoxian were at the same table.

Arrangements at a round table, with the door facing up and the right facing up. Zhou Jiaoxian, as the local master and the person with the highest rank and highest position among the Taoist priests present, naturally took his seat on the main seat. To his left and right were Yao Pei and Zhang Yuelu. Qi Xuansu sat with his back to the door, facing Zhou Jiaoxian.

Zhou Jiaoxian first said a few words, nothing more than welcoming the five-person group to the Imperial Capital, and that he would fully cooperate with them on behalf of the Imperial Capital Taoist Office.

No one would take such a scene seriously. When the seven-member group went to Jinling Mansion, Bai Yingqiong and Li Tianlan also made similar remarks on behalf of Jiangnan Province. But what was the result? It's the fire burning Zhenwu temple.

Zhang Yuelu said with emotion: "The last time I came to the Imperial Capital was ten years ago. At that time, the Imperial Imperial Palace was said to be unpleasant and smoky. Every time it was assessed, the Imperial Imperial Palace always ranked last among many local governments. But I heard It is said that the current situation of Imperial Palace has been greatly improved.”

Zhou Jiaoxian said with a smile: "Relying on Jinque's wise decision-making, Tiantian's virtue, and the sincere efforts of everyone in the Imperial Palace, Palace Master Li and Deputy Palace Master Shi also work hard at night and day, and spend a lot of money." It took a lot of hard work to achieve today’s new look.”

At this moment, Yao Pei slowly said: "Deputy Palace Master Zhou, before I came to the Imperial Capital, I heard many different voices."

"Really?" The smile on Zhou Jiaoxian's face froze, and then returned to its original state, "What Fu Li Yao said is true. After all, the past many years have been hard to recover from, and now there are still many areas that need to be strengthened and improved in the Imperial Palace. The five-person team came this time , it means that Jinque cares and pays attention to our Imperial Palace. Under the supervision of the five-person team, we will find out the deficiencies and make immediate changes to make Jinque feel relieved and satisfied. "

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "We came to the Imperial Palace with only one purpose, which is to make the Imperial Palace better, eliminate the old shortcomings, establish new practices, and focus on solving the key points and difficulties. In short, we can't just satisfy Jin Que. What’s more, we want to satisfy people all over the world. We want people all over the world to see the new look and new atmosphere of Imperial Capital, which will make people feel refreshed.”

Qi Xuansu said nothing and watched the two women perform.

Only now did he know that Zhang Yuelu would also say these words in a scene, but if he thought about it carefully, it made sense. Zhang Yuelu was not a fool. He had been exposed to and listened to Yujing all day long, so it would be strange.

Li Changge didn't speak, he just twirled the wine glass with two fingers and acted as a bystander with a smile on his face.

Of course, Qi Xuansu didn't say anything either. To put it mildly, he is now suspended from work to reflect. To put it harshly, he is now half-convicted. What could he say?

However, Qi Xuansu didn't even bother holding the wine glass, and just looked at Zhang Yuelu.

While Zhang Yuelu was toasting, he gave Qi Xuansu a warning look out of the corner of his eye - don't flirt with her in formal occasions.

Qi Xuansu naturally followed the good example and withdrew his gaze, looking at the dishes in front of him.

Zhou Jiaoxian's voice still reached Qi Xuansu's ears clearly: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is a woman and a man. Tiangang Hall is no better than other halls. It is very difficult. He broke through the shadows of swords and swords."

"Deputy Palace Master Zhou thanks you for the award." Zhang Yuelu said, "In the next month, we will work together to complete all the things arranged by Jinque."

Zhou Jiaoxian expressed his position again: "On behalf of the Imperial Palace, I will fully cooperate and give Jinque a satisfactory explanation."

Yao put the wine glass in his hand on the table and said calmly: "The wine is good. Thank you, Deputy Palace Master Zhou, for the hospitality."

Qi Xuansu understood somewhat.

Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei do have a division of labor. One is a good person and the other is a bad person.

On the Taoist side, in addition to the conflicts between the three Taoists, there is actually a conflict between Yujing Golden Tower and the local Taoist government. Of course, this is not the crux of the Daomen family. From ancient times to the present, it has been a problem in all dynasties. If it is not handled well, it will easily lead to the separatist trend of vassal towns, and the tail will not be lost.

Local governments always hope to gain greater autonomy, and Jinque hopes to have deeper control over local governments. Both parties have areas where their interests are consistent and areas where their interests are inconsistent, which makes the situation extremely complicated.

In the Imperial Palace, on certain matters, Li Ruoshui, Zhou Jiaoxian, and Shi Bingyun respectively represented the positions of Taiping Tao, Quanzhen Tao, and Zhengyi Tao, and they were incompatible with each other. On certain matters, the three of them represent the position of the Imperial Palace and require tacit cooperation to safeguard their common interests.

What is a good boss? In the eyes of subordinates, a boss who knows how to fight for the interests of his or her family is a good boss. Since they are in this position, there are many things they cannot control themselves, otherwise they will not be able to secure this position.

The people below are not unarmed ordinary people, but a large number of chiefs, deacons, spiritual officials, and Taoist priests who have been rooted in the Imperial Palace for a long time. They have both force and power, as well as intricate connections. They have to rely on them to do anything, to implement the government orders of Jinque and the Taoist government, and to maintain the stability of the Taoist government. Although they come from different orthodoxy, they don't care much about the orthodoxy disputes at the top. They care more about their own practical interests, and their "public opinion" cannot be ignored. If they start a quarrel together, it will be easy for the master and deputy masters above to kill them or not to kill them. If they can't get along inside and outside, it will be easy for their future to be affected and they will have to make compromises. It doesn't mean that once you become the master of the palace, you can do whatever you want and say what you want. It's not that simple.

The measures involved need to be carefully weighed and grasped, especially when the dispute over orthodoxy conflicts with the local dispute over Yujing, it is difficult to say clearly how to choose.

Therefore, just because Zhou Jiaoxian is a person of Quanzhen Taoism, we cannot think that he must be on the side of Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei, nor can we think that because Li Ruoshui is a person of Taiping Taoism, she must be of the same mind as Li Changge. There may not be too many deviations in general trends, but there will inevitably be differences in details.

This requires specific analysis and specific treatment of specific matters.

As the banquet came to an end, Zhang Yuelu suddenly said: "Chief Qi's case was reported by a Buddhist monk based on a note from the Daolu Division. It was directly verified by Jinque and promoted to higher levels of jurisdiction. Therefore, Assistant Manager Yao, you have a heavy responsibility."

"Yes, Deputy Hall Master Zhang." Yao Pei responded expressionlessly, and then looked at Qi Xuansu.

Because Zhang Yuelu was the convener of the five-person group, she was the nominal boss of Li Changge and Yao Pei during this period, with greater say and weight.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly and finally said: "I will fully cooperate with Deputy Hall Master Zhang and Assistant Director Yao, and I also believe that Deputy Hall Master Zhang and Assistant Director Yao will restore my innocence."

Yao Pei said calmly: "Master Qi, you don't believe in me and Deputy Hall Master Zhang, but in Dao Sect and Jinque."

Qi Xuansu said seriously: "Yes, I believe in Daomen and Jinque."

When other people saw this scene, they couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

What are you pretending to be? Who doesn't know that your Chief Qi has a close relationship with these two people? One is an old boss and lover, and the other is a classmate and friend who went to the palace. They are related to each other. Can you not believe it?

You, Chief Qi, naturally believe them. Why don't you express your trust in Deputy Hall Master Li?

It seems that I can't believe it.

After the banquet, Zhang Yuelu and others stayed here - they would go to the Jade Palace, but not live in the Jade Palace, so this place was temporarily reserved as their residence for the next month. After all, it is Daomen's own property, and there are no other guests on weekdays. It is perfect for arranging a group of five people and an entourage.

Qi Xuansu was supposed to return to the Jade Palace with Zhou Jiaoxian, but when he reached the door, he was stopped by Yao Pei.

Yao Pei said: "Since Chief Qi is the main person involved in this case, let him stay here so that we can summon him at any time."

Zhou Jiaoxian was startled, but he didn't say yes or no, he just said: "It's not appropriate, is it?"

"There is nothing inappropriate." Yao Pei's tone was cold and unkind, "After we arrive, we will take over the case. How to arrange the arrangements for Chief Qi is our business. The outside is also arranged by the Imperial Palace. Officer, is Deputy Palace Master Zhou still afraid that Chief Qi will run away? Or does Deputy Palace Master Zhou think that Chief Qi and I are escaping secretly?"

"I didn't mean that." Zhou Jiaoxian naturally denied it. "In that case, Chief Qi, you stay here and follow the arrangements of Deputy Hall Master Zhang and Assistant Manager Yao."

"Here." Qi Xuansu, who was following Zhou Jiaoxian, responded immediately.

Zhou Jiaoxian said: "After I return, I will explain this matter to Palace Master Li and Deputy Palace Master Shi. In addition, I will also send someone to deliver some of Chief Qi's personal belongings."

Qi Xuansu thanked him: "Then it's Deputy Palace Master Lao Zhou."

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Jiaoxian waved his hand and walked out alone.

After only Qi Xuansu and Yao Pei were left, Yao Pei looked Qi Xuansu up and down with an expressionless face, which made Qi Xuansu feel a little weak.

"What is Yao Fuli looking at?" Qi Xuansu asked.

Yao Pei said: "This time, you have fallen into my hands. I want you to die, and I'm afraid you won't survive."

Qi Xuansu became more and more uneasy: "Su Yi, we didn't celebrate the festival, did we? Although we are not close relatives and friends, we have been classmates for three months. Facing Zhang Wuhen by the Xingye Lake can be regarded as sharing weal and woe. In your 'Di Zi Gong' , at least one-third of my credit."

Yao Pei didn't smile, but turned around and walked inside: "Follow me, our deputy chief Zhang wants to meet you. It's really fun for a female boss to interrogate old subordinates late at night."

Qi Xuansu discovered for the first time that Yao Pei's mouth was so poisonous.

This is Yao Pei who was influenced by the "Tai Shang Wang Qing Jing". Now Qi Xuansu suspects that Taiping Dao has influenced the atmosphere of the entire Taoist sect, but it is understandable. Who makes Xuan Sheng himself come from Taiping Dao? What is good above is effective below.

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