Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 71 Wind direction

Qi Xuansu was waiting for someone. In his spare time, he opened a storybook.

The title of the book is "The Legend of the Female Sword Fairy: The Dog's Tail Continues the Diao".

Qi Xuansu turned to the first page: "There are still three years until the new Yuxu Sword Fighting. Li Ziyun, the winner of the previous Yuxu Sword Fighting, is practicing the supreme magical skill 'Nanhua Sutra' in seclusion..."

Qi Xuansu thought to himself that he had read thousands of volumes and could guess the content by just reading the beginning and the end, so he turned to the end of the last page: "Finally, the dust settled, and Li Ziyun returned to his old life and continued to practice in seclusion." "Nanhua Zhenjing" welcomes the new Yuxu Sword Fighting in three years."

Qi Xuansu was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

This feeling was as if he had been instructed by Qiniang to go to Fengtai County to fight for the "Xuan Jade". After that, he went through many things, married Zhang Yuelu, defeated Li Changge, and then embarked on a journey to Fengtai County. The prelude to the fight for "Xuan Jade".

He looked at the three-inch-thick storybook again, and finally couldn't help but said: "This is not a dog's tail, this is The Twenty-Four Hours of the Female Sword Immortal."

The story was unbearable to read, so Qi Xuansu took out the latest Di newspaper.

The first thing that catches the eye is a very sensational title "Where to Go in the Post-Taoism Era".

Qi Xuansu couldn't help but be shocked, could such a title be posted? Is the person responsible for the review asleep?

But after looking at the signature Pei Xuanzhi, Qi Xuansu knew why it could be issued.

Donghua Zhenren first demonstrated the structure of Buddhism and the Holy Court, saying that both are based on some axioms that mortals cannot demonstrate, such as reincarnation and original sin, and Western Heaven and Heaven.

Then Donghua Master changed his pen and pointed directly at Taoism, saying that Taoism is inherently deficient in this aspect. Starting from the Five Pecks of Rice, Tianshijiao, and Taiping Tao, Taoism's strengths lie in talismans, alchemy, immortality, and immortality. Taoism takes the upper-level route, and then It is to help the emperor seek immortality, and the Taoist sect takes the lower-level route to attract the people to rebel. These can be demonstrated by mortals. If it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't work. There is no ambiguity.

Here, Donghua Zhenren also emphatically demonstrated the origin of Taiping Dao, saying that the Taiping Dao uprising at that time only relied on a bowl of talisman water. It seems absurd, but it is not absurd, because for those poor people, regardless of talismans, Whether the water is real or fake, after all, there are still people who are willing to give them a bowl of talisman water. The officials of the imperial court are not even willing to give them this bowl of talisman water and just let them die. Compared with the court, Taiping Road is more advanced. of.

Then, Master Donghua raised a question. The rewards promised by other sects are after death, such as Buddhism. As long as you devote yourself to Buddha in this life, you will be rich in the next life. As for whether there is an afterlife and what will happen after death, no one knows. Whether there is reward or not is only a matter of words from Buddhism.

But Taoism is different. Taoism's promise is before death, and the core is immortality.

Today's Taoist sects can certainly live forever. When it comes to the method of immortality, the Taoist sect with the five major inheritances is known as the second, and no one dares to claim the first. Visible rewards are more attractive than invisible rewards. How you live in this life is more important than what you will do in the next life. Therefore, all the talents in the world belong to the Taoist sect, and the Taoist sect prospers.

But if one day, the road to immortality is cut off and the Taoist sect cannot fulfill its promise of immortality, then where will the Taoist sect go?

So Donghua Zhenren put forward his own point of view. On the one hand, he continued to vigorously develop creations and firearms and realize the transformation of Taoism. On the other hand, he lowered the importance of immortality accordingly, downplayed the ascension to immortality, drew lessons from the Confucian 'Heavenly Principle' system, and re-emphasized the Supreme Being. Taoist ancestors' "Tao" and "De" replaced immortality with world peace, and vigorously promoted the early realization of the unity of the three religions.

The article ends abruptly here.

This was an internal Taoist article that could only be read by high-quality Taoist priests, which shocked Qi Xuansu.

He suddenly remembered what Master Donghua said last time: "Although the Northern Dragon has weakened, it has not yet died. It is still very important and affects the general trend of the world. The Imperial Capital is the eye of the dragon, and the Five Elements Mountain is the inverse scale. They want to be on the Five Elements Mountain. What to do? If it accelerates the demise of Beilong and causes the end of the world to come earlier, who can bear this responsibility? "

Qi Xuansu didn't quite understand what "the end of the law" meant at the time. Now that he contacted Donghua Zhenren and said in the Di newspaper, "If the road to immortality is cut off," Qi Xuansu gradually understood it.

Master Donghua, or the higher-ups of the Taoist sect, believe that with the gradual demise of Beilong, the world will enter the era of "dharma destruction", which will probably mean that the road to immortality will be cut off and immortality will no longer be possible, which will cause great changes. , Daomen is the first to bear the brunt.

For this reason, Daomen has begun to prepare in advance, and even the fight between the three Daomen is an external manifestation of this preparation. Because the more critical a situation is, the more unity is needed, so integrating the three paths is imperative and the general trend. Taiping Dao thinks that there is no one else but Quanzhen Dao. Unfortunately, Quanzhen Dao and Zhengyi Dao also have similar thoughts. Maybe Zhengyi Dao does not count, but Quanzhen Dao definitely has this idea.

In summary, the three Taoists all feel that they should be integrated, but the three Taoists also feel that they should lead the Taoist sect. Therefore, there are already many gaps between the three Taoists because of the issue of who will make the decision in the future. The contradictions and conflicts intensify.

This article by Donghua Zhenren is of course targeted. It avoids the competition among the three paths and looks forward to the future trend from the perspective of the Taoist sect as a whole. This is also the consensus of the higher-ups of the Taoist sect. Master Donghua sent this article not to trigger discussion among high-quality Taoist priests, but to send a signal and a trend to high-quality Taoist priests.

The big ship Daomen is turning around. Although there must be many bumps and bumps in the process, and some people may even fall into the water, the top management has made up its mind.

If Qi Xuansu was still a Taoist boy in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace, he would understand one thing. He should focus on learning creation and firearms. I can't say that he will definitely have a good future, at least he will not be hungry.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu and others arrived.

Large sunglasses that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, a coat embroidered with copper money patterns, a cigarette stick on his waist, and a small abacus hanging on it.

There is an extra cloak for taking the lead.

It's Qiniang.

Qiniang is considered to be from the Yao family and is a lady, but she has an ability that no matter how she dresses or what kind of clothes she wears, she can always bring out the philistine temperament of a businessman. I don't know if she does it intentionally or is innate.

Qi Xuansu can contact Qiniang. If the mountain is not coming towards me, I will walk towards the mountain.

If Qiniang doesn't want to take the initiative to see him, then he will take the initiative to make an appointment with Qiniang.

The place where the two met was in a black market store. After Qiniang came in, the shopkeeper wisely went out, leaving only Qi Xuansu and Qiniang.

Of course, there is a black market in the Imperial City, and it is quite large. Strictly speaking, this is the territory of Qibaofang.

However, when doing business on other people's land, you have to deal with local snakes, so this black market also has many shares of clans, nobles, and officials, providing shelter for the black market. It’s not that Qibaofang is a small merchant who can be bullied, but that doing business requires harmony to make money. Qibaofang is here to do business, not to rectify the atmosphere of the Imperial Capital. There is no need to conflict with these people. If you have money, make money together. Better than losing both sides.

As the owner of the shop, it is natural for Qiniang to appear here.

"What do you want from me?" Qiniang's attitude was a little cold.

Qi Xuansu asked deliberately: "Qiniang, who made you unhappy?"

"What do you think?" Qiniang glanced at him sideways.

Qi Xuansu pretended to be dumbfounded and said, "Is it Li Qingnu? Or Yao Pei? These girls from big families have the temperament of a young lady and can easily make people angry."

Qiniang smiled softly and said, "I think she is the eldest lady of the Zhang family."

Qi Xuansu knew that speaking for Zhang Yuelu at this time would be a crime of "forgetting his mother after having a wife," so he said: "It seems that I made Qiniang angry."

"What's your last name Zhang?" Qiniang raised her eyebrows.

Qi Xuansu said: "This mother doesn't want to talk about her son, so she gets angry at others, but the root of the problem still lies with this son. Qi Niang has made it so clear that it is not appropriate for me to pretend to be stupid anymore."

Qiniang looked at Qi Xuansu and said with her tongue: "She is somewhat self-aware."

Qi Xuansu lowered his eyebrows.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Qiniang asked.

Qi Xuansu said: "I have met Li Changge."

Qiniang asked: "What then?"

"He asked me how many pieces of 'Xuan Jade' I had collected, and he also said that he had the Li family to rely on, so he only collected five pieces. I collected three pieces by myself. It was really good luck or something. This obviously meant that there was something behind his words. It’s for knocking the mountain and Zhenhu, not for me, but for you Qiniang,” Qi Xuansu said with added jealousy.

Qiniang was unmoved: "I can't beat Li Changgeng. Even if Li Changge comes for me, there's nothing I can do."

Qi Xuansu added: "Li Changge also said that if you don't want to stop pretending to be an immortal, then don't go too fast. What does this mean?"

Qiniang pondered for a moment and said: "The reason is not complicated. The key lies in two reasons."

"The first reason is that the 'Heart of Immortality Stone' is a shortcut, but it cannot reach the sky in one step. The 'Xuan Jade' will take a certain amount of time to strengthen and change your body. If you go too fast, your body may be damaged. If you can't bear it, there are usually two manifestations, one is crystallization, and the other is disintegration. In human terms, it either turns into a large human-shaped 'mysterious jade', or it turns into a pool of blood and mud."

"The second reason is the issue of the degree of fusion. Integrating 'Xuanyu' requires a process. It does not mean that your 'Xuanyu' disappears and it is fused. This is only the first step. In the next period of time, 'Xuanyu' will The fusion of jade in your body will continue. The larger and more complete the 'xuan jade' is, the slower it will be. Take you as an example, your 'xuan jade' is relatively small and has been completely integrated. The 'God's Mysterious Jade' is relatively large and has not yet been fused. If you fuse the next piece of 'Mysterious Jade' in advance before the previous piece of 'Mysterious Jade' is completely fused, it is not a big problem and can be done simultaneously. "The advantage is that having multiple kinds of 'mysterious jade' brings magical powers in advance, but the disadvantage is that it will slow down the progress of complete integration, and there is an upper limit."

"In my opinion, Li Changge's upper limit is the simultaneous fusion of five pieces of 'Xuan Jade'. Any more will cause problems, similar to what we often say is a weak foundation, leaving hidden dangers, which will eventually lead to failure to achieve perfection and stop being a pseudo-immortal."

Qi Xuansu understood: "Because of the first reason, Li Changge did not dare to use 'Xuanyu' and divine power to improve his realm too quickly, so as not to turn into a human-shaped large 'Xuanyu' or turn into blood mud. Because of the second reason , Li Changge can only fuse five pieces of 'Xuan Yu' at the same time, which does not mean that the Li family only collected five pieces of 'Xuan Jade' for him. "

"You can teach me." Qiniang nodded.

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