"Meng Xingyun" is a first-class member and one of the six members of the Privy Council. Qi Xuansu is only a second-class member, but "Meng Xingyun" treats Qi Xuansu quite politely.

The reason is not complicated. Most of the time, it depends on the level of cultivation, especially at this critical moment when life and death are needed. After all, Qi Xuansu is a heavenly being in the Xiaoyao stage. Compared with the heavenly beings in the infinite stage, he is only one level lower and belongs to the backbone of combat power. Furthermore, Qi Xuansu is the kind with a background. If there is an internal ranking of the Privy Council, then Qiniang is not the chief, but has to be the second. Qi Xuansu is Qiniang's confidant and direct descendant, so others will naturally give him a little less favor.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Qi Xuansu asked: "What is our goal?"

"There is a branch of the 'Inn' near the overpass. Our mission today is to destroy the branch here, kill all the 'Inn' members, and take away all the account books and rosters."

The mask on "Meng Xingyun"'s face seems to have a voice-changing function, which makes his voice quite distorted and has the effect of overlapping echoes.

Qi Xuansu was not surprised. In a sense, his mission to Fengtai County was not much different in nature from this mission. It was just that he targeted Qingluan Guard that time and the "Inn" this time.

Although "Inns" have branches in various places, the strengths of the branches vary. For example, the "Inn" branch in Cuowenbu is much stronger than the "Inn" branch in Fengtai County, which mainly depends on the situation in each place.

The Imperial Capital has the largest number of heavenly beings, even more than the Jade Capital, so it makes sense that the "Inn" branch in the Imperial Capital is much better than the "Inn" branches in other places.

As for not leaving anyone alive, it doesn't mean that they can't be arrested, but it's because it's inconvenient to evacuate.

"Mengxingyun" walked in front, instead of walking onto the overpass, he came under the bridge.

Since there is a bridge, there is naturally a river. This is a main drainage river in Nancheng. It originates from Penglai Pond and flows into the moat outside the city. It is called "River Behind the Suburban Altar". As the name suggests, it is the river behind the Temple of Heaven and Earth in the suburbs. Although it is no longer a suburb and belongs to the boundaries of Nancheng, the name has remained.

Later, the Daxuan court unified the renovation of the four outer cities, established a huge network of water canals and numerous water purification mills, and buried most of the river underground to become a canal. So now there is a dry river under the bridge, with no water and only withered yellow weeds.

At this time, six people had gathered in the bridge hole. When they saw "Meng Xingyun" and Qi Xuansu approaching, they all looked over.

"Meng Xingyun" introduced to everyone: "'Golden Cross Knife'."

Qi Xuansu cupped his fists and saluted.

Then "Meng Xingyun" introduced others to Qi Xuansu: "'Zui Chui Bian', 'Yue Huaqing', 'Ren Yue Yuan', 'Yue Xia Flute', 'Shuang Shuang Yan', 'Ban Yun Lai'."

Every time he reported a word card name, the corresponding person would nod to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu once met "Drunken Whip" who was suspected of being a man in black in the "Dream Meeting". It seemed that he was the contact person Qiniang mentioned. However, due to a temporary change in plans, he did not go to see Qi Xuansu, but directly Came to the overpass.

The other five people were meeting for the first time.

The six of them all wore bronze masks in the style of ancient witchcraft, with the name of the word brand engraved between the eyebrows. Compared with the bronze mask of "Meng Xing Yun", the fineness of the patterns was significantly lower, and the mask of "Meng Xing Yun" even had similar patterns. The snow-white hair of the lion's mane, while the rest of the masks lacked these details.

This should be the difference between Class A members and Class B members.

However, Qi Xuansu did not have such a mask because Qiniang never gave it to him. In a sense, he has always been a non-staff member of the Qingping Society in the past. He stayed away from the outside world and never participated in many people's actions. Except for Qiniang, he had little contact with other members of the Qingping Society and was very unfamiliar with the Qingping Society. On the other hand, other people should have had similar experiences many times, and even the masks are uniform.

"Meng Xingyun" was well prepared. He took out a mask engraved with "Golden Staggered Knife" from the Sumeru objects and handed it to Qi Xuansu: "It's of no great use. It's just a spiritual object. But it can resist 'chaotic gods' and 'dream'." , 'Perspective', 'Wangqi' and other magical powers can also cover the original breath and change the voice."

Qi Xuansu thanked him, took the mask, turned his back, took off his hat, untied his bun, and covered his face with it.

When wearing this kind of mask, it is best to keep your hair disheveled so that your identity will not be revealed by your bun. The ancient ancestors at that time also had disheveled hair and had no concept of buns.

As a result, Qi Xuansu wore two masks on his face, making it almost impossible to see his true face.

"Meng Xingyun" said: "Everyone has arrived, let's start doing business."

"Shuang Shuangyan" is a woman and asked: "Where is the branch of the 'Inn'?"

"Mengxingyun" replied: "Right under our feet."

After saying that, "Meng Xingyun" raised his foot and stomped on the ground, and it suddenly collapsed. Everyone did not dodge and fell freely.

What is below is not an abyss, but what was once the "River Behind the Suburban Altar" has now become part of the Imperial Capital's huge sewer system. So it fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

It is said to be a sewer, but in fact it is more like a wide corridor. There is even a stone path for people to walk next to the underground river, which is similar to a river embankment, so that the group does not have to wade through the water.

This was Qi Xuansu's first time entering the culverts of the Imperial Capital, but he had been exposed to them before in Jinling Mansion, so he wasn't too surprised.

Corresponding to the Yin canal, there is naturally the Yang canal. Generally speaking, what flows in the Yang canal is clean water, which is used for drinking, while what flows in the Yin canal is sewage. Therefore, the Yang canal and the Yin canal must be strictly separated to avoid pollution. It was also necessary to prevent the water from the sewers from flowing into Penglai Pond and other natural underground rivers, causing well water pollution. Therefore, the ditches had to be carefully planned and subdivided. This resulted in a huge criss-crossing "cobweb" underneath the Imperial City. Some people even said that this move would affect the imperial capital's dragon veins. However, with the strong promotion of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Taizong, such a huge project was completed. It will benefit the future. At least there will no longer be stagnant water and sewage on the streets. Keeping the city clean and tidy is only one aspect. The key is to reduce the spread of diseases.

But in this way, these positive and negative channels are like a maze. Without a map, it is easy to get lost in it.

Of course, the imperial court kept a map of the canal, which was stored in the Ministry of Works. Every year, workers were dispatched based on the map of the canal for dredging. It's just that ordinary people want to get the canal map, but they absolutely can't. After all, it is related to the water source that millions of people rely on for survival, so they can't be careless. The Qingping Society did not obtain a complete map of the canal, only some handwritten fragments, so they could only find the approximate location from the ground, and then forcefully enter it from above the canal. After all, it is not the case that the "Jiaotan Houhe River" was buried underground. The secrets were told by word of mouth among the people nearby. At least during the previous dynasty, there was still a river here.

As for the "inn", after all, it has connections with the imperial court, so the branch can be established in such a secret place.

"Mengxingyun" walked at the front and was responsible for leading the way.

If you get lost in this place, it is not difficult to get out. After all, there is no formation, just go all the way up. But after "breaking out of the ground", it is difficult to tell where you are. This is the Imperial Capital after all. If you really want to appear in It is not a rare thing among a certain yamen. If the ditch is damaged, resulting in leakage or pollution, he will be wanted by Qingluan Guard.

After walking zigzag all the way down for half an hour, I turned a corner and suddenly a bright light appeared in front of me.

"Meng Xingyun" waved his hand, and the two "inn" clerks standing in the light fell to the ground without making any sound. A moment later, another "inn" clerk in the dark fell from the hiding place above.

"These are the open and hidden sentries arranged by the 'inn'. They are not far from the branch." "Yue Huaqing", who is also a woman, said.

"Mengxingyun" said nothing and continued to move forward.

The passage became wider and wider, and finally came to a wide place, similar to an underground hall, with a diameter of nearly a hundred feet and a height of more than ten feet. There seemed to be a hole at the top, with a beam of moonlight hanging down. Below was a pool, and six ditches were dark. The river is connected here, and the opening is located five feet above the surrounding walls. After the river gushes out, it hangs down like a waterfall, turns into a curtain of water, and falls into the pool below. The water in the pool is divided into four roads, each of which is connected to the pool. Flush ditches.

Qi Xuansu and others walked out of one of the ditches.

A platform was built above the water pool with a counter, tables and chairs. The platform is connected to the surroundings by wooden bridges. There is a wooden bridge behind the counter, which leads to another ditch, but the "inn" has added a gate here.

This is the branch of the "Inn".

It is also the most special one among the many branches Qi Xuansu has seen.

"Meng Xingyun" didn't speak, but just made a hand gesture, and all seven people rushed out.

"Meng Xingyun" took the lead and went straight to the branch manager behind the counter.

The shopkeeper here is a top-notch clerk in the "Inn". In terms of status, he is second only to the six top executives. His cultivation level is quite good. Facing the menacing "Meng Xingyun", he remained calm even though he was frightened. He moved his hands Push the counter to make it fly towards "Meng Xingyun", then flip his hands, and there is already a big halberd with black light flowing in his hand.

"Meng Xingyun" just slapped it casually, and the entire counter shattered into pieces and turned into powder.

As for the true energy hidden in it, of course it can't help him.

The branch manager swept his halberd, and the six hanging waterfalls were pulled by his halberd and turned into six water dragons, rushing towards the "Dream Walking Cloud" together.

This branch manager is also a master of the infinite stage.

It has to be said that although today's Infinite Stage Heavenly Beings are far inferior to the Infinite Heavenly Beings in the Xuansheng Era in terms of upper limit, combat power, etc., their numbers are far superior to those of the past.

This is due to Xuansheng's integrated cultivation method. Everyone can practice the Dacheng method, and the inheritance system is subdivided. You can specialize in one direction according to your own situation, without requiring everyone to be a generalist. There is also the vigorous development of creation projects, and even banished immortals can imitate them, not to mention various pills to improve cultivation. Coupled with the return of light before the end of the law, due to various reasons, the number of heavenly beings has greatly increased.

This is like ginseng. In the past, ginseng was wild, but now it is cultivated through artificial fertilization, and the yield is naturally different. In terms of medicinal efficacy, wild ginseng generally takes several decades to hundreds of years to grow, while artificially cultivated ginseng generally only takes five to six years. Therefore, the medicinal efficacy of wild ginseng is dozens of times that of cultivated ginseng.

Qi Xuansu's situation could only be said to be average in Xuansheng's era, but today, he has become outstanding.

If the gods of the present and the gods of the past were to fight against each other, even if they were of the same realm, they would still be in danger of death. However, today's Taoist sect is stronger than the Taoist sect of the past. Not to mention other things, the numbers are here. If you can't fight one on one, you can definitely beat three against one.

Look at \\Crossing the River\\ and remember\\domain\\name\\:\\\\.\\8\\2\\z\\w\\.\\\\


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