Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 143 Dao Fruit Realm

At the top of the Five Elements Mountain, the "shopkeeper" and the "waiter" stood side by side. Hearing the loud noise coming from the bottom of the mountain, they whispered: "Let's do it. They chose New Year's Eve, which is a good day."

"Palace Master Li has entered the palace, and Master Pingzhang is personally in charge of the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Palace is now in the hands of Zhou Jiaoxian."

"They painstakingly armed the Imperial Palace, laid off a large number of personnel, and mobilized elites from all over the country. They did not hesitate to make arrangements more than half a year in advance, just for today. The two Dao's joining forces cannot be underestimated."

"Most of these spiritual officials come from the Western Regions and are either related to Quanzhen Taoism or Tiangang Hall. They have nothing to do with Taiping Tao. Even if Palace Master Li does not enter the palace, he may not be able to control the situation."

"It's just an appetizer, the real dish hasn't come yet."


The "shopkeeper" turned his gaze to the dark night sky not far away.

There was a strange sound in that direction that could easily be covered up by winter thunder, and then the night slowly tore open two holes, one horizontally and one vertically, like cross knife flowers cut on a mushroom. Then the crack grew bigger and bigger, turning into a special portal.

Two figures wearing bronze masks walked out. The masks were quite in the style of ancient witchcraft and even had white hair.

One of them had empty hands, while the other held a Qimen weapon.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together.

The "shopkeeper" sighed: "The ghosts of Qingpinghui's "Sheng Wuyou" and "Meng Xingyun" are really lingering. "

After that, he took the lead and swept down the mountain.

"Sheng Wuyou" also lowered his figure.

It's not that the two of them are pedantic and abide by the rules of fair competition, but that at this level, it is no longer useful to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and then play clever tricks to find geographical advantages, so it is better to maintain their grace. After all, they are all people who have been famous for a long time. If they can win, it doesn't matter if they play some tricks. Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. If you can't win, you will look very incompetent and be ridiculed and criticized.

The two of them didn't want to die here. Regardless of success or failure, no matter who wins or loses, they will still have to establish themselves in the world in the future.

"Run Tang" also swept down the mountain, but was stopped halfway by "Meng Xingyun".

"Your opponent is me!"

They are all old rivals.

Now that the masters of the Qingpinghui Privy Council have arrived, can Qiniang be far behind?

On a hiking trail, Qiniang was walking slowly, holding a small pipe in her mouth, about the length of her index finger, and turned a deaf ear to the bursts of winter thunder and the sounds of fighting at the bottom of the mountain.

The "blocking old man" was pinned to her waist, and accompanying it was a small abacus.

Qiniang doesn't like to fight with others. Instead of fighting in person, she prefers to fire artillery from a distance, just like the last time she bombarded Master Siming at the Yuhuatai.

At this moment, there was another loud noise, which caused many pine needles to break off the branches and fall on Qiniang's head.

Qiniang stretched out her hand and swept it. She also didn't like to show off her power when nothing happened. She was even very restrained and suppressed, trying to stay in the state of an ordinary person, so the pine needles were not immediately deflected by the body-protecting energy.

Surrounding yourself with immortal energy is something that Master Yao should do, not Qiniang.

She cleaned the pine needles from her head and removed them.

It was "Sheng Wuyou" and "Shopkeeper" who finally faced each other head-on.

The "Shopkeeper" did not use Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth immediately, but only used the "Jade Emperor's Golden Body" in the golden body state to face "Saint Wuyou". Like a golden statue, the earth trembled during the action.

The "shopkeeper" pushed it out with one palm, which seemed to be an understatement, but the surging divine power caused a large piece of land to be lifted up, as if a huge wave made entirely of soil was set off from the flat ground, like a mud and rock flow that could cover the entire village. , and headed towards "Sheng Wuyou".

"Sheng Wuyou" split the huge wave of mud into two with just one finger.

The "shopkeeper" is not the "proprietor", and he is not good at fists and kicks, so he used another mediocre palm strike.

"Saint Wuyou" suddenly accelerated, and this

The palm passed by the shoulder, and a huge palm print suddenly collapsed on the hillside behind him. Even the palm prints were clearly visible. Compared with the palm print, ordinary people would be like ants.

It is disrespectful to come and go without reciprocating, and "Sheng Wuyou" also has its five fingers spread out and is held in the void.

Then a huge vortex appeared in the sky, turning into a tornado column, falling from the sky and slamming down on the "shopkeeper".

The figure of the "shopkeeper" was immediately submerged under the suppression of the huge wind pillar, and except for a few faintly visible golden lights, he disappeared.

After a moment, a huge Dharma body with bright golden light suddenly stood up and lifted the wind pillar, as if it wanted to push the wind pillar back to the sky.

After a moment, the wind pillar disappeared, leaving no trace of this dharma body that represented the heaven and the earth.

The "Shopkeeper" moved with a bang, his feet did not move at all, and his body moved horizontally, as if a statue was moving, or like a boat on land.

It's not the Dharmakaya of the "shopkeeper" that is moving, but the ground beneath his feet.

So shrunk to an inch.

The "Shopkeeper" made a fist with one hand, and like a small mountain, with a whistling sound breaking through the air, he smashed it down towards "Sheng Wuyou". Before the fist landed on "Sheng Wuyou", just the wind of the fist made "Sheng Wuyou"'s clothes rustle and shake the mountains.

"Saint Wuyou" did not take a hard hit. He immediately dodged and punched the ground. The force was so powerful that the ground could not bear it. It was shaken and cracked, and a huge spider web was torn out.

"Sheng Wuyou" took this opportunity to mobilize the whole body's true energy to gather in one place and turn it into an inner elixir. Then it shrank into a small point and sank into the sea of ​​​​lower dantian. Then a bright golden light came out of the sea of ​​​​qi. Finally, it turned into golden liquid and went up, causing him to enter the state of returning to the void. Then he used the magical power of the Void Refining Realm to reach out and pull out an invisible and formless sword from the void. If it weren't for the five fingers of "Sheng Wuyou", he would have The obvious movement of holding a sword makes it almost impossible to confirm that the sword in his hand is the "Daozi Sword".

The "Shopkeeper" did not rush to hit the "Daozi Sword" with his fist this time. Last time, one of his arms collapsed directly, which took a thousand moments of divine power. So the "Shopkeeper" used his divine power to create a two-handed sword, which was enough It was thirty feet long and swept towards "Sheng Wuyou".

In front of the horizontal sword of "Sheng Wuyou", the "Daozi Sword" touched the giant sword, but the golden light giant sword, which was countless times larger in size, collapsed into a gap. From the gap, countless golden light points scattered.

The Qi Refiner is known as the second among the Five Immortals and the mainstay of the Taoist Sect, and it is not for nothing.

"Sheng Wuyou" swung his sword and counterattacked towards the "shopkeeper".

Last time, there was a sneak attack by "Cook". In this one-on-one contest, even if he has just recovered from his serious injury, he may not be at a disadvantage.

The "shopkeeper" didn't dare to be careless. He stepped on the ground. With him as the center, countless golden lights spread in all directions. Wherever the golden light passed, whether it was the soil, the ground, the grass, trees, insects, and ants, they were all coated with a layer of golden light, as if It's made of gold.

A thirty-mile radius turned into an independent world, and even the moonlight and stars were isolated.

This is the realm of Tao and Fruit inherited from Wu Zhu, which corresponds to the stage of creation and the stage of pseudo-immortal.

The so-called Tao Fruit Realm is simply the Kingdom of God.

The world is like a big tree, and the caves are the fruits on the tree. The earth immortals are the insects on the tree. They are very powerful. They can drill holes in the tree, gnaw the fruit leaves, and can wander around along the trunk. But the Earth Immortal cannot leave the big tree. Even a flying insect with wings can only fly up briefly and will soon fall unless it breaks out of its cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

But the immortals are different. The immortals are butterflies. Butterflies may not be the opponents of some powerful insects, but they can fly. In this way, the immortals can not only leave the big tree, but also "pollinate" and help the big tree bear fruits, which are all kinds of caves. The largest cave in the world is the Kunlun Cave held by Taoism. It is also the largest fruit on the tree and was created by Taishang Taozu.

As for the relationship between heavenly immortals and earthly immortals, it is actually the relationship of breaking out of cocoons and transforming into butterflies. After some earthly immortals reach the end, they will immediately form cocoons and transform into butterflies, transform from insects into butterflies, and leave this world, which is called ascension.

There are also some earthly immortals who will continue to stay in this world as insects, constantly strengthening themselves, and eventually becoming extremely powerful, and can even hunt down heavenly immortals and gods.

Human immortals and ghost immortals are not taken seriously by him, and the price is to endure a catastrophe every hundred years, each time more severe than the last, until they are annihilated in ashes.

As for the immortals, they are between heavenly immortals and earthly immortals. The immortals can "pollinate" like the heavenly immortals, but like the earthly immortals they cannot leave the big tree. So the gods used their ability to "pollinate" to bring forth fruits. They did not leave things alone like the gods, but worked hard to take care of them and live in them. This is the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God, it occupies a favorable geographical position, and the gods can even be as good as heaven and earth. Xian Yi competes.

To put it simply, the fruit of the gods is the cave sky, and the fruit of the gods is the kingdom of gods. The former would be almost imperishable unless we ushered in the Age of Ending Dharma, claiming to be cyclical and self-sufficient. The latter can only go in but not out. Without the injection of nutrients, it will quickly wither. The nutrients are incense and will power.

At this time, what the three ancient immortals are seeking is to further ripen the fruit and grow it to the point where the fruit is ripe and the stem falls off. Then the fruit can leave the branches of the big tree and fall to the ground, which is equivalent to ascending. This is the reason why the three of them wantonly harvest the power of incense and desire.

The Taoist sect's recruitment was to allow the ancient immortal to change his path, give up the Kingdom of God, and ascend physically, so Taiyin True Lord's Kingdom of God still remained in the human world.

This is also the fundamental reason why the three ancient immortals and the Taoist sect cannot reach reconciliation. For gods, the difference between having a kingdom of gods and not is too big, and the risk of changing paths is also too great.

Precisely because Taoism refers to becoming an immortal as attaining the Tao, and the "Kingdom of Gods" is like a fruit, the last realm passed down by immortals is called "Dao Fruit Realm". This has deviated from the meaning of Tao Fruit in the past Taoist classics. It is the new meaning proposed by Xindaomen.

The ancient witch religion called it the "god's domain".

The realm of Tao and Fruit is also related to the condensed Dharma.

For example, what the True Monarch of Taiyin embodies is naturally Guanghan Palace, also known as Guanghan Fairyland. Another example is the immeasurable light Dharma, which condenses the Buddhaland of Ultimate Bliss. Or it may be the Dharma form of the inanimate old mother, which is the empty homeland.

The "Shopkeeper" is the incomplete "Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven", so his Dao Fruit Realm is the Lingxiao Wonderful Realm, also known as the Lingxiao Heavenly Palace.

I saw that behind the "Palm Palace", there was cloud energy, and the shadow of a majestic hundred-foot palace was looming.

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