Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1300: Declare war!

"Ji Zhen, what do you think?"

The three sages looked at the middle-aged in black.

"Return to Shengjun, the three of you opened the way for us. When we came to this Yuanci Mountain, we were caught off guard. We almost woke up, awakened alone, and fled in a panic. Wouldn't it be possible?"

The middle-aged in black named Ji Zhen laughed.


"It makes sense!"

The eyes of the three sages lit up.

They overestimated waking up just now, so calm down at this moment. After waking up, the cultivation base is low, and the possibility of being recruited is extremely high.

"Haha! I almost got across the sea by that kid."

"Since he is already a sleepy beast, it's easy to handle."

"However, I still have to make sure."

The three sages looked at each other.

At this time, many Ji clan elites have rushed along.

There are more than a hundred masters on the list of heavenly kings to remind everyone that when they step into this area, they will scattered and cultivated, so that they will not be affected.

"You guys, go to Yuanci Mountain to find it."

"Be careful not to let go of any corner."

Ji Zhen pointed out a few people casually.

Those few people did not dare to disobey, they urged their cultivation bases one after another, and immediately felt the majestic pulling force, and their bodies flew towards Yuanci Mountain involuntarily.

After a while, they appeared on Yuanci Mountain one after another, spreading away, looking around.

Although Yuanci Mountain is not small in size, it is relatively small compared to the vast starry sky, but it is not very difficult to search for a carpet.


A dull explosion sounded.

An elite Ji clan was awakened and beaten with a punch.

And his position was subsequently exposed.


"That kid really is inside."

"Now, let's see where he can escape."

The eyes of the three sages lit up.

Ji Zhen also showed a smile.

Although this Yuanci Mountain is weird, it is not impossible for the Ji clan to solve it. As long as he wakes up and is trapped in the mountain, the Ji clan has many ways to put him to death.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wake up to kill the rest of the Ji clan elite who entered Yuanci Mountain.

In Yuanci Mountain, the power of cultivation has no effect, and can only fight with the strength of the physical body, and undoubtedly, the power of the awakened physical body belongs to the best, and it is hard to meet the opponent.

"Wake up, as many elites as you kill my Ji clan, we will cut you a few more times."

Ji Zhen spoke.

"You have the ability, you come down to fight."

Wake up and speak lightly.

Although caught in the biggest crisis in history, he still behaved calmly without any panic.

This calm and composure also made many people secretly admire.

Put yourself in the situation, ask yourself, you can't wake up so calm.

"I have thousands of elite Ji clan, one person and one spit can drown you."

Ji Zhen smiled lightly.

"A lot of nonsense."

"Have the ability to come down for a fight."

"One to kill one, two to kill a pair."

Awakening is simple and simple, and boldly invites the battle.

"Send someone up and run this little beast to death. I see how arrogant he is."

The three saints are angry.

Do you dare to be so rampant?

They can't stand it.

"Let's go together!"

More than a hundred masters on the list of heavenly kings moved all together.

As Ji Zhen said, there are so many of them, and one spit of one person is enough to drown and wake up, so they are not too worried.


With the operation of the cultivation base, the strong adsorption power of Yuanci Mountain attracted more than a hundred masters of the Heavenly Kings List.


The next moment, fierce fighting broke out.

As a master of the list of heavenly kings, even if he can't use his cultivation base, his pure physical strength is not weak.

The fist gang whistling, energy billowing.

Hundreds of masters on the list of heavenly kings, like an army of tigers and wolves, are frightening.


Awakening fist, the muffled sound like a drum, mega-shattering.

First of all, he first came into contact with his first heavenly king leader, his body flew out directly, and the right fist that fought against the awakening was even more cracked and bloody.


The screams recurred.

Wake up with a fist like the wind, and fight against the second master of the king's list, and also smash the opponent into the air.

His flesh was full of vitality, exposed like a human figure, extremely powerful.

People are shocked.

After waking up in a sigh of relief, he actually smashed more than ten masters of the heavenly kings list, which was quite cruel.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wake up and continue to shoot, his face is cold, and the momentum is striking.

As if he had entered the realm of no one, his fist was like a dragon, and wherever he passed, one after another, the top masters of the heavenly kings were knocked into the air, losing the power to fight again.

This is a total slaughter.

People are shocked.

The horror of the awakened physical power is simply incredible.

He seems to have become the ancestor of the barbarian, and he is like the immortal stone sage Doutian.

In contrast, more than a hundred masters on the list of heavenly kings are as immature as babies.

With the last punch out, the last top player on the top of the list was also awakened and knocked into the air.

On the open ground of Yuanci Mountain, he was awakened and stood long, and around him, more than a hundred masters of the heavenly kings list fell to the ground, wailing.


Awakened and stepped on it, a master of the Heavenly Kings List collapsed in his chest, and the screams stopped abruptly.


The three sages were furious, and Ji Zhen's expression was also blue.

This act of awakening was a completely naked provocation, declaring war with the Ji clan.


He awakened without saying anything, but stepped on it again, and another master of the kings list was killed.

"If you don't agree, fight again!"

After the awakening killed more than a hundred masters of the heavenly kings list, he looked at the existence of the three holy monarchs.

"Wake up, you are looking for death!"

"We will find your family, and you will be wiped out."

The three holy monarchs said angrily.

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

Waking up without fear.

He came from the Central Shenlu, and the Ji Clan really didn't have the ability to pass through the Godless Star Region.


"My Ji clan is in the Zixiao Star Region, not to mention invincible in the world, but it is easy to destroy your family."

The three saints laughed, full of confidence.

"So much nonsense!"

"Will anyone come down to die?"

Wake up **** for tat.

Ji Clan's repeated aggressiveness made him start a real fire.

Just take this opportunity to declare war and suppress the arrogance of the Ji clan.

Although Yuancishan trapped him, it also provided him with an extremely advantageous battlefield.

When the cultivation base cannot be used, compete with the physical strength, and no one is afraid to wake up.

"Wake up, do you really think that your physical strength is invincible?"

Ji Zhen was furious.

The awakening and grand declaration of war would be too detrimental if the Ji clan retreated.

"Not invincible."

"But it's more than enough to deal with you."

Wake had a calm face, but his tone was loud.

The three holy monarchs trembled with anger, and couldn't wait to rush down and wake up to fight.

But I dare not really do that.

If they really get to Yuanci Mountain, their cultivation will also lose its effect.

"Three days!"

"Give us three days."

"Own masters fight with you."

Ji Zhen said.


"I have time now." Su Xing nodded and agreed.

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