Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1344: Rikugo Shintengō!

On the seventh Yutai Mountain, Ji Yuyue shot.


She raised Qianqianyu's hand and pressed it down with a palm. Behind her, the phantom of the **** also made the same movement.

In an instant, the power of the rules of the Holy Path within a radius of thousands of miles was taken away and included in this palm.

That vigorous and endless palm power, like the coercion of Taoism, fell brilliantly.

Feng Tianjiao's expression changed, Ji Yuyue gave him a lot of shock and almost broke his beliefs, but after all, he had rebuilt against the realm, had a profound cultivation base, and had the same firm willpower, and he responded quickly.

His hands clasped together, his breath became mysterious and mysterious, his body was almost transparent, turned into a stream of light, and escaped into the void.

This is one of the Ji clan's fascinating knowledge of Taoism, Tianfeng Shen Lingying. This Dao Fa is profound and profound, and few people in the entire Ji clan can comprehend it, and Feng Tianjiao not only comprehend it, but also has extremely high attainments. Eliminate the eighth ancestor who is called the ancestor of the wind, no one can live in heaven. Fengshen Lingying, surpassing Fengtianjiao


That stream of light stretched out and turned into an extremely sharp wind blade, like a knife like a sword, extremely sharp, and slashed towards Ji Yuyue's palm.

Body and wind!

The essence of Tianfeng Shen Lingying lies in the Avenue of Wind.

Feng Tianjiao can already easily integrate the body and the avenue of wind, and the movement track is erratic, and the lethality is even more powerful.


The wind blade collided with the palm strength, and the roar was deafening, and more terrifying waves vented away, billowing like thunder.

However, the seemingly invincible wind blade did not cut through the palm power, but instead retreated steadily and fled hastily.

On closer inspection, the palm strength is more mysterious, sometimes as thick as a mountain, sometimes as agile as a hurricane, sometimes exuding a violent aura of power, and sometimes endlessly, and it is fickle and mysterious.

"Liuhe is true heavenly skill!"

"Unexpectedly, Ji Changkong actually taught you this exercise."

Feng Tianjiao's voice sounded, with shock and unwillingness.

"Ji Changkong taught it to me?"

"you are wrong!"

"It is Ji Changkong and I who study and comprehend together to master the profound mystery of Liuhe Zhentian Gong."

Ji Yuyue's indifferent voice sounded.

Liuhe Zhentian Gong is the Ji clan’s unique knowledge, the most extensive and profound, and there is no one.

It was accidentally obtained by that **** in the history of the Ji clan, but even that **** didn't practice this exercise. There was no other reason, and the difficulty was too high.

It needs to comprehend the six avenues in order to finally sublimate to the fullest and participate in good luck in one fell swoop.

Because of this, Liuhe Zhentian Gong is mostly decorations, and no one can really understand it.

However, Ji Changkong did it.

He smelted the world martial arts, went back to the realm and rebuilt, put in countless efforts, and finally succeeded in comprehending Liuhe Zhentian Gong.

It's just that no one knows that during the process of Ji Changkong's enlightenment, Ji Yuyue was also enlightening. The two brothers and sisters passed on all of their understanding, confirmed each other, and then gained the Tao at the same time.


Ji Yuyue continued to shoot.

She seems to strike lightly with one palm, but it is all-encompassing and contains many changes. After the integration of Taoism and law, not only the power is doubled, but it is also impossible to guard against.

Feng Tianjiao has been retreating steadily. If he hadn't rebuilt the realm, his cultivation base was extremely strong and he had already failed, but even so, he could not change the defeat.

"Liuhe embraces the mountain, clouds and rain fly over"

With Ji Yuyue's soft drink, she pushed forward with a pair of Qianqianyu hands. After a short time, the light appeared in the void, and the six mountains quickly emerged, heading down to suppress Feng Tianjiao.

Feng Tianjiao dodged extremely, dangerously and dangerously, but found that the six big mountains quickly dissipated. At the same time, clouds appeared in the sky, lightning and thunder, rain and sand fell.

This is not ordinary rain, but an unpredictable attack brought by Liuhe Zhentian Gong.

"Boom boom boom!"

Drops of rain fell on Feng Tianjiao and flew him out. His white clothes were quickly dyed red by blood, and his breath dropped to the bottom.

"Feng Yuqiu, you are defeated!" Ji Yuyue stood in the void, her expression indifferent, with a hint of depression. She looked at Feng Tianjiao, who had fallen on the ground and lost his combat power, and said: "The realm of gods, the most important thing is not the foundation of cultivation, but the state of mind. From the moment you imprisoned me and tried to get Ji Changkong to drop the mouse, Your state of mind is already

There are shortcomings, so even if you go back to the realm and rebuild, you still can't build the foundation of the gods. "

"Because you are no longer confident."


Feng Tianjiao vomited blood on his face, his face pale, and his eyes felt more confused.

Ji Yuyue's words were like thunder that exploded in his heart, defeating his Dao Heart and defeating him.

"Feng Tianjiao is over!"

"Dao Xin collapses, not to mention shaping the foundation of the gods, even the Holy Sovereign Realm is difficult to step into."

People shook their heads.

In today's defeat, the Ji clan is doomed to lose a young, promising and promising Tianjiao figure.

It's just that the rise of Ji Yuyue has caused the Ji clan's overall background to rise again.

Two gods!

It's like a myth.

Such Ji clan, in the near future, will surely revive.

At the same time, people are also thinking about another issue. In the current martial arts conference, I thought that awakening was the biggest dark horse, but now it seems that Ji Yuyue, who shaped the foundation of the gods, is obviously better.

Strong as Fengtianjiao, but also defeated by her torture.

"I'm afraid that Ji Yuyue is unwilling to compete with Su Xing, so she deliberately makes her wake up and sit on the champion position!"

Everyone can see that Ji Yuyue and Su Xing have a very good relationship, and the two probably won't fight.

But without Ji Yuyue's obstacles, it was much easier to wake up and win the championship.


As people imagined, after Ji Yuyue defeated Feng Tianjiao, she left Yutai Mountain.

He awakened and was about to continue climbing, but You Xuan's figure resurfaced, intercepting him.

"Are you planning a formal battle?" Su Xing stared at You Xuan who suddenly appeared. He was not too surprised. He felt too relaxed and suspicious when he defeated the latter before.

"I originally wanted to use their hands to block you, but I didn't expect one by one to be so useless, so I had to do it myself." You Xuan shrugged.

Reawakening twisted his eyebrows, and asked: "If you are strong enough, why do you use the hands of others? You Xuan, are you not confident?"

"I just feel that you are not worthy of my full shot."

You Xuan smiled faintly, shook his head and said: "Wake up, you want to defeat my Dao Xin in this way, it seems ridiculous."


"Then let me see how much you hide."

Awakening and fighting cold, no more words. On the other side, You Xuan did not continue to speak, and fell silent, but in the silence, there was a terrifying aura brewing, like a storm, crashing.

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