Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1355: Tianmen God Array!

In a blink of an eye, Awakening was already in the palace hall for two and a half years.

His enlightenment is gradually coming to an end.

The twelve idols of the territories of the past dynasties have their own strengths, and their Shinto inheritance is of great help to awakening.

At this moment, he seemed to stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world.

Not a giant, but a total of twelve giants.

His vision and Taoism background have reached an unprecedented height.


At a certain moment, Su Xing opened his eyes, and an unprecedented deep breath filled his body.

But in that depth, there is another hint of chaos.

In the past two and a half years, there have been too many Taoisms that have been awakened and enlightened. While improving his horizons and Taoism foundation, it has also had a great impact on his Taoism.

At that time, Ji Changkong had less enlightenment of seven gods than him, and his Taoist heart was still out of balance, and he had to rebuild it in the opposite direction.

Although the awakening Dao heart is eternal, there is also a hint of chaos in his heart.

He pursued perfection and didn't want the slightest flaw in the Taoist mind, so after the end of the enlightenment, he fell into a meditation.

Through meditation, adjust your mentality, sort out what you have gained during this time, and integrate it.

This is a huge project.

It took Ji Changkong a hundred years to complete this step, but he didn't need to wake up. After all, his Dao Xin had very few flaws.

This meditation is another six months later.

At this point, the three-year enlightenment period of the Shrine’s Palace has expired.


At a certain moment, an extremely sharp aura appeared on Suwa's body, and the whole person was like a peerless divine sword, with endless sharpness.

When he integrated the thousands of ways, he also unknowingly improved his comprehension of the nine chapters of Jianyi, from the sixth Dzogchen to the seventh.

In addition to this, Awakening even clearly felt the shackles of breaking through the realm of the Holy Sovereign.

With this insight, he can break through to the realm of the sage at any time.

But he was not in a hurry to wake up, he vaguely sensed the heavenly tribulation breath.

This shows that once he breaks through the holy monarch realm, there will be a catastrophe coming.

After all, this is where the shrine is, and it has the divine aura of the masters of the past generations. It is not a wise move to cross the sky here.

"It's time to go out and walk." Su Xing stood up, pushed open the heavy stone door, and left the palace hall.

Outside the temple.

Yutianguan was waiting, and when he saw Awakening come out, he couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Wake up, you are the first person who has perfectly comprehended the thousands of ways in the temple."

After regaining consciousness, he immediately understood, and said modestly: "I also want to thank Aunt Mu and the Lord of the domain for fulfillment."

The corner of Yu Tianguan's mouth twitched, and he said straight to the point: "If this is the case, then you can do a favor to Aunt Mu and teach the princes of the Li family."

"Ah..." Su Xing looked dull: "Aunt Mu, what did you just say?"

"Teach the proud princes of the Li family a lesson!" Yu Tianguan laughed.

"This, I'm afraid it's wrong!" Su Xing shook his head, he had such a great benefit from Li Tianxiao, and in a blink of an eye he went to teach the descendants of others, it would be a little bit of suspicion of gratitude and revenge!

"You don't have to worry about anything. I asked you to do this for the sake of the Li Family..." Yu Tianguan expressed his worries and told him to wake up. Li Tianxiao also knew about this matter and did not object.

"That said, the arrogances I taught the Li family are actually returning the favor of the domain owner?" Waking up for a moment.

"Yes!" Yu Tianguan smiled slightly.

"Okay! Then I will try." Su Xing reluctantly agreed.


Li Cheng!

Everyone in the Li family has already learned of the matter of waking up.

Under the leadership of Li Longsheng, the great ancestor of the Li family, many Li Family Tianjiao walked out of Li City and stood outside the city neatly and solemnly.

Counting carefully, there are more than a thousand Li Family Tianjiao, and the momentum is shocking.

Although the Li family did not have a **** child, they were not enjoying countless superior cultivation resources in vain. The number of Tianjiao was extremely large, far surpassing other families.


As the figure of the awakening and the imperial official landed on the open field outside the city, the atmosphere instantly became tense, especially the many arrogants of the Li family, who were full of fighting spirit and righteous indignation.

They spent three years, desperately cultivating hard, and they were waiting for this day.

In an instant, he woke up and felt countless hostile gazes, as if he had done something infuriating and grieving, and completely offended the Li Family.

"Aunt Mu, things seem to be different from what you said! These people seem to hate me very much." Su Xing smashed his tongue.

"Ah! The process is not important, now is a duel, to see who is better." Yu Tianguan said embarrassedly.

"Yu Tianguan!"

At this time, Li Longsheng took a step forward and said loudly: "The three-year period has come. Today, many of the arrogances of my Li family will fight Rejuvenation. If we lose, we will naturally clamp our tails to be human."

"But if he wakes up and fails, then the royal official also needs to confess his mistake to our Li family."

"A word is settled!"

Yutianguan readily agreed, and she didn't even think she would be defeated after waking up.


"Put the Heavenly Gate God Array!"

With a wave of Li Longsheng's big hand, more than a thousand arrogant members of the Li family skyrocketed, and above the clouds, a huge white jade gate emerged, and under the white jade gate, rows of wide white jade stone steps appeared.

This is Li Zu's heavy weapon, the Tianmen Divine Array, a God-level Array that Li Tianxiao personally refined in his early years.


More than a thousand Li Family Tianjiao, according to the level of strength, stood on the white jade stone steps.

There are more than a thousand white jade steps and more than a thousand Li Family Tianjiao standing, majestic and majestic.

"The Li family will win!"

"The Li Family is invincible!"

Countless members of the Li family in Licheng shouted loudly to cheer for the Li Family Tianjiao.

Yu Tianguan's expression changed slightly, staring at the grand ancestor of the Li family, and said: "Li Longsheng, it is fair to compete against each other. What do you mean by putting out the Heavenly Gate God array?" Besides, Tianmen opens wide and welcomes guests from all directions. This is the way of my Li Zu’s hospitality." Li Longsheng smiled faintly. With the help of Tianmen Divine Formation, the strength of Li Jia Tianjiao will

Greatly improved, this is the capital he dares to challenge.

"What a way of hospitality." Yu Tianguan was furious, and when he was about to attack, he was stopped by his awakening.

"Aunt Mu, let's do whatever you want." Su Xing smiled slightly, and there was an eager war intent beating in his eyes.

"Wake up, this Tianmen Divine Array has a total of 999 steps, plus the plane where the Tianmen is located, it's exactly a thousand steps, powerful..."

"That's interesting."


Yutianguan stopped persuading anything, she believed that Awakening had her own judgment.


Awakening no longer said much, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the Heavenly Gate Divine Array in the sky.

"War!" More than a thousand Li Family Tianjiao shouted together, fighting intently.

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