Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1384: Blessedly open!

Tongtian Mountain, Shrine!

When Su Xing and others arrived, there were already eight figures eagerly waiting. It was the other eight people in the top ten of the Lunwu Conference, except for Su Xing and Ji Yuyue.

Most of them are familiar faces, such as Xiaoshi Wang, Shang Yan, Cang Lengxiao, Sui Longchao, etc.

Sui Longchao and Cang Lengxiao both tried to wake up when discussing the martial arts conference. Sui Longchao was seriously injured, but he was really strong, and eventually reached the top ten.

Cang Lengxiao didn't get injured much, but got a reminder to wake up, and eventually entered the top ten without a problem.

These people are all Tianjiao leaders of their respective forces, and they can be called Tianzong's capital, and they are only one step away from the gods. In the past five years, their strengths have advanced by leaps and bounds, and they have reached the holy monarch realm.

Seeing everyone coming, Xiao Shi Wang and Cang Leng Xiao first greeted Su Xing.

Shang Yan came from the Shang clan and was born with a businessman's mind. He looked carefree, but he was not only greeted with Su Xing with a smile, but also chatted with Ji Yuyue. The two were indeed familiar.

It was Sui Longchao, a little embarrassed. At first, the fight with Su Xing was quite fierce, but after all, he was the leader of Tianjiao, who knew how to judge the situation, and finally apologized to Su Xing.

The two had no feud between life and death, and awakening was not a person with a small belly, and in the blessed land of gods, they also needed everyone's support, so they gave Sui Longchao the stairs.

Everyone is a young man, and there are a lot of topics to exchange. Shang Yan is a special person who can drive the atmosphere, and he soon got acquainted with each other.

"The gods are connected to the gods blessedly, so there will be gods from the gods. We must be careful. In the eyes of gods from the gods, we are just a group of natives of the lower realms, and we often get suppressed.

The purpose of everyone here is to enter the blessed land of gods, and the topic will naturally come to this soon.

"They are both **** sons, but **** sons of the gods are said to be able to survive the tribulation, and their strength is far stronger than the **** sons of the lower realm."

Speaking of the Son of God, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Su Xing and Ji Yuyue. Among the twenty people present, only the Son of God was two of them.

Originally, You Xuan was the same, but at the Wushu Conference, he was awakened and deprived of his hegemony, his strength plummeted and he had long since disappeared.

"God of God Realm?"

Ji Yuyue and Su Xing reacted in the same way, their eyes brightened a bit.

One of these two people is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and the blood is immortal in their bones. Not only are they not afraid, but they are a little expectant. They want to see what is the difference between the gods of the gods.


As a ray of light flashed, Li Tianxiao's figure appeared on the emperor seat.

"Meet the domain master!"

Everyone saluted.

"Free gift!"

Li Tianxiao smiled slightly, and said: "The Gods' Blessed Land has only been opened once in a century. The opportunity is rare and precious, but you know, what is the specific opportunity?"

"Is it a kind of god?" Ji Yuyue mumbled.


Li Tianxiao smiled and nodded, and continued: "The seed of the gods is the greatest opportunity in the blessed land of the gods. Back then, I got a seed of the gods in the blessed land of gods, and finally I became a god."

"Everyone present, except Su Xing and Ji Yuyue, they are not **** children, but it doesn't matter. As long as you can get the **** seed, you can become **** children."

"Wake up and Ji Yuyue can also integrate gods, and the benefits are endless."

Li Tianxiao was obviously mobilizing, explaining in detail about the gods.

The gods are divided into four levels, namely heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow, with the highest heaven and the lowest yellow.

But even the lowest yellow rank can make people cultivate into gods.

What Li Tianxiao got back then was a yellow **** seed.

"The location of the God Seed is the Tongtian Valley of the Gods' Blessed Land. I have given Li Zhouxing the map for it, and everyone can share it, but it is very difficult to obtain the God Seed, and the process is even more deadly."

"So, you guys do your best."

"Twenty of you go in, and I hope there will be another twenty people back."

On the side of opportunity, there is a great crisis.

Everyone naturally understands this truth.

However, Li Zhouxing and King Little Stone still squeezed their fists, their beliefs are very firm, this is a great opportunity to become gods, no matter how dangerous they are, they have to give it a try.

Li Tianxiao had already clarified the advantages and disadvantages, so he didn't say much. With a wave of his big hand, a huge teleportation formation suddenly appeared under everyone's feet.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt like the sky was spinning, and when they opened their eyes again, they had come to a "starry sky".

"Where is this?" Su Xing looked around curiously, the vast starry sky, boundless, but in front of her eyes, there were twenty stars, exuding extremely bright light.

"This is the inside of the Heavenly God Mountain." Li Zhouxing said.

The Tongtian Mountain is too big, and the space inside the mountain is naturally huge, as vast as the starry sky.

"Everyone takes a heart of stars, it will take you back and forth to the blessed land of the gods, and you must not lose it." Li Tianxiao stretched out his hand, and the twenty bright stars quickly flew over.

Their size quickly shrank, and in a short while, they turned into nail-sized bright stones and fell into everyone's hands.

"All right!"

"Enter the Land of the Void God."

Li Tianxiao stretched out his hand and waved, a ray of light rolled up everyone and disappeared in place.

The Land of Void God, connected with the four star regions, is a vast and vast chaotic land, where the Taoist breath reveals a primitive taste.

When Su Xing and others arrived here with Li Tianxiao, there were already three waves of people waiting, and it was a group of Tianjiao led by the domain masters of the other three star regions.

Among them, Beilongqi, the master of the Beidou domain, is a beautiful middle-aged woman, and the master of Gouchen domain Ye Liancheng and the master of the Apocalypse domain Qi Fengtian are two middle-aged men.

The three of them are in their prime of life, unlike Li Tianxiao, who is approaching his old age and has little life.

When the four domain masters met and greeted each other, they were awakened to observe the young Tianjiao behind those domain masters.


"You fart!"

"Can eyes kill people?"

Li Zhouxing smiled contemptuously when he saw Nan Gongjing behind Bei Longqi staring at him.

"Wake up, in the generation of the Big Dipper Star Territory, there is no too powerful Tianjiao. Their goddess Nangongyi has already entered the gods and blessed land once, and then will be rejected by the rules of heaven and earth there."

"The most powerful person in Gouchen Star Territory is Ye Junshang. He is a descendant of Gouchen Territory Lord. He was once the king of heaven and ranked number one in existence. He is a son of God."

"The Apocalypse Star Territory is headed by Lin Chi, from the ancient family of Lin, who is also a son of God."

Li Shui has always introduced to wake up.

At the same time, a group of young talents in the other three star regions are also looking at the people in the purple sky star region. The person who sees the most is Awakening. After all, he is the champion of the Lunwu Conference, and he is also the son of God, so naturally he is very eye-catching.

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