Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1387: Again!

The discovery of the Shenjing mineral vein is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Li Zhouxing and the Li Family Tianjiao shouted, Sui Longchao, Xiaoshiwang, Cang Lengxiao, Shang Yan and others were also very excited. Even Ji Yuyue was like a lioness catching a little sheep.

"The area of ​​this vein shouldn't be too big. Let's dig out all the **** crystals in it quickly, so as not to cause trouble." Su Xing said.

With his perception of the laws of the gods, he could discover this crystal vein, and the **** children of the gods could do the same.

Shenjing is the hard currency of the God Realm, and it is also a rare treasure for the **** children of the God Realm.

Wealth is touching!

If you meet a **** child of the God Realm, it is easy to cause conflict.

"Hurry up!"

Everyone also understood this, scattered around this mountain, and began to dig the **** crystal.

Everyone is in the realm of sage monarchs, even if the heaven and earth of the gods are very strong, mining is not a difficult task.

Three days later, the original mountain peak had disappeared and was replaced by a large pit that was a thousand feet wide. As for the **** crystals inside, they had all been excavated.

According to statistics, this Shenjing mineral vein has unearthed more than two million Shenjing.

Because it was the mineral vein discovered by Awakening and the black dragon ape he bombed and killed, everyone discussed and prepared to let him take away one million **** crystals, and the rest were divided.

However, Suwaken didn't do that. He only took 200,000 crystals, and the rest was divided equally.

In this way, everyone can get more than ten thousand crystals.

Everyone is not hypocritical, and while admiring the awakened mind, they also remember this affection in their hearts, and after getting the **** crystal, each one is naturally very excited.

"The energy contained in the **** crystal is extremely majestic. With our cultivation base, refining is not an easy task. Temporarily collect the **** crystal and wait for it to settle down, then refining step by step." Su Xing entrusted. .


Suddenly, on a nearby mountain peak, a figure appeared as the light flickered.

It was the young man whom everyone had encountered before, a handsome man, a slender figure, and a touch of sacred aura, just like a young deity.


"A group of natives in the lower realms dare to dig out the crystal veins that I like!"

The young man's face was sullen, and the meaning revealed between the words, it seemed that he had already discovered this crystal vein.


"If you have already taken a fancy to this crystal vein, will you wait until we dig it?"

Li Zhouxing was furious and ruthlessly exposed the other party's lies.

"Netherlands, dare to confront me?"

The young man's face fell cold, and he asked and replied: "Do you know who I am? I am Zhou Feiyu of the Tianbaozong, and my brother Zhou Qiyu, and even the heir of the Tianbaozong, is a **** son of the Second Tribulation."

"Now I give you a chance, kneel down and beg for mercy, and put your storage bags with both hands. I will consider forgiving you."

Zhou Feiyu was aloof, and in just a few words, he would deprive everyone of the harvest, and all the other things in their storage bags would be robbed.

Moreover, he looked like alms, as if not killing everyone was the greatest tolerance.


Li Zhouxing and others like the Li Family Tianjiao, Sui Longchao and others all looked angry.

They are all distinguished persons in the four star regions. How ever was they so despised?


Li Zhouxing was the first to help, and rushed directly to Zhou Feiyu. The holy monarch's first-order cultivation base broke out. The Nine Dragons Thunder Tribulation brazenly displayed, and the nine purple thunder dragons roared fiercely, strangling Zhou Feiyu.

"I can't help myself!"

Zhou Feiyu smiled contemptuously, and as he squeezed his fists, a milky white treasure bottle imprint appeared above his head. As he turned around, a milky white light beam sprayed out.

The light beam seemed inconspicuous, but with the momentum of thunder, Li Zhouxing's Nine Dragon Sky Thunder Tribulation was destroyed, and it hit Li Zhouxing's chest and flew him back.


Li Zhouxing coughed up blood and had already suffered severe injuries. If he hadn't inspired his life-saving trump card, his injuries would have been more serious and he might even die.

Everyone was surprised.

Li Zhouxing was also a Tier 1 sage anyway, and his talent was also very good. His combat power was comparable to a Tier 4 sage, but he was still easily defeated by Zhou Feiyu.

It seems a little weird.

"With this little strength, do you dare to do something with me?" Zhou Feiyu looked at everyone with disdain, and said calmly, "Who else is not convinced?"

"I'm coming!" Cang Lengxiao walked out and took a look at Su Xing. Seeing that the latter nodded, he rushed out directly.

"There's really no fear of death!" Zhou Feiyu's expression was cold, and he pinched a magic trick between his hands. The mark of the treasure bottle hovering above his head quickly enlarged, and three milky white light beams sprayed out, the power is more powerful than before.


Cang Leng Xiao's cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, rushing up against the milky white light beam, and slashed out with a sword.

Countless sword energy agitated, and the kendo notches belonging to the sixth chapter of the sword intent quickly gathered and turned into an extremely sharp long sword, cutting off the three milky white light beams.

The sword's momentum was like a broken bamboo, and it lifted Zhou Feiyu's arm directly.


The screams resounded across the mountains.

Zhou Feiyu was in a cold sweat, never expected that Cang Lengxiao was so powerful, he was not an opponent at all, he glanced at everyone with a grim expression, and said viciously: "You wait for me, dare to hurt me, I want you to die without a place to be buried. "

As the words fell, the mark of the aquarium on Zhou Feiyu's head fell down, wrapped his body, turned into a slender light, and instantly disappeared on the top of the mountain.

"Fast speed!"

"The combat power is not good, but the ability to escape is good!"

Everyone sneered.

"Cang Lengxiao is good!"

"As expected of Jianzi, the God Child of the Upper Realm is not an opponent either!"

Seeing Cang Lengxiao's return, everyone praised him.

"His cultivation base is too weak. If I fight with the realm, I will probably lose." Cang Lengxiao shook his head, looking very humble, but his current strength is indeed not weak.

The cultivation base has reached the third rank of the holy monarch, and the sword intent cultivation has reached the sixth chapter. Even if he encounters the sixth-order holy monarch, Cang Leng Xiao can fight!

Although Zhou Feiyu was a **** child, his cultivation base was lower than Cang Leng Xiao. Only the second-order holy monarch was not an opponent.

Su Xing looked at Cang Lengxiao and said with a smile: "This Zhou Feiyu is just an ordinary divine child. Even if you lose to the realm, the gap is not very big, you can save your life!"

The same is the son of God, there is also a gap between them.

According to the number of times he crossed the heavens, from one to nine, he divided the **** child of one kalpa to the **** child of nine kalpas. It is said that there is a tenth kalpa above the nine kalpas.

Zhou Feiyu hadn't survived a single catastrophe, and he was not even a **** child of a catastrophe, just the most ordinary **** child.

Such people are rare in the four star regions, but in the God Realm, they have a lot of them.

Don't look at Zhou Feiyu's arrogance in front of everyone, but his aptitude is placed in the God Realm, but it is very ordinary.

And Cang Lengxiao, Li Zhouxing, and Sui Longchao, although they are not gods, they are not far apart. The most important thing is that the cultivation environment in the lower realm is barren, and they can't take that last step. Even so, their combat power is not much inferior to ordinary gods. The battle with the realm is not an opponent, but if the cultivation base is higher, they can be easily defeated.

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