Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1398: After the giant gate!

The area of ​​Tongtian Valley is not particularly large, about thousands of miles wide.

However, because of its strong aura of the Shinto law, it was filled with profound meaning everywhere, making people frightened, like an ant facing a giant.

So everyone was not walking fast, and seemed very cautious, for fear of encountering unknown creatures or strange existences.

However, the journey was calm.

In this situation, not only is no one relaxed, but the mood is even heavier.

In the eyes of the gods of the gods, Tongtian Valley is a Jedi.

In history, indeed, no one has ever walked out of Tongtian Valley.

At this moment, no weirdness happened.

This only shows that the most powerful thing about this Jedi lies in the word "sleepy".

Will trap people here alive.

It didn't take long, only seven years, when the gods left the road blessedly and started to operate again, everyone would definitely die.

"Look, there are a few more corpses there!" Everyone looked at the corpse not far in front, their expressions very solemn.

On their way, they found a lot of corpses, some of them were humans, and some were monsters. Most of their deaths were skinny and gray, as if they were emptied of flesh and blood essence, and only the old skin and bones were left. , Very miserable.

A few days later, everyone stopped, and this place has reached the end of Tongtian Valley.

The valley is surrounded by mountains and there is no exit at all.

And on the cliff at the end, there is a huge stone gate, thousands of feet high, extremely majestic, with traces of time mottled on it, revealing an extremely ancient charm.

"What is this place?"

"Could it be that the **** seed is there?"

Everyone looked at this giant gate, shocked.

The huge gate is closed as a whole, only a gap is exposed, but it is also several meters wide.

Behind the gap, there was an indescribable profound meaning, as if it were an ancient beast, opened its mouth in the blood basin and waited for everyone to enter.

"Let's go in?" Li Zhouxing asked.

"If there is a place to leave, it must be behind this giant gate, and we should go in." Su Xing said.

"Then make a foray. Anyway, it's a death to the right or the left. It's better to have a better time." Sui Longchao said lightly.

Everyone is not a dragger, after making a decision, they walked towards Shimen.

Wake is at the forefront, he is the strongest, and if there is an accident, his life-saving ability is also stronger.

In the gap between the stone gates, there is a dim light curtain, with different shades of color, and some places are lighter in color, just like a pothole the size of a basin.

"This light curtain is a sealed enchantment. The original banning ability was very powerful, but its banning ability has been corroded very badly for too long. The banning power is extremely weak in these lighter colors."

"Let's go in from here!"

Wake up and act first, his body turned into a ray of light and plunged into a lighter hole.


There was darkness in front of him, but in an instant, the darkness quickly dissipated, and his vision suddenly became bright.

"It's spectacular!"

"Is this artificial, or is it natural?"

After Li Zhouxing and Sui Longchao followed up, they couldn't help but marvel at the scene in front of them.

The place where everyone is located is on the edge of a cliff, and in front of that, there is a vast space as deep as a starry sky.

In the center of the space, there is a huge island.

The entire island is like a huge and boundless altar, with countless steps that extend up one after another, and each step is very wide and flat.

And on the steps of the altar, every ten thousand feet away, there is a guard that glows all over, exuding a powerful aura.

"What about the gods?"

"Why don't you see the **** seed?"

Li Shuiyi murmured.

They didn't find God Seed in the valley, and now, they haven't found it either.

"Isn't that the kind of god?" Su Xing pointed at the glowing guards and smiled faintly.

"Uh! Don't tell me, those guards are gods." Li Shui was a little confused, and the others looked suspicious.

"Look!" Su Xing casually took out the mysterious-level god-seed he had previously obtained outside in his storage bag. After walking in here, this mysterious-level god-seed became extremely restless and abnormally restless.

Awakening did not give up, and threw this profound level **** seed to that altar.


With a flash of light, the profound level **** seed stretched quickly, and in an instant, it turned into a luminous guard, standing on the steps of the altar.

"What's going on?" Everyone was even more shocked. The gods were transformed by the laws of the gods, not creatures, but at this moment, they turned into luminous guards, which looked incredible.

"There is an unknown mighty force here that can transform these gods into a luminous guard, as if they are guarding something."

Su Xing raised his head and looked at the top of the altar.

Just standing in his position, I couldn't see clearly, what was on the top of the altar, I could only vaguely see that a beam of light rushed straight into the sky, as if an electric light shot straight down from the sky.

"So many gods!"

Everyone didn't care about what the gods were protecting, because the thousands of gods on the altar were full of great temptation.

"The key is how to obtain the **** seed!"

Everyone is worried again.

The **** seed has turned into a luminous guard, which is not easy to provoke at first sight, and there are many in number. If it attracts a group to attack, the consequences will be very serious.

"This altar is divided into four levels, corresponding to the four levels of heaven, earth, mystery, and yellow. Between each level, there is an empty step without the guardianship of the gods."

Awakening and observing in the slightest, slowly said: "So, we can rush to those steps, and then find a way to obtain the **** seed."

Everyone took a closer look, and it was really true.

"But the location where we are standing is far from the altar. How can we cross it?" Li Zhouxing said, there is also gravity here. They can't fly in the air and it is difficult to cross this distance.

Once the decline continues, it will be an endless abyss, and it will be a dead end at first sight.

"Are you far away?"

Su Xing took a look, and immediately reached out and grabbed Li Zhouxing's shoulder, lifted it up, and threw it forward.



"Wake up, can you discuss it!"

The screams belonging to Li Zhouxing sounded one after another.

He just felt the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, and his body was full of souls. The next moment, his body was like a cannonball, slamming on the bottom step of the altar.

Li Zhouxing shook his head, only to feel a moment of turmoil, but he looked up at the guards who were glowing on the upper steps, which was extremely pleasant. "Hahaha, come here!" Li Zhouxing laughed.

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