Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1526: Strength blessing!

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-six chapters strength blessing!


A deep roar interrupted his awakening thoughts.

A poisonous beast about ten feet long crawled out from the corner.

It resembles a crocodile, its body is pitch black, its blood basin is wide open, its fangs are dense, and deep black saliva drips from the corners of its mouth, corroding pits on the ground.

This is a poisonous crocodile beast, which exudes a breathtaking breath, and its cultivation has reached the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm.

There was a boom.

The poisonous crocodile beast twisted its body and charged towards waking up.

His body is not that huge, but it gives people a sense of oppression like a mountain top, a mouth full of sharp fangs, and an extremely amazing bite force.

Su Xing estimated that even a ninth-level Profound God Realm master would peel off if he was bitten.

Looking at the poisonous crocodile beast getting closer and closer, his awakening divine power revolved, a stream of water appeared in the palm of his palm, and there was another vigorous meaning in the softness.

Suddenly, in the empty cave, dots of azure blue light like dust appeared, as if attracted by some inexplicable attraction, all gathered to the awakened palm.


This situation was completely beyond the expectation of waking up, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

He could feel that these converged blue light spots contained very pure water system divine laws, and under their blessings, the power in his palms became more and more majestic.

The fierce fishy wind that belonged to the poisonous crocodile blew on his face, awakened and slapped out with a palm, the water flow in the palm of the palm quickly enlarged and turned into a water dragon, fierce and mighty, directly blasting the cruel poisonous crocodile out.


The poisonous crocodile slammed into the rock wall of the cave.

The mountain where the cave is located is blessed by mysterious and special power, making everything here extremely solid, not to mention the ninth-level master of the Profound God Realm, even the strong of the True God Realm come here, and it is difficult to cause damage.

The poisonous crocodile beast's mouth sprayed black blood, and the rough skin that was as hard as a rock on the forehead unexpectedly showed several cracks, which seemed incredible.

You must know that the poisonous beast has extremely strong defensive power, even a ninth-level master of the Profound God Realm, and it is difficult to hit it severely.

The poisonous crocodile beast in front of him had already suffered a serious injury.

"Under the blessing of those azure light spots, my strength has increased by nearly 50%." Wake took a closer look, and was overjoyed.

He tried to display the tenth chapter of the sword intent, but did not evoke any blue light spots. When the waters of the country were urged, those blue light spots resurfaced.

"It's the reason of Mizusawa Kingdom!"

"This was originally the Tianhe River. Although it has dried up, there are still some water system Shinto laws. The closer to the source of the Tianhe River, the water system Shinto laws will become more dense."

"Doesn't this mean that my strength will improve more and more in the future?"

Thinking of this, Awakened no longer stayed, and swept toward the depths of the cave.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of poisonous crocodiles.

The caves extending in all directions in this mountain range are simply the nests of crocodile beasts.

"The strength has increased by 60%!"

"Seven percent!"



After flying thousands of miles, when he awakened and used the Kingdom of Mizusawa, the power bonus increased more and more, and finally reached a full double, causing him to seem to be a casual blow, and his power was also extremely powerful.

At this time, he stopped.

In front of it is an empty and huge cave with a moist environment and a muddy ground. There are many poisonous crocodile beasts living in it. Most of them are cultivated in the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm, but there are also a few poisonous crocodile beasts with extremely powerful aura. , Awesomely reached the ninth level of the Profound God Realm.

"Nine heads!"

"Nine-headed poisonous crocodile beast of the ninth rank of the Profound God Realm!"

Rao is awakened with a strong state of mind, and his heart also flashes a touch of shock.

Poisonous beasts are inherently difficult to deal with, let alone a nine-headed, ninth-level poisonous crocodile beast in the Profound God Realm, plus a lot of poisonous crocodile beasts in the eighth stage of the Profound God Realm. , It is also difficult to confront.


Suddenly, Wake's eyes condensed, and he found a colorful halo flashing in a cave behind the mud.

"Second Grade God Habitat!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and the second-rank **** habitation stone was extremely difficult to find. He searched many places along the way, but found nothing, but unexpectedly ran into it here.

"Su Mu, you can't escape with your wings."

Senran's voice slowly sounded, and in the other caves leading to this cave, a group of figures appeared. Qi Huanyu, Yang Kui and others had arrived.

Regarding this, Awakening was no accident. After discovering that using the Kingdom of Mizusawa could enable his own power to be blessed, he did not deliberately hide his traces.

"There are so many poisonous crocodile beasts, there are actually... Nine-headed poisonous crocodile beasts of rank nine in the Profound God Realm!"

"Look at it, that is the second-grade **** habitation stone!"

Soon, Qi Huanyu and Yang Kui's attention was attracted by the sights in the catacombs. When everyone discovered the second-grade **** habitation stone, they couldn't help but breathe quickly.

The second-rank **** habitation stone is the ticket to the blue poisonous fog area.

The blue poisonous fog area has always been very mysterious, and no one has ever arrived, like a restricted area.

Because of this, the chances and treasures there are quite intact, and if they can reach it, they will definitely have great gains, and there is even no shortage of opportunities to achieve true gods.

Among the many ninth-level peak masters of the Profound God Realm present, who doesn't want to break into the True God Realm?

Everyone looked at the second-grade Shen Qishi, and they were all very excited.

"Shoo!" At the same time, the awakened figure was like electricity, passing over the muddy cave, and rushing straight into the cave where the second-rank divine habitat was located.

"court death!"

"Stop him!"

A group of ninth-level Profound God Realm masters were furious.

They have already regarded the second-rank **** habitation stone as something in their bag, how can they allow their awakening?


The gods domains were released, superimposed and connected, forming a majestic coercion, shrouded in awakening.

Suddenly, he wakes up and feels great pressure, his body is like a quagmire, but he is not frightened, his divine power is running, and he uses the waters of the kingdom.


In the void, dusty blue spots of light emerged, converging quickly toward awakening, forming a water area beside him, exuding an unparalleled sense of strength.

With the double strength blessing, he immediately felt the pressure drop suddenly when he woke up, and his body was lightened, and he continued to plunder towards the cave where the second-grade **** roost was located.


At the same time, under him, a loud roar resounded.

The poisonous crocodile beasts who were in a dormant state were awakened by the power fluctuations in the air, and found that so many human races had broken into their territory. They suddenly became furious, opened their blood basins, roared and roared.

Among them, nine extremely powerful auras soared into the sky, arrogant and brutal, forcibly tore apart the many gods that were superimposed and connected.

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