Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1533: Aqua Princess!

Chapter 1533: Aqua Princess!

Luo Qingxue just couldn't understand Jiang Dongliu's and others' style of letting go, and didn't want the princess of the Shui clan to suffer, so she had to wake up and take good care of this line of fate.

After all, awakening does not belong here, and will leave soon, and it will not affect the Aqua Princess.

I don't know, this line of fate is so powerful, it is tantamount to a kind of love.

At this moment, Luo Qingxue actually planted the love of the Shui princess on her body by herself, and she was a little dazed for a while.

Waking up is also stunned.

"Then this line of fate can't be solved?" Su Xing asked, he was not interested in the aqua princess who had never met before.

"It's not impossible, it belongs to the secret technique that cooperates with the aquarium, and it is solved with the aquarium princess." Jiangdong Liu said.

"That's good!" Su Xing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Su played really well!"

Jiang Dongliu, Liu Wuji, Yang Zheng and others stared at Awakening and gave him thumbs up in their hearts.

They felt that waking up was acting for Luo Qingxue to show that they were "innocent".


Suddenly, in the mountain peak on the side of the ice valley, a blue light appeared, rolling the sky, forming a rainbow bridge, reaching the feet of Su Xing and others.

On that Hongqiao, walked down a young and beautiful aquatic woman.

They are no different from others, their fish tails turned into straight and slender legs, white and delicate, graceful and graceful, with exquisite features, and black hair hanging down from their waists, looking very moving.

Jiang Dongliu and others, all with straight eyes, and even more unbearable ones, are already there.

"Dear guests from the human race, the princess would like to please." A beautiful aquatic woman said, her voice was very pleasant, like an orchid in the empty valley.

Jiang Dongliu and the others couldn't help but look to wake up.

Obviously, after he merged the line of fate, the Shui clan princess had a perception, so she had this invitation.

Su Xing looked at Luo Qingxue, who nodded at him.

"Then lead the way!" Su Xing said, looking at the aquatic woman.


The group of people stepped onto the Hongqiao Bridge and came to the iceberg on the side of the ice valley. There was a palace and many aquatic women. After seeing everyone, they looked curiously.

"Which beauty's heart line is this? Let me feel it."

"Hey! Hi beauty, we are very close."


Jiang Dongliu and others, regardless of the crisis and embarrassment of waking up, came to the iceberg, and they were all active, but no matter how they looked, they felt like a hot face and a cold butt.

The ordinary line of fate will not have much influence on the Shui women, even if they are obtained by Jiang Dongliu, it is only a preliminary sight.

If you want to go further and get the recognition of aquatic beauty, you usually need to have a dazzling performance at the Tianshui event.

Finally, the group walked into the palace.

This place is like a woman's boudoir, with flowers on the floor, pink and charming, fascinating.

In that seat, a young woman was sitting.

Her facial features are exquisite and flawless, like the creator's most perfect masterpiece, her skin is white and tender as the snow of early winter, and the aqua-blue neon clothes set off her graceful and exquisite figure.

Bright eyes are like stars in the sky, and black hair is soft and silky like a waterfall.

This is a nearly perfect woman.

She and Luo Qingxue's real looks are actually the same.

Just waking up, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

And beside him, there was the sound of swallowing from time to time. Jiang Dongliu and the others, wiping the corners of their mouths with their hands very hopelessly, still couldn't stop the halazi who was dripping down the ground.

"Please sit down!"

The voice of the aquatic princess is very nice, like a jade knocking, it sounds unconsciously peaceful.

However, he awakened but did not sit down. He took Luo Qingxue's hand and smiled apologetically at the Shui princess: "I don't know the rules of the Shui clan, so I made a mistake and got the princess's fate. Please forgive me. If the princess doesn't dislike it, she can take back the line of fate."

"That's it!" The Shui princess was not angry, with a spring breeze-like smile on her face. She seemed to be able to see through the disguise of Su Xing and Luo Qingxue's face, and said: "Two distinguished guests, why don't you know people with their true colors?"

"Brother Su, you guys really did a disguise!"

"I'll just say how it feels wrong."

Jiang Dongliu and others looked over, Ding Xi also looked curious.

"Forced by helpless action." Su Xing smiled, and Luo Qingxue no longer hides, removed the disguise, revealing his true colors.

He was okay, he couldn't talk about how handsome he was, he was quite delicate, and he was far worse than Jiang Dongliu's handsome face that was loved and blooming.

And Luo Qingxue caused a burst of exclamation.

White clothes wins snow, white and flawless.

She stood there, like an empty valley orchid, quiet and ethereal.

Exquisite and perfect facial features, graceful and graceful figure, all have a stunning and unparalleled feeling, just like the fairy of Yaochi, not eating the fireworks.

"Big girl, so beautiful..."

"Brother Su really enjoys the blessings of the people!"

Jiang Dongliu and the others unconsciously compared the one at home with Luo Qingxue, and then their expressions were sad.

In the palace, it seems that Luo Qingxue and the Shui princess have become much brighter, and they are like a pair of bright pearls, illuminating the surroundings.

What makes Jiang Dongliu and the others very jealous is that these two jewels have something to do with Reawakening.

"Your Royal Highness, the line of fate is tied to Brother Xing's wrist recklessly. Please forgive me." Luo Qingxue apologized.

"It's ok!"

The Shui princess smiled and said: "I know that you are impatient, but it is hard to get over. It will take some time to get rid of the fate and heart line. The Tianshui event is about to be held. Why not wait for the end of this event?"

"So, I would like to thank Her Royal Highness." Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The aqua princess did not make things difficult, she was very knowledgeable, and saved a lot of trouble.

"Everyone is resting here. When the sky is in full bloom, someone will inform you." The Shui princess slowly got up, smiled apologetically at everyone, and turned away.


"Princess, if you don't punish them, and don't lift the fate, what do you think?"

In the luxurious and elegant palace, when the Shui princess came here, her personal maid asked with a confused look.

The Shui princess showed a sweet smile and murmured: "Qiulan, don't you think that the fate and heart line formed by accidental hitting is the most representative of fate?"

"Ah... the princess meant to keep Su Mu?" Qiu Lan Qiao's face was full of surprise, and said: "Su Mu already has Luo Qingxue! And that Luo Qingxue's beauty..."

"Her beauty is not inferior to the princess, is she?" The Shui princess smiled faintly.

"No! The princess is the most beautiful." Qiu Lan hurriedly said.

"She's also very beautiful." The Shui clan princess has red lips, and whispered softly: "And Su Mu is actually favored by her, isn't it unique?"

"So the princess deliberately said that she would wait until the Tianshui event to lift the line of fate. She wants to learn more about Su Mu through the Tianshui event?" Qiulan suddenly realized.

"Relieve the fate? Have I said this?" The Shui clan princess blinked her big bright eyes and smiled slyly.

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