Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1546: Titled Demon Ancestor!

Chapter 1546 Titled Demon Ancestor!

Awakening full of shock.

He always thought that everything he experienced in the ancestral city was actually an illusion.

Therefore, he did not violate the rules of the Tianshui event by killing the gunmaster, nor did he consider whether his every move would have any impact on history.

However, Patriarch Shuiyue said, this is not an illusion, but that the awakening has really come to the ancient years.

This simply subverted the cognition of waking up.

At the same time, his actions are likely to have a great impact on history.

"Why is the patriarch so sure? From the future, back to the Primordial Age, I am afraid that even the ancestors will not be able to do it, right?" Su Xing asked without giving up.

The patriarch Shuiyue said leisurely: "The ancestors of the gods really can't do it. Even the twelve giants of the gods can't do it, but Timewalker may not be Walker', then the attainments of time gods are extraordinary."

Waking up and silent.

Although he hadn't seen that timewalker, he learned the Nine Heavens Divine Art created by the other party. Through this exercise, it is not difficult to see that the other party is indeed an extremely great being.

Perhaps, it is really possible.

"Knowing so long ago, I took advantage of this to get rid of the gunmaster."

I regretted waking up, anyway, his appearance has probably caused a lot of changes in history. In that case, he simply did nothing but to get rid of the gunlord and solve a major future problem for the human race.

Unfortunately, now I can only think about it.

"You stay here." When Patriarch Shuiyue learned the answer to the destruction of the Shui clan, his heart was extremely heavy, and he had no intention to continue the conversation, but he did not wake up and leave.

Waking up confused, even if you let me stay, I have to give a reason, right?

"Su Mu, what did you say to your mother, why did she look gloomy?" With a very nice voice, the Shui clan princess stepped into the Shui Ling Palace.

She is wearing aqua blue neon clothes, with graceful and exquisite curves, slender and straight legs, a willow waist with a full grip, and her hair hanging down like a waterfall, gently swaying as she walks, like waves of water, beautiful.

On that flawless and beautiful face, red lips are glittering, eyes are as bright as stars, and eyebrows are as distant mountains, making people want to kiss Fangze.

"It's just right that the princess is here, why don't we lift the fate?" Su wakes up when she sees the Shui princess.

"Do you only think about this in your mind?" The Shui Clan princess gave a viciously awakened look, wishing to pounce on the latter and take a few bites.

She dressed up carefully before coming to see her awake.

As a result, the latter turned a blind eye to her beauty, instead, she was full of fate and heart.

"Well, I apologized to the princess for the things I had done at the Tianshui event before. The princess is really too strong and I dare not keep the slightest hand." Su Xing said in a reply.

"Do you think I was angry because of that?" The Shui princess looked up and down to wake up, and there was an urge to pry his head open to see if there was a stubborn stone inside.


I wake up speechless, and feel a headache.

Women are a group of unreasonable creatures, and it is so difficult to communicate with them.

"Forget it." The Shui clan princess was a little discouraged, feeling that she was close to the stubborn stone of awakening, she was simply unhappy.

"Well, let's lift the line of fate?" Wake asked tentatively.

"You really can't leave the line of fate in three sentences!"

The anger that the aqua princess had just calmed down, it burned again, posing as a bachelor, and said, "This princess has changed her mind now and doesn't want to lift the fate."

Wake up startled, and hurriedly said: "Princess, didn't we say that before, after the Tianshui event is over, we will lift the line of fate?"

The aqua princess blinked her eyes playfully and smiled slyly, "Did this princess say that?"

"Yes!" Su Xing immediately nodded, "The princess represents the image of the aquatic people, so she should keep her promise."

"Really?" The Shui princess walked closer to waking up. That flawless face was only half an inch from waking up. Her breath was blue and her body scented, making her mind sway in her wake.

"This princess is not a man, what do you want?" The Shui princess exhaled in Suwa's ear in a seductive tone: "Or, you married this princess?"

Regained his eyes and nose, his nose and heart, and said blankly: "Princess, I already have a wife."

"Then you can ask, does this princess mind?" The Shui princess smiled happily, "Maybe, this princess would not mind."


Wake up and take a breath.

This temptation... In Jiang Dongliu's words, it's really hard to refuse!

However, I am not the scum of Jiang Dongliu!

Wake up and don’t know, Jiang Dongliu, who is outside enjoying the bonfire party, sneezed, anyway, he said sternly, "Princess, this is not fair to you and Qingxue."


The voice fell, and the entire ancestral city trembled suddenly.

On the dark sky, a **** light emerged, running through the heart of the sky, like an endless blood-colored abyss.

Countless people inside and outside the ancestral city raised their heads, feeling horrified at this change.

People have discovered that within that **** light, there are densely black figures, like an army of death returning from hell, killing silence.

And outside of the blood light, there were three figures standing.

Every figure gave people a stalwart taste, exuding extremely terrifying power fluctuations.

"The Demon Ancestor of Raksha!" Jiang Dongliu's eyes condensed, he recognized one of the figures, it was the Demon Ancestor of Raksha, one of the top ten titled demon ancestors of the demon clan.

The demons have ten great arrogances and ten titled demon ancestors.

These ten titled Demon Ancestors represent the strongest power and supreme power under the Demon Emperor, and their number will never change.

Unless an old titled demon ancestor is defeated, a new titled demon ancestor will be born.

The ten great arrogances were born to defeat the titled Demon Ancestor.

The new person exchanges the old person, in exchange for the titled Demon Ancestor's increasingly powerful combat power.

Because of this, this titled Demon Ancestor is far more powerful than the ordinary Ancestral Realm, and one person can rival many people.

What's more, three titled demon ancestors came at this moment.

There are already many people who have never seen such a big scene.

For a time, everyone inside and outside the ancestral city was in danger.


Inside the magnificent walls of the ancestral city, among the many buildings in the city, blue brilliance rises, turning into a huge formation between your fingers, forming a blue water curtain enchantment, like a vast ocean, covering the entire building. Ancestral city.

Afterwards, the figure of Patriarch Shuiyue rose into the sky, blended with the blue water curtain enchantment, and appeared outside.

She looked up at the three titled demon ancestors on the dark sky, and said coldly: "Raksha, Moye, and Saqi, I don't know if the three are so invigorating and moving the crowd, what does it mean to come to my aquarium?"

"According to the demon emperor's will, destroy the aquatic people."

The cold and merciless voice sounded like death's sentence from the sky.

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