Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1553: Timewalker with grudges!

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-three chapters of the timewalker who remembers revenge!

The nine-day emperor's magical work is a huge volume, and the information contained is extremely large and obscure.

Even if the awakening and comprehension were amazing, it took several days to finish the digestion.

He had a lot of enlightenment in his heart, and he had an unprecedented clear understanding of this exercise, like a huge treasure, completely opened by him.

However, there seem to be many defects.

It was like a broad road, halfway through, and suddenly stopped.

"It's not yet complete!" Su Xing raised his head to look at Timewalker, and said in a whisper: "Since the predecessors taught the Fa, why not finish teaching them all at once?"

Perfect scroll, also known as Emperor scroll.

The cultivation method that contains the divine ancestor realm and the emperor realm is the most important.

Timewalker said: "I only created the first two volumes of the Nine Heavens Divine Art. As for the consummation volume, it is just an idea. You need to comprehend and complete it yourself."

After waking up, there was a feeling of falling into a pit.

Timewalker said that it is light, but it is absolutely extremely difficult to create the perfect volume of the Nine Heavens Divine Art, even almost impossible to complete.

In this way, it is tantamount to saying that this exercise is inherently flawed.

Su Xing took a deep breath, barely squeezed out a smile, and said, "Senior is joking, right?"

"No!" Timewalker said with a stern face, "How can the practice that is truly against the sky stick to one pattern? The Nine Heavens Emperor's magical skills change endlessly. Where it will eventually go depends on the practitioner himself. set."

"Since it is a practice full of changes, naturally there is no follow-up part, because you have to fill it up by yourself, so as to come out of a supreme path that belongs to you."

Su Xing was startled, feeling that what Timewalker said was indeed very reasonable.

And this exercise is very compatible with the path of cultivation in his heart. Instead of taking the path of the previous generations, he wants to take a path that belongs to him.

"Teached." Su Xing bowed to the timewalker.

"Heh! What are you being polite with the old man? I have the ability to tell me where your mother is now." Timewalker smiled disdainfully.

He taught the awakening of the nine-day emperor magic technique because although this technique is against the sky, it is extremely difficult to cultivate successfully.

Awakening can accomplish something, it shows that he is very suitable for the Nine Heavens Divine Art.

Such a person is hard to find a second one.

Timewalker had no choice, and had to teach the Fa to wake up, because he needed to wake up to prove that his deduction was correct.

As for why he didn't cultivate himself, that's because, although TimeWalker is a man of good fortune, he has a natural talent for cultivation, but it is really not that good.

In other words, he is a theoretical king, but he can only be confined to paper.

At first, he wanted to persuade Empress Void to practice this exercise, but he was treated as a lunatic by Empress Void, and he was almost suppressed and his old face was lost.

"Mother?" Su Xing made a confused look.

"Stop being sloppy with me. You smell like that guy in the void, and I can smell it with my eyes closed." Timewalker curled his lips in disdain.


Wake up to find that this timewalker is somewhat similar to Wang Yu, with a very good nose.

He shook his head and said, "I don't know where my mother is."

"Really a cruel mother! Even leaving her own son." Timewalker shook his head, staring at the awakening gaze, becoming a little bit ill-intentioned.

"Senior, we are wronged and indebted..."


With a wave of time walking, a ray of light curled up and awakened, and threw him out of the cottage. He stared at the outside, his figure gradually dissipated, disdainfully said:

"Shit! Can't beat my old mother, can't beat his son yet? Huh! It's really a pleasure to kick it down. No wonder that stinky lady in the void likes to kick Laozi's **** back then."


Outside the Caolu.

Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi found that Awakening had flew out, keeping a dog chewing on the mud, and fell in front of the two of them with a look of surprise.

When the two found that their bodies were awake, there was no serious injury, only a clear footprint on their buttocks, they couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha..." Ding Xi laughed loudly.

Luo Qingxue also smiled and trembled.

"Have you finished laughing?"

Wake got up and glanced coldly at the two people who were gloating, with black lines on their foreheads.

This time I was really embarrassed to throw it at my grandma's house.

"Brother Xing, what the **** is going on?" After a while, Luo Qingxue held back a smile.

Ding Xi also looked curiously at awakening.

Speaking of this incident, waking up is not angered, staring at the Caolu, viciously said: "You are also a dignified senior, a generation of emperor masters, you actually have a black hand against a junior of me, do you really want no face ?"


There was no response in the Caolu.

Waking up for a while, I felt like I was hitting the cotton.

He can also see that the Timewalker left in the portrait is not the main body, and will soon dissipate after the teaching is over.

And it seemed that the other party had obviously suffered a lot from his mother, and then he took revenge on him.

However, you are also an emperor at any rate!

Forget it if you hold grudges, how can you be so innocent?

"The adults don't remember the villains, and don't have the same knowledge as him." Su Xing took a deep breath, put on an open-minded look on the surface, and secretly vowed in his heart that when he cultivates successfully in the future, his hatred will be ten times greater. Pay back.

Afterwards, the three walked into the Cao Lu together.

Su Xing took off the painting hanging on the wall. The figure of the timewalker on this painting has disappeared, leaving only a pattern of white clouds.

Staring carefully, those white cloud patterns seem to be outlined by countless complex lines, full of profound mystery, but with the current cultivation level, I can't see the specific mystery.

However, from the picture scroll, he felt a taste of time distortion.

Together with Luo Qingxue and Ding Xi, he stepped into the world in the painting, and immediately discovered that the speed of time here was ten times slower than outside.

In other words, if you stay inside for 10 days, only one day will pass outside, and if you stay inside for 10 years, only one year will pass outside.

This is definitely a blessed place for cultivation, which is tantamount to a disguised form, and the speed of one's cultivation has increased tenfold.


Ding Xi gasped.

This alone means that this painting is of infinite value.

If it is put outside, people will definitely break their heads and fight for it.

"Finally, I can improve my strength." Su Xing took a deep breath, and the unpleasantness of being kicked was greatly reduced. Compared with the weight of this painting, even if it was kicked again, it seemed not so difficult. accept?

The three of them stopped talking, each chose a place and silently began to practice.

The experience of the ancestral city made them know their own smallness, and they have an extremely urgent desire for strength in their hearts.

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