Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1571: Split the soldiers!

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapters are divided into two groups!

Sky Fire God City.

As Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing flee, Zou Wei died, and the whole army of the elites led by them was wiped out. Countless cheers soon sounded inside and outside the city.

Many more people are chanting the name "Su Mu".

He almost turned the tide on his own and saved countless people in the Skyfire God City. Everyone is naturally aware of the Five Nei, and at the same time admires them.

From today on, I don’t know how many people will begin to worship and wake up, and even build statues for him, and worship them day and night.

Nothing is more exciting than He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng.

The two of them stood on the city wall and looked at each other, and they both saw deep happiness and pride in each other's eyes!

They were fortunate that they chose to surrender to awakening.

They proud of themselves and made the wisest choice.

Originally, there was a bit of resentment in the two people's hearts, but due to the deterrence of waking up, they did not dare to show it, but at this moment, that trace of resentment has disappeared.

If it weren't for waking up today, they would probably be two corpses now.

And wake is so powerful, following his words, the future will definitely be bright.

"Old He, your He family's ethos is not very good, I advise you to rectify it." Xue Danfeng reminded.

"It's really going to be rectified. He Yuntian's **** almost killed the He family." He Zhanpeng remembered He Yuntian, who had conflicts with Su Xing, but he was out of anger and fear.

He didn't care too much about simply waking up, otherwise the He family would be gone.

As night fell, Suwa and Ding Xi returned.

Although the two did not say much, He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng could see that Qi Sanhai and Zhou Shixing had mostly given the lead.

He Zhanpeng had already ordered someone to arrange a residence, and the conditions were more luxurious than his head of the family.

"Master, what should we do next?" Xue Danfeng asked during the dinner.

"The soldiers are divided into two groups. You and Ding Xi will go to the City of Chaos. He Zhanpeng and I will go to Tianbaozong and Xuanjingzong. Finally, we meet at Qi's house." Su Xing said concisely.

He has discussed this matter with Ding Xi.

Since he came out this time, he intends to avoid future troubles forever, so as to prevent the Qi family, Tianbaozong, and Xuanjingzong from sending troops again, and the situation today will happen again.

After all, they don't always arrive in time.

Only when the three parties are eliminated can we rest assured.

Hearing this, He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng couldn't help but brighten up. They were bullied enough by the Qi family, Tianbaozong, and Xuan Jingzong during this period, and naturally they wanted to get back in revenge.

In addition, if the three houses are destroyed, the remaining Houtu Palace is completely ignored, which means that they will control Kitakyushu.

The huge Kitakyushu has inexhaustible wealth. Even if most of them belong to awakening, even if they drink a sip of soup afterwards, it is also a great advantage. I don’t know how much more than their previous wealth. Times.

"Old He, I heard that the master gave you 10% of the wealth before, but you are unwilling to have a hundred?" Xue Danfeng said abruptly.

"Who did you hear? It's just a confession! I am a hundred willing!" He Zhanpeng gave Xue Danfeng a vicious look.

At 10% wealth, he was really unwilling before, and felt that waking up was too cruel.

Now... but I can't wait to hold it in my hand for fear of being snatched away. After taking Kitakyushu, that 10% of wealth is simply astronomical!

"All right!"

"You two go down and get ready! Let's go in seven days."

He woke up and smiled.

After thinking about it, he took out another Blood God Pill and threw it to He Zhanpeng.

"Thank you Master!"

"Seven days later, I will definitely step into the second level of the True God Realm and help my master."

He Zhanpeng held the Blood God Pill in his hand, excited.

He also saw that Awakening rewarded Xue Danfeng with a blood **** pill before. Naturally, he was very greedy, but he was not easy to talk. He only hated that he was not injured like Xue Danfeng, and he could not win sympathy!

How can I think that I can also be rewarded with the Blood God Pill.

He Zhanpeng is a veteran True God Realm powerhouse, and his cultivation has already reached the peak of the True God Realm. With this Blood God Pill, he is 80% sure that he can complete a breakthrough.

He Zhanpeng's long-cherished wish for the second stage of the True God Realm.

"This Blood God Pill can actually be refined in batches, but it requires a lot of medicinal materials. Tian Xing Shenshan will list the medicinal materials. When that happens, you will cooperate well, and it is estimated that the benefits are indispensable." Su Xing added.

"Batch refining!"

These four characters made He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng flushed and excited.

"Master, rest assured!"

"We must do our best to cooperate."

He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng immediately patted their chests to make sure.

"All right!"

"Go down!"

No more words when you wake up.

Seven days passed in an instant.

He Zhanpeng made a breakthrough and reached the second level of the True God Realm.

Moreover, preparations have been completed.

A huge ship lifted off, and the morale of the Hejia guards on the deck was high and excited.

In Huolingzhou, the He family did a lot of things, but it could be placed in North Kyushu, but it was nothing. Especially before the three aspects of Tianbaozong, Xuanjingzong, and Qi family, it seemed insignificant.

In the past, when the He family saw those three parties, they were not respectful and cautious. How could they dare to offend?

But now, they are actually going to the three parties, thinking about it, it is to make the guards of the He family feel a sense of exuberance.

Their eyes fell one after another on the largest ship, and on the top of that ship stood a young figure, tall and straight like a green pine, and handsome and handsome.

When every Hejia guardian looked at that figure, there was a look of worship in his eyes.

It was because of that person that he saved the Sky Fire God City and kept their homeland.

Now, under the leadership of that person, they will launch an offensive against Qijia, Tianbaozong, and Xuanjingzong, and finally take control of Kitakyushu.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, the He family army started, and the boats burst through the clouds and flew at full speed.

Behind them, in the Skyfire God City and in the many cities below, there were countless farewell voices, faintly heard, most of the sounds were the name "Su Mu".

After half a month.

The army spanned thousands of miles and finally came to Aquarius.

Aquarius State, as a whole, looks like a huge bottle.

The sect of Tianbaozong was established here.

The army pressured the realm and appeared outside the sect of Tianbaozong, revealing a world-destroying pressure.

Awakening walked out of the building and stood in the void, his soul thought spread out, covering the many majestic mountains in front of him, but before long, he frowned.

"Master, what's the matter?" He Zhanpeng could not help asking, noticing that his waking expression was different.

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