Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1578: Peak showdown!

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters showdown!

Qi Tiankuo completely annihilated humanity, not to mention the common people in Longcheng, the Qi family members were also being massacred by him.

Shenlingshou and Tianqi do not pay special attention to future generations.

If the family is gone, they can still be cultivated, after all, there is time.

As more and more people were killed, Qi Tiankuo's power became stronger and stronger. Although he awakened and allowed those Profound God Realm masters to take action, it was impossible to save everyone.

There were too many people living in Dragon City, at least half of them were killed by Scarlet Rune.

The blood gathered into a river and poured into Longshan.

"Su Mu, die!"

Qi Tiankuo's strength had already reached the peak of the sixth-order True God Realm in a short moment, and only one step away would be the seventh-order True God Realm. The unmatched power fluctuations set him off like a great demon king.

Amidst the roaring sound, the giant dragons roared to awaken.

Awakening without evasive, displaying the seal of the cracked earth in the seal of the ancient gods of the eight wilderness, bombarding the swooping dragon.

In terms of strength, he is not as wide as Qi Tiankuo.

However, his magical skills are more powerful, such as the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seals, the Water Zee Kingdom, and the Nine Changes of the God Cicada.

The transcendence of divine art makes Awakening fill the gap in power, and is not afraid of the sky.

The two are evenly matched.

The awakened figure is elegant and agile, cruising among countless dragons, and gradually adapting to Qi Tiankuo's attacking style. His figure is fascinating, and sometimes he bursts out fierce offensive.

In the eyes of outsiders, waking up is dangerous.

After all, compared with the huge and towering Longshan, awakening looks too small.

"Princess Ding, Lord Su will be fine, right?" He Zhanpeng and Xue Danfeng looked worried. They were frightened just standing in the dragon city and fighting outside.

It's hard to imagine how the awakening in it can change without panic and without panic.

"Don't worry! Qi Tiankuo has already lost, unless he breaks through to the seventh level of the True God Realm." Ding Xi's mouth twitched, and he recalled the confrontation between Awakening and Qiangjun when he was in the Ancestral City.

That clash was wonderful and stunning.

However, Awakening eventually won.

In contrast, although the confrontation in front of him was fierce, Qi Tiankuo's control of power was far inferior to that of the gunman, let alone being on the same level as awakening.

In Ding Xi's view, evenly matched, in fact, means that Awakening has already won, because the latter is a perfect combat player.

"Qi Tiankuo, you lost."

As if to confirm Ding Xi’s words, a waking voice sounded in the Dragon City. His figure broke through the blockade of the dragons at some unknown time and reached the sky above the Dragon Mountain. He carried the seal of the open mountain in his left hand and blasted towards Qi Tian. under.

This is a fatal blow.

Without the giant dragon army, Qi Tiankuo is equivalent to a tiger with his teeth removed, a soldier with his armor removed, and his combat power is greatly reduced.


Amid the earth-shattering roar, Qi Tiankuo's guardian light cracked every inch, Longshan shook violently, and blood gushing out like a spring.


Qi Tiankuo let out an extremely screaming cry.

Half of his body was smashed to pieces by the seal of the mountain, bloody, white bones, very scary.

As someone else, suffering such a heavy blow, there is absolutely no power to fight again.

However, Qi Tiankuo's flesh and blood in his body squirmed quickly, and he actually recovered in the blink of an eye. His hateful eyes stared at awakening, and he said grimly: "Su Mu, how good are you? You kill me a hundred times, I All can recover, but as long as I kill you once, you will definitely die."

The people in Longcheng looked at this scene and couldn't help despairing.

Qi Tiankuo in this state almost possesses an immortal body, how can he fight this?

Ding Xi frowned slightly.

Only when he wakes up, his face is still calm, but in those eyes, there is a sharp cold light flashing, "Then kill you a hundred times."


When the voice fell, he rushed towards Qi Tiankuo again.

After a while, Wake found a chance again, smashing Qi Tiankuo's body with another palm, but in an instant, Qi Tiankuo recovered again.

He woke up and looked cold, Gu Jing Wubo, watching the giant dragons rushing towards him quickly, his body flashed and avoided.

At every step, he is like walking a tightrope, dancing on the tip of a knife.

If you are not careful, you will be heavily trapped by the dragon and there will be no escape route.

On the contrary, he never made a mistake, one step was not bad, he could always find a way to escape calmly, and took the time to kill Qi Tiankuo.

This is so rare.

It requires extremely firm will, great wisdom, and amazing fighting consciousness.

In contrast, Qi Tiankuo was like a brash man with no brute force, and his use of power was far from awakening.

This kind of gap is not a big deal when there is no balance of power, but if it is evenly matched, it will play a key role.


Wake up again to kill Qi Tiankuo, blasting the latter's body again, and immediately after a blow, he flees away without any muddle.

At the same time, huge dragons swooped down, but plunged into the air.

"Boom bang bang!"

The more he wakes up, the more braver he fights, the more vigorous his fighting spirit, he rushes to Qi Tiankuo time and time again, as he said, there is a stance of "killing you a hundred times".

But in fact, Qi Tiankuo could not really recover a hundred times.

Every rebirth of flesh and blood will consume a lot of energy, and he will not be able to support it for a long time.

After dozens of times, Qi Tiankuo's recovery rate was significantly slower.

His heart was flustered, and his awakening at this moment seemed to have turned into an unrivaled God of War, without flaws, flawless, and fighting spirit.

"Su Mu, stop!"

Qi Tiankuo called to a halt, watching the awakening that had stopped, took a deep breath, and said, "Su Mu, you have won, so let's just leave the matter here, how about?"

"Quit?" Su Xing shook his head, "Qi Tiankuo, I came to Dragon City to kill you, not to determine the outcome."

"I can give you all the wealth in Dragon City." Qi Tian gave way, he was really scared, and if he continued to fight, he knew he was bound to die.

"Kill you, Dragon City's wealth is also mine." Wake up unmoved.

"Su Mu, you don't want to be an inch, kill me, you will also lead to murder." Qi Tiankuo said bitterly.

"Dare to threaten me?" Su Xing narrowed her eyes slightly, preparing to do it again.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm telling the truth." Qi Tiankuo took a deep breath and took out a white jade token with a primitive "North" carved on it.

He said solemnly: "Do you know what this token represents?"

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