Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1590: Fairy!

The first thousand five hundred and ninety chapter fairy!

Bai Yu nodded.

It is said that the most ruthless emperor's family, but he is different from Bai Yunfei.

They are brothers of the same father and mother. Since childhood, the brother Bai Yunfei has been his role model.

Even if Bai Yun flew to Fengwufudi, he took great care of Bai Yu and returned many training resources, making Bai Yu's training conditions far superior to other princes.

In addition, Bai Yu's own talent is extremely extraordinary, and he naturally has today's achievements.

This time, Bai Yu was bound to win the pill of life and death.


"Brother Yu, the road is unpredictable. The little girl has been worried about it. Why don't you take the little girl for a while. The little girl is grateful. If Brother Yu has any request, the little girl will agree to it!"

Accompanied by a series of silver bells of laughter, a young and beautiful woman, with a group of people, appeared in the sky.

The woman wore thin, fiery red neon clothes, her graceful figure was looming, a pair of white jade legs were slender and straight, and the perfect curve was fully revealed, full of endless temptation, which made people want to go crazy.

Except for her enchanting and beautiful figure, her appearance is also extremely beautiful, her red lips are crystal clear, her starry eyes are brilliant, her white and delicate skin can be broken by blows, and her features are delicate and flawless.


When people looked at the woman, these two words could not help but come to mind.

Many of the gods present are outside, who is not a distinguished generation, and what kind of women are not all at your fingertips, and they are somewhat aesthetically tired.

However, when they looked at the woman in the sky, there was still an evil fire in their hearts.

Especially, the last sentence of the beautiful woman, "My little sister will agree to any request of Brother Yu!" It was full of endless temptation and it was terrible.

Bai Yu, who has always been aloof and indifferent, twitched the corners of his mouth unnoticeably.

"Hahaha... Miao Ke'er, your brother Yu doesn't seem to appreciate him! It's probably worried that if you stay by his side, he will be killed inexplicably!"

There was a hearty laughter. A burly, coarse-looking young man appeared in the sky. A group of people stood behind him, one by one wearing clothes made of animal skins, simple and rough, with a wild atmosphere.

"Quite Khan!"

A beautiful woman named Miao Kerr stared at the burly young man and smiled and said, "Don't destroy the relationship between me and Brother Yu. As long as Brother Yu is willing, I would like to wait for him to sleep."


As soon as Miao Ke'er said this, with the inexhaustible temptation, the group of **** children of the Three Tribulations below began to pinch their thighs together, using the pain to offset them, and their hearts couldn't stop the evil fire.

Fairy, kill people!

Even if you can say things like waiting to sleep, you can say it directly. This is simply a temptation for the dead.

It was Bai Yu, who also shook imperceptibly, but he still had a straight face and said, "Miao Ke'er, you are also the princess of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers anyway, don't you think that saying this is a shame? ?"

Miao Ke'er smiled lightly, her appearance was beautiful and moving, and her figure was very enchanting, and she said emotionally: "If it were other people, the slave family would naturally not say that, but Brother Yu is the lover of the slave family, we are the **** of flowers. Women from China will boldly confess when they meet their sweetheart."


Bai Yu had a feeling of hitting the cotton with a punch, and he deeply felt the difficulty of Miao Keer.

Regardless of the fact that the other party is just a few words, in fact, he has used the magical method to take the opportunity to disturb Bai Yu's mind. Under the apparent intention of the concubine, what is hidden is murderous.

The most powerful thing in the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers is the magical method, which can kill people invisibly. I don't know how many men are willing to worship under the pomegranate skirts of the women of Hundred Flowers, and their life and death are controlled by them.

"Miao Ke'er, it seems that you are also involved in the life and death pill beads, then we will see you in the Ninth Reign of Life and Death." Bai Yu did not entangle, and left a word, and left with Zong Hao and others.

Just a Miao Keer, he is not too jealous.

However, there was a pretty khan standing beside him, and if the two of them joined forces, he would have to treat it with caution.

Man Khan comes from the kingdom of Man God.

Regarding a clan as the country, the power is strong and the fighting power is strong.

According to the customs of the barbaric kingdom, only the strongest of the same generation will be given the name of "khan" supreme glory. Their monarch is not called emperor, but is called "Khan of Heaven". .

Looking at it this way, Man Khan's combat power must not be underestimated, and he is a strong enemy.

"It's a pity." Man Khan watched Bai Yu leave, shook his head.

"Would you rather Khan, you go after it?" Miao Kerr smiled.

"Miao Ke'er, since we have formed a cooperation temporarily, don't you think about pitting me?"

Man Khan had a dark face. He looked like a rough mine, but to reach this level, he was naturally not a person with well-developed limbs and simple mind.

Now that he had just passed the first pass of the Heavenly Ghost Army, he confronted Bai Yu and seemed too impatient. Moreover, even with the power of the two of them, he was not sure that Bai Yu was really left.

"Hehe, it's pure habit." Miao Kerr's pretty face was not red at all, she smiled lightly, a pair of star eyes flickered, and muttered: "It's pretty sweaty, should we pull Feng Yuqiu up too? "

"it is good!"

Man Khan nodded.

Pulling on Feng Yuqiu, their odds of winning against Bai Yu are even greater.


On the broad and boundless cycle of life and death, the city wall was suddenly erected, endless and unattainable.

Looking at it, the city wall completely cut off the cycle of life and death, as if dividing the world into two, reaching up to nine days and reaching down to Jiuyou, extremely majestic and majestic.

And under the city wall, there are gates, like lines of sky canyons, embedded in them.

In front of each city gate, there are guards in bronze armor.

Someone tried to break through, but in an instant, they were blown away by the expressionless guards, vomiting blood, and suffered heavy injuries. At this time, everyone was shocked that those guards actually had the strength of the ninth level of the true god.

And in front of each city gate, there are a dozen guards of this kind of strength.

Some people even caught a glimpse of a deity captain in the Heavenly God Realm.

"How did this pass? This second level is even more abnormal than the first level."

"Does this want us to stop at the second level?"

Many gods wailed, almost desperate.

The head guard of the Heavenly God Realm led a group of ninth-tier God Guards in the True God Realm. This power was so terrifying, even if all the gods who entered the cycle of life and death joined forces, they couldn't beat it at all.

Suddenly, people caught a glimpse of three guys, two men and one woman, walking towards one of the gates, and then... just walked over in such a big swing, without a guard from blocking them.


A group of gods were dumbfounded.

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