Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1710: Exposed!

The first thousand and ten chapters are exposed!

Kunxu Peak.

Wake up, Li Yixiao, and Xiao Du returned.

Ding Xi had just completed the trial mission, went to Haoting Mountain, and returned to the master of Starry Sky Mountain.

This time out, apart from the rich and powerful Li Yixiao, Su Xing, Ding Xi, and Xiao Du all made a lot of money. The magic treasures they got from Tianmo Mountain were sold in Huode City in exchange for a large number of middle grade gods. crystal.

Awakening is now in the storage bag, only the middle-grade Shenjing, which is close to eight million.

In addition, he arranged many fragments of the Tianmo Mountain into three storage bags and handed them to the Golden Bull.

After the golden bull was inspecting the storage bag, the majestic bull's body was trembling constantly and looked very excited. As a mountain spirit, he most valued the growth of Kunxu Peak.

"Boy, I think your bones are peculiar, and you will surely become the co-lord of the gods in the future." The golden bull looked at his awakening, looking like I am very optimistic about you.

"...Go ahead!" Su Xing's face turned dark and kicked Golden Bull's ass. The latter left with a grin. Obviously, a large number of fragments of Heavenly Demon Mountain made him extremely excited. .

The refining of the fragments of the Tianmo Mountain at Kunxu Peak cannot be accomplished overnight, it needs a process.

He was not in a hurry to wake up. The current cultivation environment in the medicine garden was already superior enough. What made him gratified was that the Golden Bull had Tianmo Mountain fragments, and soon fell into a busy state, no longer clamoring for him to search for the gods. Divine soil.

Soon after, Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi also returned to Kunxu Peak.

During this period of time, the two of them used the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Token to earn a lot of magic power. According to the original ratio, they regained nearly 20,000 magic power points.

Originally, he was thinking about going to Tianxin Pavilion to pay his debts, but he soon discovered that he didn't need to take a trip at all. The magic power in Fengwu Ling was automatically deducted two thousand points.

"It's very swift." Su Xing thought of the old man Tianxin, and the corners of his mouth twitched. After introducing Xiao Du to Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi, he went to the treasure hall.

Xiao Du died nine years ago, and his cultivation foundation was seriously damaged, and his strength was seven to eight. It was not a simple matter to recover.

Soon, after waking up, he found a treasure called "Rejuvenating Spirit Liquid" in the Treasure Hall. It was made from many kinds of magical medicines, and it was worth as much as 50,000 points of magic power.

Very expensive, but Wake up decided to accumulate magic value to buy.

He treats Xiao Du as a friend, so he won't be stingy. In addition, with the Blue Silver Demon Hunting Order, it is much easier for him to accumulate magic points than other Taoists.

Leaving Tianbao Palace, waking up is to go to Tianwu Pagoda.

One is to break through, and the other is to thank the 12th.

This time, the 12th not only saved their lives, but also allowed him to obtain a large amount of magic treasures and fragments of Tianmo Mountain, which was regarded as owed to the other side's great favor.

Although the 12th had mostly stared at the Undead Demon Ancestor long ago, and rescuing them from awakening was just a simple effort, but awakening would not be taken for granted.

In addition, Su Xing still has a doubt in his heart. He wants to get the answer from the 12th. The undead ancestor has been hiding for so many years, why has he stared at himself, even at the risk of exposing it?

There must be a demon if something goes wrong.

Although the Undead Demon Ancestor is dead, Suwaken still wants to make things clear, lest he encounters other Demon Ancestors in the future and the same situation occurs again.

After all, it's impossible to be as lucky as this time, and accidentally hit the 12th to appear.

Walking into the Tianwu Pagoda, he awoke and looked at the Shenjia warrior in front of him, and asked tentatively: "Is it Senior 12?"

The appearance of each **** armor is exactly the same, and it is impossible to recognize it when awakening without speaking.

"You are here." No. 12 said indifferently.

"Thank you senior for saving your life." Wake up and thank you.

"It's easy." No.12 said still indifferently.


Su Xing's face trembled. Although he also knew this was the truth, you don't have to say it directly! Anyway, it also leaves a little room for illusions. Did you come here to rescue the phantom?

When I think of it, if there is a powerful existence like No. 12 to escort, I feel a little airy when I wake up.

He eliminated distractions and asked, "Senior, do you know why that undead ancestor suddenly appeared? He should have been hiding for many years, right?"

"He has refined himself into a part of that piece of magical land, and has some connection with the breath of the gods, so that he can continue to breathe."

No. 12 paused, took a look at Reawakening, and said, "As for why it showed up this time, I don't know."

"At that time, I had a feeling that I seemed to be stared at by the Undead Demon Ancestor. He may have appeared because of me." Su Xing said his thoughts.

"Do you know the specific reason?" No. 12 said without any surprise. With this appearance, he was obviously aware of this, and he deliberately didn't say before, whether he would trust him when he awakened from the test.

Su Xing also realized this, and slandered the old fox in his heart, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"The undead demon ancestor is so good at killing people, but he is very good at evil ways, otherwise he will not be able to hide for so many years, and his most famous skill is called'Wang Yuan Shu'." No.12.

"Wang Yuan Shu?" Su Xing was quite puzzled.

"The original form of the Undead Demon Ancestor is a'three-eyed psychic toad.' His third divine eye's attack power is so-so, but he can see some things that ordinary people can't see."

"And after he played and created the'wangyuan technique', he has the ability to see the fire in the gods' body, and he can basically see through it at a glance."

"The source of the gods is the foundation of the **** cultivators. Seeing through the source of the gods is equivalent to being seen through the talent and strength."

"With this ability, when the great war started in the Primordial Age, the Undead Demon Ancestor found out many hidden masters and tianjiao in the army of gods, causing a lot of trouble."

Speaking of this, No.12 looked towards awakening, and said lightly: "Since he does not hesitate to expose for you, it must be on you, and he has seen something unique."

"But I watch your divine origin breath, and there is nothing surprising."

Su Xing hurriedly said: "I have ordinary talents. The strength of the undead demon ancestor is not as good as before. It is estimated that his eyes are much worse."

"Before I finished speaking, you were anxious to speak, do you want to make it clear?" No. 12 gave a deep look at Reawakening.

"You continue..." Su Xing's face was calm, but her heart was already overwhelmed. No. 12 seldom spoke so much. This time it was absolutely uncharacteristic.

In the step-by-step narration, a truth is about to emerge.

God fortune!

Only the extremely peculiar source of good fortune can not be seen through by people and disguise the illusion of ordinary and strange.

This is the biggest secret in Awakening, and he doesn't want anyone to understand it.

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