Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1723: Cangyu Mountain!

Chapter 723 Cangyu Mountain!

The light of God is bright and dazzling, and when it falls, it is naturally very conspicuous.

Undoubtedly, this will attract many people to snatch.

Every time the light of God appears, a fierce battle will erupt on a large scale.

Although he was awakened and received this light of heaven, he was soon besieged, and a total of 13 people came from all directions, and others were coming one after another.

"Boy, hand over the light of God and spare you not to die." A middle-aged man said with a cold expression.

"Give it to you, what will the others do?" Su Xing said lightly.

"Brother Lin gets the light of God, we will naturally not fight for it." Everyone around said one after another.

"So you are from the same sect?" Su Xing was taken aback for a moment.

"Naturally! We are from Cangyu Mountain. I advise you to be honest." Brother Lin looked cold and arrogant. Although Cangyu Mountain is not as good as the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, it also controls three divine realms. In this nearby area, it is considered a big power. .

While talking, that Senior Brother Lin still exudes his own cultivation base aura, which is the eighth level of the True God Realm.

However, he is a God of One Tribulation, and his true combat power has already reached the ninth level of the True God Realm, which is quite good. In the absence of the Heaven God Realm, he clearly belongs to the master in the Valley of Flowing Light.

He woke up and looked unchanged, shook his head and said, "God's light is an unowned thing. Who can get it all depends on chance and ability. How is your experience different from the robbers?"

"You have said that whoever can get the light of God depends on ability. My ability is stronger than you. This light of God naturally belongs to me. It is not only the light of God, but also the storage bag on your body. Come out!" Senior Brother Lin sneered.

"You know how to do it well, isn't it possible that you, Cangyu Mountain, made your fortune by robbery?" Su Xing said sarcastically.

"Boy, do you dare to insult me ​​waiting for the teacher? Looking for death!" Senior Brother Lin's eyes became cold, apparently murderous.

"You have done everything, so don't you allow others to say it?" Su Xing shook his head, these people are really unreasonable.

"Brother, stop talking nonsense, I'll kill him."

One of them walked out, holding a huge mountain axe in both hands, and with the explosion of mighty power, one axe swung towards awakening.

"Wow!" The axe's light was surging and fierce, like a fiery wave of fire, containing vigorous divine power fluctuations, as if even the air could be burned out.

This person's cultivation is at the seventh level of the true **** realm, and he is also in the ranks of a catastrophe. The explosive power of this blow is close to the eighth level of the real god.

However, in the face of this fierce and unmatched blow, Awaken still had a calm expression on his face. It was not until the fire-like axe light struck that he raised a hand lightly and swiped it with one palm. Out.

There was a boom.

The axe shattered.

"go to hell!"

But at this moment, the disciple of Cangyu Mountain had already approached. The axe in his hand was an earth-level artifact, emitting a bright and dazzling light, and mysterious lines suddenly lit up.

As the **** axe slashed down, for a while, those mysterious lines were actually intertwined into a tiger, biting towards the awakened head.

If this blow is hit, it is basically the end of the head blooming.

Obviously, this Cangyushan disciple was killing him.

However, this axe that he was bound to win did not receive any effect. The fierce tiger completely rushed into the air and bit in the air.

This disciple of Cangyu Mountain had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and the speed of his awakening burst was so fast that he did not capture the trajectory of his awakening figure at all.

"Be careful, he is behind you." Brother Lin exclaimed.

"It's late!" Awakening's indifferent voice sounded. The next moment, he printed a simple and direct palm on the back of that Cangyu Mountain disciple.

The majestic divine power spewed out like a torrent, tearing the Cangyu Mountain disciple's body protection divine light with a force of destruction, and finally swarmed into his body, crushing his vitality, and even the divine soul.

One blow, Cangyushan disciple, killed!

The scene fell into a brief silence.

This result completely exceeded the expectations of a group of Cangyu Mountain disciples. It was not until the dead Cangyu Mountain disciple fell to the ground that he awakened his fellow apprentice brother.

"You are Fengwu Fudi's Taoist?" After a while, Senior Brother Lin slowly spoke, his eyes fixed on awakening, as if to see him through.

Hearing this, the other Cangyushan disciples suddenly realized.

They had already received the news that the new Taoists of Fengwu Fortune Land would come to the Streaming God Valley to experience, but their awakening age was not old, but their strength was extremely good. This image was too consistent with the Taoists of Fengwu Fortune Land.

"Why? Don't you continue to stop Cangyu Mountain's prestige?" Waking up, his expression was flat.

"How about you being a Daozi? If you dare to kill Junior Brother Zhang, I still dare to kill you."

Brother Lin's expression was cold and stern, and the sharp light in his eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "According to Fengwu Fudi's rules, we are in the same realm. I don't mean to bully the small by big, even if I kill you, Feng Wufudi won't avenge you, will it?"

"I'm afraid you don't have that strength." Su Xing did not argue. If it weren't for this group of people to rob him, if it wasn't for that Junior Brother Zhang had a murderous intent on him, he wouldn't kill.

But now, is he to blame?

Only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps?

It seems that, compared with Fengwu Fudi, Cangyu Mountain is the right person. In terms of the background of influence, the latter is a thousand miles away from the former.

"Then let me understand, Fengwu Fudi's Taoist, what is so powerful." Senior Brother Lin screamed, his cultivation broke out in an all-round way, his body turned into a terrifying thunder light, and rushed to wake up.

In terms of talent, he is far from awakening, but his cultivation level is too high.

Brother Lin was fully absorbed, performing a heavenly rank magic technique, thunderbolt hand.


Between Brother Lin's hands, the endless thunder light gathered without dispersing, exuding an extremely dazzling light, causing the surrounding air to vibrate violently, and then suddenly slapped to wake up.

In a moment, there was thunder light piercing through the void, swiftly coming.

Awakening's breath condensed, and the difference between the two sides' cultivation level was too great, and he also felt the slightest threat from that Senior Brother Lin's attack.

However, he did not shy away, instead, there was an eagerness in his eyes.

The cultivation base reached the peak of the second-order True God Realm, and his combat power was also greatly improved. Within the eighth realm of the True God Realm, it was a rare opponent, which gave him the idea of ​​colliding with the power of the ninth real God Realm.

Awakening no longer hesitated, his complexion revealed a touch of solemnity, his hands gathered in the middle, endless divine power burst out like a mountain torrent, quickly intertwined, turning into a bright mark.

Shen Cicada Nine Variations Sixth Form, Minghuang Form!

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