Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1730: Ju faction to hunt down!

The first thousand and 730 chapters are chased and killed


The Void Profound Sky Talisman exudes a dazzling bright light, which makes the surrounding void distorted.

In the next moment, Zong Hao's figure disappeared instantly.

Dozens of Cangyu Mountain disciples teamed up to display the Qianshan Flying Bird Array, which was as powerful as a god.

Ji Lang's cultivation skills are even more unfathomable.

Either way, Zong Hao couldn't fight against him, and his life-saving trump cards had no effect, and he had no choice but to use the Void Profound Sky Talisman.

When Zong Hao left, he was full of unwillingness and anger.

He knew that he should be the one who ended the trial for the first time.

He didn't even touch the shadow of God's Light.

This trip was completely in vain, and his face was discouraged.

The most annoying thing is that all this is a disaster without ignorance, and he didn't provoke Cangyu Mountain at all.

"Huh! Sure enough, there is a life-saving hole card." Ji Lang's expression was cold, he didn't know the Void Xuantian Talisman, thinking that it was Zong Hao's unique life-saving hole card.

He was not surprised. How could Feng Wu Fu Di’s Daozi be so easy to kill, otherwise, how could Feng Wu Fu Di be one of the three overlords of the Northern God Realm?

"Brother Ji, what shall we do now?" a Cangyushan disciple asked.

"Notify the other brothers, dig three feet in the ground, and find out the awakening. If this revenge is not reported, how can I gain a foothold in the Valley of Flowing Light from Cangyu Mountain?" Ji Lang said murderously.

Since the Valley of Flowing Light is forbidden to enter the Heavenly God Realm, the situation here can only depend on the battle between the younger disciples.

Naturally, for the younger generation of disciples, this is not only about self-interest, but also about face.

If the people from Danxia Valley, Great Heaven Sect, Fenglei Sect, and Hundred Flowers Divine Kingdom learned that Cangyu Mountain was killed by a Fengwufu Daoist, dozens of disciples were killed in succession, and it was spread out where they were losing face.

After all, although Feng Wufu's Dao Zi is strong, he can't beat four hands with two fists, not to mention that the opponent is just a new Dao Zi.

On the land in the northern boundary of the Valley of Flowing Light, the disciples of Cangyu Mountain started to take action one after another, divided into a dozen teams, led by a powerful senior brother, searching for and awakening.

Such a large scale is simply chased by the faction.

And awakening did not deliberately hide his figure. Naturally, this made it much easier for the Cangyushan disciples to search for it. However, after a short period of time, they found awakening.

Moreover, the person who found the awakening was just the one led by Ji Lang.

In the mountains and forests, disciples from the Cangyu Mountain surrounded the awakening group, while Ji Lang stood right in front of the awakening, and said proudly, "You Taoist in Fengwufudi, it seems not to be very good! That is called Zong. Hao, if it wasn't for the life-saving trump card to send away, it would have been reduced to a corpse long ago."

"Zong Hao..."

Wake had a weird face, he could understand that Zong Hao was forced by Ji Lang to use the Void Xuantian Talisman.

"Do you have that kind of life-saving hole card on your body?" Ji Lang tickled his mouth and said sarcastically: "If you don't, then you'll be hard to fly."

Su Xing did not answer the call, but looked up and down at Ji Lang, and found that the latter's cultivation base aura was similar to Gao Miao who was killed by him, but it gave him a stronger sense of danger.

Obviously, Ji Lang is more powerful than Gao Miao.

This is also normal.

If not, how dare he lead a team alone to intercept and wake up?

"It seems that you don't have that kind of life-saving hole card." Ji Lang was obviously trying to wake up just now. He still has a headache for the Void Xuantian Talisman. The method is too unpredictable and can't be intercepted.

But at this moment, when Ji Lang saw that he was awake and did not speak, he thought he was acquiescing.

"It seems that you Cangyu Mountain, are you ready to fight with me to the end?" Su Xing shook his head, too lazy to explain, the vision of these sect disciples was somewhat limited after all.

"Yes! My Cangyu Mountain has always had grievances, and since you dare to kill Junior Brother Gao Miao and them, you must be prepared to be chased by my Cangyu Mountain."

A hideous look appeared on Ji Lang's face, and he said, "Slaying Daozi, this kind of thing seems very enjoyable, right?"

Obviously, instead of taking revenge for the same sect, he also wanted to kill a Taoist and make him famous.

"Gao Miao also thinks like you, but he has now become a corpse."

There was also a touch of coldness in the pupils of Awakening. He had no intention of fighting, but the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind was not stopping, but these Cangyu Mountain disciples were asking him for trouble again and again.

"My strength is one level higher than Junior Brother Gao Miao." Ji Lang waved his hand and shouted coldly, "Forming!"


Suddenly, disciples from Cangyu Mountain successively took out the jade seal of the mountain peaks and displayed the Qianshan Flying Bird Array.

Blazing and dazzling rays of light soared into the sky, and the huge giant bird emerged again, terrifying and terrifying, exuding majestic coercion.

As for Ji Lang himself, his cultivation level also broke out.

His cultivation is the same as Gao Miao, both of which are the second-order of True God Realm.

However, Gao Miao was only a **** of the first calamity, and Ji Lang was already a **** of the second calamity, and because of this, his combat power reached the second level of the heavenly god.

However, he did not enlighten the law of will.

In fact, few people can comprehend the law of will at the stage of true gods, and Li Yixiao is an exception.


Ji Lang stopped drinking, the earth-yellow light lingering all over his body, revealing a thick and majestic breath, in his palm, more dazzling light condensed, and it suddenly shot out with his palm.

In an instant, a big handprint covering the sky rushed out, as if a continent was pressed down.

Such a large-scale attack, coupled with the blockade of the Qianshan Asuka Array, is simply impossible to avoid.

However, awakening did not mean to escape. The light on his body surface shuttled back and forth, and the Celestial Dragon Armor quickly condensed. At the same time, a large number of medium-grade God Armor in the storage bag began to burn, turning into a torrent of power into the Celestial God. Within the dragon armor, finally merged into his body.

At the fingertips, the awakened cultivation base aura rose straight, leaping to the fifth level of the true **** realm.

The fifth-order cultivation base, the six-tribulation Hinayana period, the addition of two, makes the power of awakening become extremely terrifying, reaching the second-order of the heavenly **** realm.

At this time, he raised his fist to the sky and blasted out.


The fist gun was like thunder and violently collided with the big handprint that covered the sky.

An extremely violent wind swept away. If it were not for the blockade of the Qianshan Asuka Array, I don't know how many places would be razed to the ground.

And in that billowing smoke, the awakened body rose into the sky, actively killing Ji Lang.

Since these Cangyushan disciples are entangled in endlessly, then they are all very frightened.

The same is the second-order combat power of the Heavenly God Realm, and there are also strong and weak points.

Ji Lang was only the introductory period of the Second Tribulation, and it was naturally incomparable, waking up from the Six Tribulations Theravada period.

With the emergence of the seal of the mountain, the magical technique Ji Lang had just displayed was ruthlessly torn up, his face changed drastically, and he finally realized what kind of existence he had provoked.

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