Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1739: The perfect murder plan!

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine chapters, the perfect murder plan!

It is also the ninth-level cultivation base of True God Realm, but Miao Qinghuan's combat power is higher than the realm of ten seniors and four.

Obviously, she can become the person in charge of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers in the Valley of Flowing Light, not because she has gained a reputation, but has the ability to absolutely shake the situation.

But at this moment Miao Qinghuan, despite the outbreak of combat power, still can't help that war fortress.

Those dozens of hundreds of colored pikes were heavily bombarded on the war fortress, erupting a terrible roar, but did not really shake the war fortress.

"Someone has taken action." Su Xing's eyes narrowed, and the divine cultivators watching the battle were too far away, afraid to get too close, and couldn't see the specific situation, but he saw it clearly.

Inside the war fortress, a black shadow appeared, releasing a powerful force on her body, intercepting Miao Qinghuan's attack, making her unable to harm the war fortress.

"I want to kill me, but I don't want to be discovered. It's a good calculation." Wake up to see the intention of the black shadow, the cold light in his eyes flickered, and the guess in his heart became more certain.

"Are they from the dark hall of the Yunmeng?" Miao Keer asked.

"Yeah!" Su Xing nodded. Before he came out, Li Yixiao had mentioned the situation of Yunmeng with him, and the key point was the dark hall, so he should be more prepared.

Although Su Xing heard Li Yixiao's words, he did not expect that Yun League was so bold and really wanted to attack him in the Valley of Flowing Light. You know, at this moment, there is Shi Zun sitting outside the Valley of Flowing Light.

To kill under Shi Zun's eyelids, and to be drip-proof, is extremely difficult.

However, the dark hall of Yunmeng did it.

They took advantage of the contradiction between the tenth brother and Su Xing to confuse Ji Xuelin, Yu Yan, Zhu Yuan and the tenth brother to join forces, and they hid themselves among many disciples. A series of plans could be described as seamless.

Now, it's time to finally close the net.

Using the three large formations of Caixia, Windmill, and Battle Array to cover up, they quietly assassinated Awakening. At that time, people would only think that Awakening was in the hands of the native sect of the Valley of Flowing Light, and would never think of the Yunmeng Secret Hall. They never showed up.

In addition, the Valley of Flowing Light forbids strong people above the Celestial God Realm to enter, so even if a big man wants to conduct special investigations through special means, it will not be possible.

This plan is flawless.

Awakening finally learned how powerful Yunmeng is. If you don't make a move, you will take it. Once you make a move, you are in danger of losing your life.

Wu Bing couldn't help but appear in his mind. The scholar with a smile on his face was extremely sinister and ruthless. No wonder so many Taoists were extremely jealous of him, even fearful.

The windmill is approaching, standing proudly among the clouds.

Two black shadows walked out one after another and stood not far in front of Wake and Miao Keer.

Yunxia played the best concealment effect, and they no longer need to hide.

The whole body was filled with a faint black mist, which made people unable to see their faces. Even the body looked very illusory, like a floating ghost. This disguise method was obviously extremely clever.

"Brother Xing, they are clothed with cloth made of the power of the soul, which can give full play to the power of the soul." Miao Keer reminded Su Xing that she obviously has research on the items of the soul.

"You are a variable in the plan." One of the dark shadows looked at Miao Kerr, speaking hoarsely.

"This variable is too small to kill." Another black shadow said.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't take a look at awakening, nor did they have any extra words.

This is the style of the dark hall.

The target they stared at was no different from a dead person.

And with a dead person, obviously there is no need to say more, this is naked contempt, showing a high above, as if the **** of death came to pronounce death.

"Lao Qi, you kill the target, I will kill this woman, and make a quick fight. The woman that Lao Si is facing has good strength." One of the dark figures said.

"Okay!" The black shadow, known as the old seventh, nodded.

The address between them is not like a name, but more like a code name.

This is indeed the case.

Su Xing learned from Li Yixiao that the secret guards in the dark hall are extremely concealed, let alone outsiders, even they don't know each other.

Every time you perform a task, you will never reveal your identity and have a special code name.

Another shadow, the code name is five.


Old Qi shot and rushed to wake up.

At the same time, the old five kills to Miao Keer.

The two of them are obviously good at spirit power, the dark light spreads out, revealing a sense of weirdness and danger, and their combat power level has reached the fourth stage of the sky.

Awakening eyes were slightly drenched, even if he put on the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, his combat power was only the third-order level of the Heavenly God Realm, and it was a whole level different from the opponent, and it was difficult to beat him.

More importantly, Miao Ke'er does not have the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, and her own cultivation base is only True God Realm 2nd stage. Her combat power is full of calculations, only True God Realm 7th stage, and it is a dead end when she encounters the Fifth Dark Guardian.


Wake up and display the nine changes of the divine cicada, avoid fighting, and rescue Miao Keer.

Miao Keer came for him, he couldn't just watch Miao Keer die.


There are a total of 108 pink petals, all of which are holy, flying up and down around Miao Kerr, setting off her like a beautiful flower god.

A peculiar psychic power enveloped her graceful body.

Facing the attack of the fifth child, Miao Kerr naturally would not sit still and displayed the strongest life-saving trump card. This one hundred and eight petals was a heavenly artifact named "Hundred Nether Flower".

However, Miao Ke'er's cultivation base was still too low compared to the fifth dark guard.

As the fifth killer of the dark guard came, the petals began to wither one after another, his power was weird and domineering, forcibly tore through Miao Keer's defense.

And Miao Ke'er's magical magic method also belongs to the spirit attack, and it is useless in front of the fifth dark guard who is more powerful than her.

Seeing that when the faint blue palm was about to penetrate Miao Ke'er's heart, an afterimage rushed to her side first, holding her up and dodge.

At the moment of crisis, he woke up and rushed over.

"We are going out." Su Xing said towards Miao Keer.

"Good!" Miao Kerr nodded.

They all understood that these two dark guards did not dare to reveal their identities, and once they rushed out of Caixia, they would not dare to make another move. This was the only way to survive.

"You can't leave!"

A cold and merciless voice sounded.

The old five and seven of the dark guards came together, and a series of spells condensed by the power of the soul spread from their feet, making a sound like a rotating machine.

In the next moment, a faint blue chain came out of those spells, very fast, one after another, entanglement to Awakening and Miao Keer, as if a ghost from **** came to kill him.

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