Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1743: inherited!

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-three chapters inheritance!

"How? Do you want to learn?"

The ancient **** of heaven gave a triumphant glance to wake up.

It looks like this, like a middle-aged uncle, holding a martial arts secret book from a roadside stall, to seduce a simple boy full of dreams.

Su Xing did not answer, but asked, "If it is discovered by other ancient gods, will he be killed?"

The ancient **** of Heaven's Will gave a waking glance with disdain, and said lightly: "Since it is a steal, it is naturally not easy to be discovered. Besides, your kid doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick at first sight. Would you worry about this problem?"


Su Xing was speechless for the evaluation of the ancient **** of heaven.

However, he just asked casually, and he really didn't fear anything in his heart.

You know, even the blood ancestors dare to kill them. No matter how powerful those ancient gods are, they are still inferior to the blood ancestors, one of the twelve giants.

Soon after, the ancient gods of Suwa and Providence left the main palace and stepped into the air. That round of brilliant days traveled, and that was the source of Providence.

"Senior, is the source of God's will turned into by your eyes or is it the source of God?" Su Xing stood in front of Da Ri, feeling the terrifying coercion contained within, and couldn't help but shake his mind.

The coercion here has been strong to the extreme, if it weren't for the protection of the ancient gods of providence, even if he urged the gods of good fortune, he would not last long.

"When I fell, I divided the source of the gods into two into my eyes and survived forever. This is half of it, called the'source of heaven'."

The ancient **** of Providence paused, and then said: "Because this source of Providence needs to be used to suppress the Valley of Flowing Light, so you can only comprehend the Little Zhoutian Divine Dao in it, and cannot be used to improve cultivation."

"What about the other source of providence?" Su Xing asked.

"In the Heavenly Land of the Temple of All Gods." The ancient **** of heaven.

"Has been robbed by someone?" Su Xing glanced at the ancient **** of heaven's will with a weird look. The source of heaven's source, such an important thing, was taken away by the halls of gods, which was a little strange.

"Even if I fall, the things that belong to me can't be robbed by those guys." The ancient **** of heaven was proud of himself, and finally explained: "That source of heaven, in that heaven and earth, guards another ancient god. God."

"Like Wuxin Ancient God, are your confidantes?" Su Xing asked with a smile.

"It's my wife." The ancient **** of heaven shook his head, his eyes rarely become far-reaching and profound, as if to say that he is an ancient **** with a story.

"It turns out to be the main palace." Su Xing suddenly smiled.

"The source of the providence in front of you only contains the four basic small Zhoutian divine ways. In addition, the source of the providence, you must enter into it to truly inherit my mantle." said the ancient **** of heaven.

"In other words, after a long time of trouble, what you can give me is just a broken inheritance?" Su Xing dull on the spot.

"Ahem...This is a test for you. My mantle inheritance is so extraordinary, how can it be so easy to get." The ancient **** of heaven said in embarrassment.


The corners of his mouth twitched, and for the first time, he discovered that there are people in this world who are less reliable than Li Yixiao.

Even if he thinks with his toes, he also knows that the Heavenly Land of the Temple of the Gods is definitely a place of great importance. Even the Daozi in the Temple of the Gods may be difficult to enter, let alone him, an outsider?

In other words, it is almost impossible for him to comprehend that other source of providence.

"Don't worry, count the time. The next Ten Thousand Dao Huiwu will be held in four years, right? It happens to be held by the Hall of Gods. According to the previous practice, as long as you win the Ten Thousand Dao Huiwu, you will enter once. Opportunity in the land of the sky."

Tianyi Gu Shenxu patted the awakened shoulder, his face was serious and heartfelt.

"Is there any such thing?" Su Xing was startled. He only knew that the Lower Realm Ten Thousand Dao Huiwu was held by the Hall of Gods, but he didn't know the specific rewards.

"It can't be wrong." The ancient **** of heaven said firmly.

However, Su Xing's complexion did not improve.

Even if there is such a chance, it is not an easy task to win the Wandao Huiwu, after all, he is just a new Daozi, the lowest existence in it.

Those Daoists of the last eight sessions have extremely deep cultivation bases, and they are not easy to follow.

However, there was finally a glimmer of hope.

Waking up originally wasn't keen on Wandao Huiwu, but this time it was absolutely necessary and had to give it a try.

Otherwise, take a piece of incomplete inheritance and always leave him in his throat.

"Although there are only four basic divine ways in this source of heaven's will, it can also lay a foundation for you. From then on, you can visualize and comprehend the other small Zhoutian divine ways, which are mysterious, and you will know it at that time."

The ancient **** of Heaven's Will pressed one hand on the awakened back, and a gentle force pushed the awakening into the source of Heaven's Will.

The source of God's will, like the bright sun, did not give the feeling of awakening and blazing heat, but a very warm feeling, as if walking in the ocean where the aura of Taoism gathered.

At a certain moment, four completely different divine powers surged from the south, east, north and west, namely wind, fire, mountains, and thunder. They could not help but penetrate into his body.

Feng Huo Lei, these are the first four of the three hundred and sixty-five kinds of small Zhoutian divine ways to be determined. They have the function of anchoring the universe and stabilizing the four poles. They belong to the basic divine way and can lay the foundation for awakening.

He cultivated to reach the Heavenly God Realm, and the ordinary level of the Divine Dao law breath can naturally be integrated easily. The most difficult thing is the law will contained in the four basic Divine Dao.

The wind system of the Shinto law will, the fastest, and the first to sink into the body of awakening.

The body was trembling violently, and there was a feeling that he was about to be shattered by the might of the world. At this time, the source of good fortune in his body began to protect the lord, and strands of fortune were all over his body.

The aura of good fortune is supreme, quickly fusing the laws and will of the four divine ways of Fenghuoshan Lei.

This is also the reason why the ancient gods of Providence did not worry about encountering danger in the process of awakening. The latter possessed the source of good fortune and received his inheritance, which was far easier than others.

The bright sun shines blazingly on the quiet palace.

The white-clothed and white-haired ancient **** of heaven, overlooking the Quartet, a pair of eyes filled with the meaning of distant vicissitudes, suddenly whispered: "Since this inheritance is not broken, then it is time for me to do that."

"Hua Dao, is it assimilated by Heavenly Dao, or is it in control of Heavenly Dao?"

"When I wake up to the land of the sky, I think Tianqi should also know my choice. I hope she will no longer resent me. After all, Wuxin died because of me. I can't help but avenge her."

The ancient gods of Heaven’s Will cherish the memory of the past, and finally glanced at awakening, the book had a somewhat illusory figure, completely dissipated, without making any waves, free and easy.

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