Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1771: Magic knife meaning knife heart knife!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-one chapters of the law knife meaning knife heart knife!

"For the time being."

Reawakened for a while, then said: "However, when the last guard made a move, he left a clue."

"Hurry up and talk?"

Upon hearing the clues, Li Yixiao, Xiao Du, and Ding Xi immediately asked.

He awakened: "The remaining three guards are all soul-cultivators, and the magical technique they use is called the "Ecstasy Chain". This kind of magical technique is very common, and you can't find out something based on this, but the last one will display it. In the final blow, a kind of knife is used, which does not hurt the flesh, and exclusively cuts the source of the gods."

"Don't hurt the body, just cut the source of God?" Ding Xi frowned, he had never heard of that strange magic.

"It sounds like a knife." Xiao Du frowned.

"It's a non-injury knife, which belongs to the magic sword technique." Li Yixiao said the name of that kind of knife.

The way of weapons is the most popular and famous with knives and swords.

Regardless of whether it is sword art or kendo, there are countless branches, and those countless branches can be summarized into three major categories, namely law, mind, and mind.

Like the path of the sword, there are magic swords, mind swords, and heart swords.

Like kendo, there are also swords, meaning swords, and heart swords.

Among them, Dharma is the most common, such as Dingxi and Suwakening, which follow the path of Dharma sword.

This has nothing to do with whether you practice the twelve kendo chapters. The twelve kendo chapters are equivalent to the general outline of kendo. What can be learned from it is also related to the individual.

Everyone has different chances and ideas, and the swordsmanship they understand is different.

Regarding yi, the most popular sentence is to emphasize the meaning and not the form, which means that the gods who follow the path of the yi sword and the yi sword, their swords and swords are not limited to the style of movement, what they pay attention to is The artistic conception.

The grass-character swordsmanship practiced in the early days of awakening actually had the shadow of the intentional sword.

Just looking at it from his current vision, the very precious grass-word sword art was actually very simple.

The world of martial arts learned from the gods, and the world of swordsmanship from the sword ancestors.

There are twelve kendos created by the ancestor of swordsmanship, and they are habitually called the "twelve kendos". As for the content after the twelve, most people don't know it.

But just these twelve articles of kendo can lay a solid foundation for kendo practice.

Because these twelve swordsmanship chapters include the magic sword and the Yi sword.

As for the heart sword, it is too vague, and there are very few records about it. From the twelve kendo chapters, the heart sword cannot be included, and it can be seen that the heart sword is extraordinary.

"We Fengwufudi, how many people have practiced a woundless sword?" Ding Xi asked. Yidao is more difficult to practice than a magic sword. Naturally, there are not too many people who practice a woundless sword.

"I haven't learned about it specifically, you can check it out." Li Yi smiled.

"Anyone who has enlightened the sword can check it. After all, even if someone practices the sword without hurting it, they may never show it to others." Su Xing said.

"That's true, it's just this way, the number of targets will increase. It's hard to tell if you can find out what the results are!" Li Yi smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay! I didn't have much hope, but when the other party learned the news that I was back alive, they would probably be unable to sit still, and would like to find another opportunity to start!" Su Xing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Do you want to set up a game to cheat them?" Li Yixiao's eyes lit up and said excitedly: "Quickly talk about your plan."

"No plan for now." Su Xing shook his head.

"...What do you mean? Don't make me happy for nothing." Li Yi smiled and refused to agree, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"They know that I will be prepared, and they can expect that I may set up a situation. At this time, I do anything, it is estimated that they will choose to remain unchanged, so there is no chance. They have to wait for a while." Su Xing explained Tao.

"That said, you still want to cheat them?" Li Yixiao became excited again.

"I don't deceive others, but since they put the knife on my neck, they always have to get a punch or two." Su Xing said calmly.

"So what are you going to do?" Li Yixiao said anxiously.

"Xiao Su, I'm optimistic about you! You can't show your IQ without taking things like yin people with me!" Yuhuang Chicken interrupted.

In this respect, he is exactly the same as Li Yixiao, wishing to cause something, the bigger the better.

"..." Su Xing rolled his eyes and said, as if his IQ would not work if he didn't bring the Jade Phoenix Chicken, he didn't bother to pay attention to this person any more, and to leave a word, he just stepped away.

"Why did this leave?"

Li Yixiao and Yuhuangji glanced at each other, feeling that the whole person was messy.

"Didn't you tell me? It will take a while. Any action you make now is too deliberate." Ding Xi looked speechless, and Xiao Du beside him shook his head with a smile.

"Hurry up!" The golden bull was more direct, glanced contemptuously at Li and smiled.

"This dead cow, what are your eyes, why are you staring at me alone? Isn't your uncle also very anxious?" Li smiled unwillingly, feeling that he was treated differently.

"Old Li! My friendship with Daniel is beyond your comprehension." Old God Jade Phoenix said.

"...Don't scream, Murong Yan should call you back to do alchemy." Li Yi smiled.

"Don't go, don't go." Jade Phoenix Chicken shook his head hurriedly and hung around on the Kunxu Peak. Compared to the boring and boring alchemy, he didn't know how much he had to relax, he obviously didn't bother to go back.



Sitting behind the desk, Wu Jing did not pick up a pen to write this time, but was reading a piece of information.

What is recorded in the intelligence is the fact that Awakening came out of the Valley of Flowing Light and the disturbances in the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers. Everything was comprehensive and readily available, fully demonstrating the power of Yunmeng's intelligence capabilities.

The eight branches of Yunmeng have their own merits.

The Dark Hall is good at assassinations, and Skynet Hall is good at gathering intelligence.

Wu Bin quickly finished reading a piece of information with tens of thousands of words. His face was still calm, but there was another flicker in the depths of his pupils.

Su Xing walked out of the Valley of Flowing Light alive, he was only slightly surprised, but his performance in the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers made Wu Bing's mood hard to be as calm as his face.

"Have you stepped into the ranks of the six calamities? It seems that this time in the Valley of Flowing Light, you have been a blessing in disguise." Wu Bing murmured, awakening and stepping into the ranks of the six calamities is one of his most important things.

This means that the awakening talent is overflowing, far beyond the ordinary Taoism, and Yunmeng and awakening are already in the same situation, so the awakening will not be allowed to grow up, lest it become a hidden danger.

Of course, in Wu Bing's eyes, waking up can only be regarded as a hidden danger, not a confidant.

In the eyes of the young talents of the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers, waking up and stepping into the Six Tribulations, it was like a mountain pressing on their hearts, but for Wu Bin, although the Six Tribulations were strong, they were not particularly stunning.

Moreover, within the Yun League, those who stepped into the ranks of the six calamities surpassed the number of two hands, especially their leader Bai Yunfei, who was even more successful in the six calamities, and was very likely to step into the ranks of the seven calamities.

However, even if it was only a hidden danger, Wu Bing would not let go of waking up, because his consistent behavior was that he did not leave any hidden dangers.

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