Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1783: Ordinary Taoist tenth!

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-three chapters, the tenth ordinary Taoist!

Heart disease has always been difficult to treat.

The collapse of Dao Xin is the most serious heart disease of divine cultivation.

Bai Yuku sat on the ground, his eyes blank, his expression depressed and discouraged.

This battle hit him too hard.

He has always been arrogant, walking into Fengwufudi, full of ambition, and even wants to reach the same height as his brother Bai Yunfei, and is admired and respected by countless people.

But today, the simple and rough palm of his waking up bloodyly tore his proud heart.


A thunderous drink resounded throughout the square.

Then Ren Hong walked in and looked at Bai Yu who was desperate. Ren Hong's expression was extremely gloomy, his eyes fixed on awakening, and he said angrily: "Boy, you dare to make a cruel hand, then you give me down!"

There was a boom.

Ren Hong, who was in a state of rage, regardless of Feng Wufu's unwritten rules, as a Taoist of the last four years, he had been a master for more than 50 years, and he actually made a direct move towards awakening.

Ren Hong's own cultivation base reached the fifth stage of the True God Realm, and he stepped into the ranks of the Five Tribulations, possessing the power of the first stage of the Heaven God Realm. This outbreak was quite shocking.

The vigorous divine power spread out around him, setting off a huge divine power storm.

Suddenly, he blasted out with a punch, and countless punches pierced through the void like a meteor shower, rushing to wake up.


With a cold shout, the awakened figure flew, the same punch came out, and with a bang, as the surging divine power swept away, the shadow of the sky that belonged to Ren Hong suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, there was a powerful punch that hit Ren Hong's chest directly. Then, people saw Ren Hong's body fly out and hit the square heavily.


Ren Hong opened his mouth and spouted a spring of blood, his face pale as paper, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

This scene also stunned the other people in the square.

Ren Hong, the four veteran of the last four years, has stepped into the ranks of the Five Tribulations, and he is actually no match for the one to wake up?

What's more important is that he hasn't used magic arts even after waking up to the present.

"This guy, how terrible is his combat power?"

"This abnormality, he has only been in the market for a few years! Even the four-time Daozi can directly crush it."

"Even the second senior brother back then, he wasn't so enchanting, right!"

Everyone's heart is hard to conceal the meaning of shock, it is really a manifestation of awakening, too enchanting, in terms of growth rate, even Bai Yunfei is pale in comparison to him.

"What are you? Let the others in Yunmeng come!" Su Xing glanced at Ren Hong, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"You..." Ren Hong spouted another mouthful of blood, filled with fright and anger, and suddenly understood Bai Yu. With such a villainous opponent, Dao Xin is indeed easy to collapse.

Suddenly, the awakening heart felt something, and he looked up into the sky.

A group of people quickly rushed over, and everyone's cultivation base aura was extremely powerful and vast, far surpassing Ren Hong.

Especially the headed person, wearing a pale yellow gown, gave people a sense of stalwart. A pair of eyes scanned the audience like electricity. Seeing the desolate Bai Yu, suddenly a murderous intent raged out.

"The top ten of ordinary Taoists, Yi Song!"

"It's trouble waking up now. No matter how enchanting he is, he can't fight Yi Song."

"Don't forget, the group of people around Yi Song, there is no weak person, and they should not be underestimated."

The arrival of the headed youth caused quite a stir.

The ordinary Daozi of Fengwu Fortune Land has always been ranked according to their comprehensive combat power.

There are only ten digits in the ranking.

Everyone who can be ranked is extremely capable.

Yi Song, is such a existence, in the ordinary Daozi, comprehensive strength ranks tenth.

This is a very dazzling ranking, can be described as prestigious.

"Did you?" Yi Song looked down and woke up, his eyes flashing.

Yunmeng naturally paid attention to all this, but did not pay enough attention to it, because the confrontation between the three of Su Xing, Bai Yu, and Ding Xi did not have much to watch.

However, Yi Song did not expect that Bai Yu would cause Dao Xin to collapse because of this confrontation.

He even had a numb scalp and didn't know how to explain to Wu Bing.

Naturally, this also made him hate Awakening.

At this moment, Yi Song had all the hearts that killed and awakened.

"What about me?" Su Xing said tit-for-tat, with an indifferent expression: "Who is qualified to participate in the martial arts of the Ten Thousand Dao Club, to shame Feng Wu Fudi?"

"Then can you defeat Bai Yu's Dao Heart?" Yi Song asked loudly.

"His own Dao Xin is not strong enough, who is to blame?" Su Xing shook his head, "So fragile, even if it weren't for today's defeat, sooner or later Dao Xin would collapse."

"Shit!" Yi Song yelled, "If it weren't for you, would Bai Yu's heart collapse?"

"I only took a palm!" Wake up simply.


Yi Song was so angry, and his long hair went without wind.

He also knew that what Sui Xing said was a fact, but it was precisely because Sui Wing only took one palm to defeat Bai Yu, which hit Bai Yu even more.

It's too crushing.

Even Daoxin was crushed together.

"Then I have to see how much you are capable of." Yi Song's eyes were completely cold, he actually ignored his status as the tenth master of ordinary Taoist, and wanted to attack Suwaken.

"You should go on together!" Su Xing said with a calm expression.

"What did you say?" Yi Song almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Since you can be shameless enough to shoot at me, just go with other people. You are shameless anyway. Why don't you just be thorough?" Su Xing said sarcastically.

"Looking for death!" Yi Song said coldly.

"It's you who are looking for death!" The awakened figure leaped into the air and appeared in front of Yi Song and the others. With a bang, his cultivation base broke out in an all-round way, and his mighty divine power roared out.

And in the next moment, there is still a surging body of energy.

Two completely different forces, using the fifth-rank emperor's blood as the medium, quickly merged into one place. Suddenly, Yi Song and the others felt a powerful banning ability, pressing on themselves.

Forbidden God Realm!

Waking up this time seemed very decisive.

As soon as he shot, he directly used the Forbidden God Realm.

Yi Song's strength is too strong, the cultivation base of the ninth rank of True God Realm itself has also entered the ranks of the fifth rank, and none of the people behind him are weak, and the combat power is generally around the third rank of the Heavenly God Realm.


In the sky, awakening began to take action.

The power of Yi Song and others was banned extremely much, almost fell into the gods, directly reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Boom bang bang!"

With every palm blast from Awakening, a member of the Yun League was knocked into the air.

He made a fierce fight, but everyone who was hit by the air lost their combat power and suffered heavy losses.

Yi Song was no exception, was awakened and knocked down, and fell to the square.

In an instant, the sky returned to quiet, and only Awaken stood proudly there, his body looked extremely stalwart.

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