Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1787: Pro word rune!

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-seventh chapters are pro-character runes!

At this moment, Li Yixiao is the only ruler of the world.

Not only were the four secret guards on the 9th in horror, but also Wake, Ding Xi and others, also looked shocked.

At first, when discussing on the Kunxu Peak, Xiao Du proposed to set up an ambush in the Diyou Riverbed, and Li Yixiao took the initiative to take care of the ambush. At that time, he woke up just thinking that everyone working together is enough to deal with the Yunmeng who came to hunt down. people.

I don't know, Li Yixiao accomplished this feat alone.

Li Yixiao has always been hiding something, and this point of awakening is clear. After all, Li Yixiao's hidden skills are really not flattering, but when he wakes up, he did not expect that Li Yixiao will be a spellmaster.

This is the second time Awakening has encountered a spellmaster.

The first time was Wang Yuan.

Although he didn't understand spells, Li Yixiao far surpassed Wang Yuan in terms of spells, but with his eyesight he could easily tell the same way.

It's just that he doesn't know whether the spell currently cast by Li Yixiao is already at the limit. If Li Yixiao is still clumsy, then he is probably a spell everyone.

The yellow-gold charms cover countless distances in a radius and are intertwined with countless complicated patterns, exuding a vast and majestic coercion. In the center, a word "pro" appears vaguely.

Li Yixiao walked to the four of No. 9 step by step, and said lightly: "It took me a long time to draw this ‘pro-character rune’, how powerful is it?"

"Puff!" No. 9 coughed up blood, and beside him, the fourth, fifth, and seventh were in a coma.

"Don't kill them." Su Xing said.

"Don't kill? Keep wasted food?" Li Yi smiled and shook his head.


No. 9's body trembled, and wanted to say that she has a ration.

Awakening also rolled his eyes and explained: "The people of Yunmeng have left their life and soul cards on Yunyu Peak. If they are killed, Yunmeng will know immediately."

"Isn't it better? Let them know how good we are." Li Yi smiled.

"If Yunmeng knows, how can you catch a big fish?" Su Xing shook his head.

"Catch a big fish!" Li Yixiao suddenly beamed his eyes, obviously extremely excited.

"Let’s take a look at their true face of Lushan first." Li Yixiao, who was too lazy to care about dancing, leaned out a hand, and a suction force appeared in his palm, tearing the cloth made of spirit power on the bodies of the four of them. Come down.

The identities of the secret guards are extremely concealed, and even they themselves don't know the true identity of their teammates. They rely on the cloth made of spiritual power on their bodies.

At this moment, as the cloth was torn off, the four of them suddenly revealed their true colors.

"All the Daozi from the previous eighth session!"

"This is... Mu Wei, the seventh-ranked master of ordinary Taoism."

Everyone doesn't know the specific names of the fourth, fifth, and seventh children, but from the aura of their cultivation base, one can tell the approximate time when they entered the Phoenix Land.

And No. 9 was recognized by Li Yixiao.

No. 9's real name is Mu Wei, and he is the seventh-ranked master among ordinary Taoists. He is more powerful than Yisong, who awakens and uses the Forbidden God Realm to crush, and he is naturally famous.

"Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi, check their storage bags." Su Xing said, he needs evidence to prove Yun League's crimes, and that is the weapon to bring down Yun League.

"Hao Le!" Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi immediately took action, took off the storage bags of Mu Wei, the fourth, the fifth, and the seventh, and began to probe.

"Don't waste your effort. Since you are out to perform the task, you will naturally be prepared. How can there be what you want in the storage bag?" Mu Wei smiled coldly.

"Boss, there is nothing suspicious in their storage bag." Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi said one after another.

"You don't seem to have the consciousness of being a prisoner?" Su Xing stared at Mu Wei and asked.

"Kill me, you will die too." Mu Wei couldn't comment, but asked: "I'm curious, why didn't my woundless knife kill you?"

"Drag back into the cave, revenge if there is revenge, and vent if there is no revenge." Awakening expression was flat.

Hearing this, Ding Xi immediately stared at Mu Wei unkindly, and Yuhuangji, Golden Bull, and Li Yixiao also approached with a smile on their faces.

Several people moved quickly and dragged Mu Wei, fourth, fifth, and seventh into the cave.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Wei suddenly became a little nervous.

"Boom bang bang!"

Soon after, there was a rain of fists in the cave.

Ding Xi was the first to do it. In order to get Yun Meng to get the bait, he staged a bitter trick. Obviously, he counted his beatings on Yun Meng's head.




Inside the cave, the screams and the sound of broken bones mixed together, and it was endless.

The fourth, fifth and seventh who had been in a coma were awakened alive.

In order to get them to speak and tell the secrets and handles of Yunmeng, Li Yixiao, Ding Xi, Yuhuangji, Golden Bull, Beixuan, and Gongsun Qi all tried their best.

After a while, Li Yixiao walked out of the cave and said towards awakening: "These four guys have very strict mouths!"

"It's not that the mouth is strict, but the deterrence of Yunmeng is too great. They dare not speak, worrying that if they reveal the secret of Yunmeng, they will die soon." Su Xing shook his head.

It is not surprising that Li Yixiao did not find anything useful during the interrogation.

"What to do then?" Li Yixiao asked.

"No hurry, this is only the first interrogation. Before killing them, there will be a second interrogation. You may know something at that time."

Su wakes up for a while, and asks, "Where did Brother Xiao go?"

"Unknown land!" Li Yixiao pointed to the cliff below him.

"You just let Senior Brother Xiao go to explore the road alone? That's an unknown place." Su wakes up for a moment.

"Brother Xiao took the initiative to go. Anyway, he is the master of beast control. The dark monsters in the unknown land are disasters for others, but for him, it is equivalent to a heaven."

Li Yixiao looked indifferent, and finally said: "Besides, you can't go for nothing. Since you are here, let's explore the treasure in the unknown land!"

"Is there really a treasure?" Su Xing was stunned. He just used the unknown land as a battlefield, and didn't think about whether there really is a treasure there.

"This...should be there!" Li Yixiao said with a guilty conscience.

"Don't take a vain thing and take everyone to risk it indiscriminately." Wake rolled his eyes and suddenly looked up the river and said: "Here is someone, can you still use your'Prosperity Rune'? ?"

"In my current realm, the charms depicted are all disposable consumables, and they will naturally be gone after they are used." Li smiled for a while, and then said with a smile: "However, I have drawn more than one in the past few days. 'Pro-word rune'."

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