Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 1791: The natal tortoiseshell beast!

The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-one chapters natal tortoiseshell beast!

The situation should have been great.

The advantage of awakening is exhausted, and it is only a matter of time to kill everyone in the dark hall.

But at this juncture, something happened.

Moreover, it was aimed at Xiao Du's changes.

Awakening them to have such a big advantage is basically because of Xiao Du's existence. Once Xiao Du dies, the advantage will be instantly lost. When the time comes, the group of people will not only be able to destroy the dark hall, but they will also be in danger of being destroyed.

This made everyone's minds panic, including waking up.

The dark red figure exudes extremely powerful aura, even stronger than Li Yixiao's pro-word rune.

This is a lore!

The main city mansion of the dark hall is too deep, and watching many dark guards being killed, I can't help but wait for this moment.


The dark red figure was divided into six, surrounded Xiao Du from all sides, and then rushed up together.

From the outside, it looked like a dark red haze covering Xiao Du.

The hearts of everyone mentioned their throats.

At this time, no one had time to support Xiao Du.

"Boom bang bang..."

A series of loud noises suddenly appeared, and then the six dark red figures retreated and merged into one again.

In the field, Xiao Du still stood proudly.

But on the surface of his body, there is a huge tortoise shell condensed by light, which protects his whole body. The light of stars on the tortoise shell is shining, giving people an extremely solid and immortal feeling.

"Best of life!"

The hall master of the dark hall let out a low cry, and his whole body aura was cold to the extreme.

This was a mortal blow, but it did not succeed.

His attack is not unbelievable, but it seems to hit a copper wall and iron wall, no! The tortoise shell, which seems to be condensed by light, is countless times stronger than a copper wall and an iron wall, and cannot be penetrated at all.

"how is this possible?"

In the sky, the name of the deputy hall master, left and right, roared unbelievably.

Countless guards couldn't believe this scene.

The hall master of the dark hall, under the full eruption, the combat power has reached the eighth rank of the heavenly gods, this assassination is absolutely inevitable, even if it is the same as the eighth-ranked existence of the gods, it will end in hatred.

However, it failed.


Li Yixiao laughed heartily.

The face of the awakening was also full of smiles, and Ding Xi and others under the water were also relieved.

Xiao Du was obviously not dead.

Moreover, it was a perfect defense against the attack of the dark hall master.

"who are you?"

"The beast master who has cultivated the natal beast is definitely not an unknown person!"

The hall master of the dark hall surging with blood in his eyes, staring at Xiao Du firmly.

The natal beast is what the beast control master dreams of, but there are very few beast control masters who can cultivate the natal beast. Obviously, Xiao Du is one of the very few.

The natal beast will grow with the beast master, the stronger the beast master, the stronger the natal beast.

The specific abilities of the zombies are different.

And Xiao Du's natal beast, resembling a tortoiseshell beast, is known for its strong defense.

The master of the beast control commanded the sky demon beast, and there was no shortage of powerful attack methods. The beasts galloped, enough to crush everything, the most feared was being close.

Once the Beast Master was killed, the Sky Monster Beast would spread out in one go, not to be afraid.

Obviously, Xiao Du, who possesses a tortoise-shell beast and has a strong defensive power, is no longer afraid of being assassinated in close proximity. This way, he is almost invincible and has no shortcomings.

"It's no wonder Senior Brother Xiao was able to survive the chase of the Lord Jinkui back then."

Awakened and calmed down, he couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth. The assassination of that dark hall hall master, whether it was the timing or the horror of the attack, was very powerful, but it kicked the iron plate.

"Senior Brother Xiao wears this layer of tortoise shell, and his defense is comparable to mine." Li Yixiao murmured, Su Xing believed that Li Yixiao was famous for his thick skin, even Murongyan's big sword Dare to resist a few times.


The dragon tiger beast and the black bat beast roared one after another.

The two wild alien species rushed to the hall master of the dark hall one after another.

Obviously, Xiao Du would not answer the questions of the hall master of the dark hall. After all, his identity should not be revealed, otherwise there would be big troubles. You must know that from the eyes of outsiders, he had turned his back on the God Realm and would suffer crusade.

Dragon Tiger Beast and Black Bat Beast both possessed the sixth-order cultivation base of the Celestial God Realm, and they were also wild alien species.

This shot immediately set off a terrifying momentum.

The hall master of the dark hall is the most powerful assassination. Although the frontal confrontation is not weak, it is impossible to get rid of the dragon tiger beast and the black bat at the same time.


Li Yixiao temporarily portrayed the spell and joined the battle.

The other sky monsters began to behead the dark guards in the dark hall.

At this point in this battle, the victory or defeat has been divided.

The hall master of the dark hall failed to make a single blow, and completely lost the opportunity.

The rest is to see how many dark guards can be retained, and what level of success can be expanded.


The whole body was awakened with shining light, and the **** of dragon armor was added.

After the cultivation base stepped into the fifth stage of the Celestial God Realm, he already had the strength of the second-tier Celestial God Realm, plus the three cultivation realm upgrades brought by the Heavenly God Royal Dragon Armor, at this moment his combat power has reached the Celestial God Realm. Level five.

However, this time awakening did not use the Forbidden God Realm, and his control over the Forbidden God Realm was still unable to completely separate the enemy from us, and to the extent of his freedom.

There are too many sky monsters in the sky. If the Forbidden God Realm is used, many sky monsters will be affected.


The awakened figure rose to the sky.

The battle strength of the fifth-order Tianshen realm can also allow him to crush ordinary dark guards.

The most important thing is that he has comprehended the Little Zhou Heavenly Dao Law and possesses the will of law. Therefore, his Heavenly God Realm 5th-order combat power has no trace of moisture. Compared with other people's Heavenly God Realm 5th-order combat power, it can only It is pseudo combat power.

The strength is enough, but there is no law and will blessing.


The Nine Transformations of Shen Cicada gave Awakening a very ethereal and agile figure. Almost instantly, he appeared next to a secret guard, and the seal of the mountain rolled in the palm of his palm, and he slapped out suddenly.

In an instant, the dark guard was wiped out.

This is a massacre!

The secret guards, who have always been frightened, are now the targets of slaughter.

It's not that they are not strong enough, but the opponent is too strong.

One after another, the dark guards fell, making the awakening side's advantage continuously increasing.

"Withdraw!" The hall master of the dark hall finally got rid of the entanglement between the dragon tiger beast and the black bat beast, and gave the order to retreat. His figure flashed and took the lead to escape.

Upon seeing this, the deputy hall masters left and right did not dare to linger at all, and also swept towards the cliff.

The three of them didn't care about the life or death of the remaining guards at all, they just wanted to protect themselves.

This is Antang's consistent behavior style. When encountering danger, he only needs to protect himself, and he does not need to care about the life and death of his companions. It is very cruel and cold-blooded.

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