Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2136: Lei Xueyi crosses the robbery

The 2136th chapter Lei Xueyi crosses the catastrophe

Soon, the time for the second ten breaths has come.


As a blood spring sputtered up, another member of the Hundred Blossoms royal family was decapitated.

And, together with his soul, was strangled into fly ash.

In the Phoenix ship, Miao Kerr squeezed her pink fist fiercely, bloodshot in her star eyes, she wanted to rush out immediately, and rushed towards the city defense formation regardless of consequences.

The members of the Hundred Blossoms Royal Family were all related to her by blood, and every death made her feel like a knife.

However, at this moment Miao Kerr was guarded in the cockpit by Ding Xi, Shi Zun, Elder Netherworld and others, in accordance with the instructions of awakening, to prevent her from messing around.

Miao Kerr didn't blame anyone, and she could understand the intention of Wake to do so.

Her identity is too sensitive. After showing up, it is difficult to act rationally. It is easy to be caught by Bai Yunfei, seize the opportunity and use her to deal with awakening.

"Ker, we must believe in awakening." Elder Nether advised.

"Master, I know." Miao Ke'er nodded with red eyes, did not struggle, silently squeezed her powder fist, and looked at everything outside.

"Elder Lei, let's do it!" Outside the formation barrier, he woke up looking at Lei Xueyi, and said, "Be careful about everything."

"Don't worry!" Lei Xueyi nodded, and her figure flashed, turning into a divine light, Pina Ruo was shocked, and flew towards the sky along the formation barrier.

"Wake up, if you don't do it yourself, let Lei Xueyi act alone, what can she do?" Bai Yunfei asked very puzzled.

The appearance of waking up and being calm and calm gave Bai Yunfei a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that he had overlooked something, something crucial.

"Are you flustered?" Su Xing glanced at Bai Yunfei calmly.

"Joke! I want to see what you can do." Bai Yunfei naturally wouldn't admit anything, and put on a cold-eyed posture.

Soon, Lei Xueyi flew over the formation barrier.

She stretched out her crystal clear white jade hand and slammed into the sky. The tyrannical cultivation base belonging to the second-tier Divine Master Realm was quickly released from her graceful divine body to communicate with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Suddenly, on the supreme sky, the sky and the earth changed color, and large swaths of dark clouds rolled over.

A terrifying coercion from the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth diffused away. At this moment, everyone felt it, a suffocating sense of oppression, and their faces changed greatly.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

Bai Yunfei raised his head and looked at the sky. At the same time as he suddenly realized his heart, his face became gloomy again, clenching his fists, and looking towards the awakening: "You actually want to use the power of the tribulation to break through the great defense formation!"

"It seems that you don't have a rule, you can't use the power of Borrowing Heavenly Tribulation, right?" Awakening could not be denied.

On the way to the Capital of Hundred Flowers, he discussed with Shi Zun and other Sanxuantian elders carefully about the various situations that may be encountered in the Capital of Hundred Flowers.

And how to break through the great defense formation quickly became a big problem.

Su Xing suddenly thought of Lei Xueyi. After refining two drops of basalt real blood, Lei Xueyi not only increased his cultivation level, but also gained full confidence in going through the immortal catastrophe.

And with the help of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, it is undoubtedly a clever trick to break through the great defense formation.

The great defensive formation of the City of Hundred Flowers is indeed inflexible, and it is difficult to break through in a short time by waiting for leisure.

However, Lei Xueyi's own cultivation level is extremely high, and the sixth incomparable calamity he has crossed, the power must be extremely terrifying, and most of them are not talking about tearing up the great defense formation.

Thunder and lightning, surging wind!

Above the formation barrier, Lei Xueyi's skirts are floating, her black hair is flying, and she stands proudly. The divine body is bathed in thunder light, brilliant and radiant, like a crystal clear divine jade.


Accompanied by the deafening explosion, a purple thunder dragon swooped down from the roiling cloud.

Its body is huge like a mountain, with dragon horns, dragon claws, dragon scales, long eyes and other parts, all clearly visible, lifelike, exuding terrible pressure.

"Zi Xu Tian Lei!" Su Xing was startled, that purple thunder dragon was evolved from a tyrannical Zi Xu Tian Lei.

Among the Nine Heavens Tribulation, Wuxiangjie is the most weird and unpredictable. When waking up to cross the Wuxiangjie, he encountered a hundred thousand demons and killed it until he was mad before he successfully crossed the disaster.

But now, Lei Xueyi's Infallible Tribulation had actually encountered Zixu Heavenly Thunder, which seemed quite incredible.

"Is it because Elder Lei refines the purple virtual sky thunder? Then this time of innocent catastrophe, after Elder Lei passes through, he will definitely have a great gain, maybe he can understand Zi in one fell swoop The mystery and true meaning of Xutianlei."

Su Xing looked at the sky, his eyes flickering, with a vague expectation.

"Thunderprint of Thousand Birds Sky!"

Facing the thunder dragon transformed by the purple sky thunder, Lei Xueyi was not afraid, and used what she learned, a powerful god-given magic, the crystal jade hand, surrounded by the bright thunder light, suddenly shot into the sky go with.

Compared with the huge purple Thunder Dragon, Lei Xueyi's figure looked very small.

However, with her aura, she actually passed the purple thunder dragon steadily.

Countless bird-like imprints soared into the sky, intertwined into a bright and brilliant thunder light, submerging the purple thunder dragon, causing its huge body to crack every inch, and finally annihilated by flying ash.

But soon, the second wave of Wuxiangjie's offensive came quickly.

This time it was two purple thunder dragons, each possessing the power of the second-tier peak of the Divine Lord Realm, and attacked Lei Xueyi with one left and the other right.


Lei Xueyi reached out his hands at the same time, his momentum increased, and a vast sea of ​​thunder and lightning emerged behind him.

When the two purple thunder dragons were cut off, three purple thunder dragons soon rushed out, not giving Lei Xueyi a chance to breathe, but she didn't seem to need to breathe, her momentum became more and more high, and she was unparalleled in fighting spirit.

Then came four purple thunder dragons, five purple thunder dragons, six purple thunder dragons...

With this nine-wave offensive without any tribulations, with each wave coming, the number of purple thunder dragons will increase by one.

In the end, Lei Xueyi needed to face it at the same time. The siege of nine purple thunder dragons was equivalent to encountering the power of the second-tier peak of the nine gods.

Whether it is in the Phoenix Ship, the many Taoists, elders, and the God of Hundred Flowers in the Phoenix Boat, countless gods are all watching Lei Xue Yi cross the catastrophe.

The vast majority of people were extremely shocked and felt that the difficulty of incomparable calamity was too high.

However, Su Xing felt that Lei Xueyi's incomparable catastrophe was fairly difficult in terms of difficulty. Compared with his at first, it was much simpler. The original nervous mood couldn't help but relax.

He could feel this way, but it was normal. The difficulty of Heavenly Tribulation varies from person to person. Not only Lei Xueyi, but the rest of the people waiting for the difficulty of crossing the catastrophe were not so abnormal as to wake up.

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