Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2138: If you want to kill or slash

The 2138th chapter wants to kill or cut, just listen to it


When Bai Yunfei retreated, he slapped a palm against the city wall. For a moment, the hidden array pattern in the city wall was quickly activated, intertwined and shuttled, turning into a teleportation array, enveloping him and Leng Mo.

This teleportation array started so fast that it was too late to stop it when it awoke.

However, he was not in a hurry. Usually the teleportation array was activated very quickly, and the internal structure would be relatively simple, so it was destined to not be able to transmit much.

Moreover, he had vaguely captured that this teleportation formation was connected to the palace.

"Wake up, I don't think you can ignore the formation barrier and sneak into the City of Hundred Flowers early." Bai Yunfei stood in the teleportation array, his white clothes mottled with blood, his eyes staring at Awakening incomparably dark.

He was so smart that he fully reacted at this time, knowing that he had been deliberately delaying time before waking up, looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

If it hadn't been for him to arrange a retreat in advance, and his own strength was deep enough, he might have fallen at the feet of awakening now. In retrospect, he couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat.

The god-given magic arts of the body type are more precious and rare than the god-given magic arts of the attacking nature.

Although Bai Yunfei had carefully investigated the awakening and knew that he had practiced the god-given magic, but Bai Yunfei did not know the specific circumstances of the nine changes of the gods.

And the Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada can to a large extent ignore this characteristic of the formation enchantment, and don't use much for awakening, and Bai Yunfei naturally doesn't understand it.

Su Xing stared coldly at Bai Yunfei, did not speak or intercept, escorting the two boats with members of the Baihua royal family, the Leng family, the princess and others.

The light wrapped Bai Yunfei and Leng Moyou inside, and disappeared from the city wall in an instant.

Su Xing fell on the wall, looking at the Queen of Flowers, a bewildered look flashed in his eyes.

The Empress Baihua saw his confusion and explained: "I fell into the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu, even if Bai Yunfei doesn't take me away, the result will be the same."

"Heart Eater Poison King Gu!" Su Xing frowned deeply. He had also heard of this famous poison, and naturally felt the thorny nature of the matter.

"Wake up, I'm sorry for what happened." The Queen Baihua looked at Wake up apologetically, and said: "I just hope you can read it on Kerr's face and save the members of the Baihua royal family."

"The queen has misunderstood. I will not rescue it because someone has already gone." Su Xing explained.

"That's it!" The Queen Hundred Blossoms breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "There is another unsympathetic request. Please don't tell Kerr about the Heart Devouring Poison King Gu in my body."

Suwaken understands the mind of the Queen of Flowers, this is not to worry Miao Kerr, although he nodded and agreed, but he did not think how long this kind of thing could be hidden.


At this time, the fierce battle between Lei Xueyi and the nine-headed purple thunder dragon reached a white-hot state, and the fighting between the two sides was inextricable, and the aftermath of the battle was affected, and the formation enchantment quickly melted.

In the end, when Lei Xueyi bombarded and killed nine purple thunder dragons in one fell swoop, the great city of Hundred Flowers God Capital also collapsed.

Su Xing paid close attention to Lei Xueyi's Tribulation, and discovered that after she killed the nine purple thunder dragons, she was also seriously injured, but fortunately there was no risk of her life.

In the void, Lei Xueyi sat down cross-legged, bathed in purple thunder light.

While healed her injuries, she was also digesting and absorbing the backfeeding after the catastrophe.

The phoenix boat galloped up and stopped not far from the city wall.

"Swish!" A graceful and graceful figure flew out quickly in the Phoenix ship, and finally fell into the arms of the Queen of Flowers, crying.

"Okay, Mother Emperor is okay." The Queen Baihua gently patted Miao Keer's fragrant shoulders, softly comforting.

There was a solemn look on the Phoenix ship, awake looking at Miao Keer's figure, eyes flickering.

He has seen Miao Kerr who is angry, and Miao Kerr who is mischievous, who is like a fairy who has brought harm to the country and the people, but he has never seen such a sad Miao Kerr. I really feel sorry for me.

And if Miao Ke'er learned about it, the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu in the Queen of Hundred Flowers would not know how sad it would be.

In the sky, two boats drove over slowly. It was the two boats that escorted the members of the Baihua royal family, the Leng family, and the princess.

At this time, on the two boats, all the cults of the Five Ghosts, including the five ghosts whose cultivation base reached the Divine Master Realm, were all dead, replaced by a pale youth with a wicked temperament standing there. On the deck of a tall ship.

This young man with an evil temperament is naturally a Sky Shadow Rat.

When he woke up and sneaked into the Capital of Hundred Flowers, he quietly released the Sky Shadow Mouse.

After the Sky Shadow Rat had refined the drop of basaltic true blood given to him by Awakening, his cultivation had reached the third level of the Divine Master Realm, and coupled with its assassination ability, it was naturally not a difficult task to solve a Five Ghost Sect.

But the others, except Ding Xi and Miao Ke'er, didn't know Sky Shadow Rat, and after the death of the Five Ghosts, there was no corpse, and there was not much clue.

Although Sky Shadow Mouse didn't deliberately reveal the aura of cultivation base, the aura of a strong man also made him feel extremely dangerous.

The many Taoists and elders in the Phoenix Ship all put on a posture of facing an enemy, thinking that Sky Shadow Rat and Bai Yunfei belong together.

"My son, the Five Ghost Sects have been eradicated, Bai Yunfei hid in the palace and opened up the big formation in the palace." Sky Shadow Mouse stopped the two boats not far from the city wall, and did not look at the other people on the Phoenix boat. , Bends to wake up very respectfully.

"Good job." Su Xing nodded.

He didn't worry about it, exposing the identity of the Sky Shadow Mouse. As the **** and demon hall master of the Sky Demon Sect, the Sky Shadow Mouse was extremely good at hiding, which was far from the Five Ghosts.

He can converge the devilish energy on his body to the extreme, even the power of the Divine Master Realm is hard to see.

Nevertheless, this scene caused quite a shock.

Everyone can see that the Sky Shadow Mouse must be a strong man, but he completely obeys the order of awakening and assumes himself as a servant. It is hard to imagine how awakening does it.

Suddenly, Wake was surprised to find that behind the Sky Shadow Mouse, there was still a familiar figure standing.

The Sky Shadow Mouse turned his body sideways, threw Wang Yuan in front of him, who was in a very bad state, and explained towards the awakening: "My son, this kid actually took one step ahead of me to intercept the two ships. It's just that his strength is too great. Weak, almost killed by five ghosts."

"After I solved the five ghosts, I didn't know what to do with him, so I brought him over."

At this time, Wang Yuan also looked towards awakening. Although there was unconcealable fear in his eyes, he straightened his chest and didn't want to be too embarrassed.

"If you want to kill, you have to pluck it."

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