Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2177: Reveal flaws

Chapter 2177 reveals flaws

Su Xing did not expect that Xiao Jingyu would say this. It seemed that her feelings for Zhou Yuan were quite deep.

It's a pity that Zhou Yuan was too romantic, and I am sorry for Xiao Jingyu's sincerity.

Wake up and said with a smile: "Jingyu, what are you doing with me? Besides, the power of the **** pattern in the treasure is only useful to the true god, and it doesn't help much to the shackles of the heavenly gods."

"OK then!"

It's done, Xiao Jingyu can't say anything.

Moreover, she was very touched by the act of waking up in her heart, feeling that there was a warm current flowing in her heart, and she was involuntarily moving towards awakening.

On that pretty face, there was a hint of flattery, which was charming.

Su Wake's heart shuddered. This scene was too familiar. He had anticipated what Xiao Jingyu wanted to do, and hurriedly said: "Jingyu, your cultivation level is loose now. It is important to make a breakthrough first."

"Then I will break through to the eighth-order god, and then I will compensate you well." Xiao Jingyu also knows that the opportunity for a breakthrough in cultivation is not easy, so he didn't try to force anything.

When she left the room, Xiao Jingyu suddenly turned her head to look at Su Xing, and smiled: "Zhou Yuan, have you noticed that you are different from the original these days?"

A sense of vigilance rose in Su Xing's heart, but his complexion remained calm, and said: "Where is the difference?"

"It feels a lot more mature and stable than before." Xiao Jingyu fell into thinking and muttered: "Before changing, how would you refuse my embrace..."


Before Xiao Jingyu finished speaking, her hip flap was slapped severely when she was awakened, and said with a wicked smile: "After your cultivation level breaks through, let's see how I can teach you."


The familiar feeling completely disrupted Xiao Jingyu's thoughts, and even a shy red cloud appeared on Qiao's face. She cursed and fled out like Fei.


After Xiao Jingyu walked away, she was relieved to wake up.

He can change into Zhou Yuan's appearance, but after all, there is a big difference in personality from Zhou Yuan, and Xiao Jingyu is Zhou Yuan's closest person, and it is easy to reveal flaws.

Now that they have only been together for a few days, Xiao Jingyu is suspicious.

If you get along for too long, you will surely be seen through, and you can't continue to use the method similar to just this way of forcibly interrupting Xiao Jingyu's suspiciousness.

Thinking of this, Su Xing's face couldn't help being serious.

He has decided that in two days, he will enter the Dark Dragon Abyss with the disciples who have been selected.

In the next two days, Wake fully practised the Xuanyi Fa, with the aid of the green jade beads, and the progress was beyond imagination. The number of mist filaments became more and more, and the distance was condensed into clouds, very close.

In the night two days later, he awoke and stopped practicing and flew towards Ruiyang Peak.

Tonight's Ruiyang Peak is brightly lit, and it is many times more lively than usual. After three days of selection, three hundred disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect gathered here, all of them excited and excited.

According to the news they received, they will be selected this time and will enter a secret place for key cultivation. They don't know at all that what awaits them is actually a crisis of death.

"You are all elites of my Hengshan Sword Sect. Follow me to practice in secret places tonight. After a few years, they will become the mainstay of our Hengshan Sword Sect."

Xiao Anyuan spoke with a solemn expression, while Xiao Guanshan sat on the main seat behind him.

"Thank you suzerain!"

"Thank you Patriarch!"

Three hundred disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect shouted in unison.

Xiao Anyuan smiled and nodded. Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and he looked at the gate of the palace, only to wake up just at this moment, stepping in.

"Zhou Yuan, what are you doing?" Xiao Anyuan frowned.

"Sect Master, Patriarch, I am willing to lead these disciples to practice in secret places." Su Xing said loudly.

"Naughty!" Xiao Anyuan snorted, he still values ​​Zhou Yuan very much, knowing that this trip is dead or not, naturally he will not let him go to death with him.

Three hundred disciples, Qi Qi looked at Zhou Yuan, all of them confused, and did not understand why Xiao Anyuan was angry. After all, Zhou Yuan took the initiative to invite Ying and lead them to practice in secret places. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Zhou Yuan, I have my own arrangements for this ancestor." Xiao Guanshan Lao Cheng was serious, and when he saw something wrong with the situation, he explained.

"Sect Master, Master, Jing Yu have already told me everything. Since I am also a member of the Hengshan Sword Sect, I also want to see with my own eyes the biggest secret of our Hengshan Sword Sect."

The wake-up transmission was sent to Xiao Anyuan and Xiao Guanshan.

Hearing this, the expressions of Xiao Anyuan and Xiao Guanshan changed slightly.

Xiao Guanshan was the first to react and sighed: "That girl Jingyu really can't keep things secret, that's fine, since you know everything, let's go take a look! Anyway, this matter will be let you know sooner or later. ."

Xiao Anyuan exhorted: "Zhou Yuan, don't talk nonsense then, just stand by our side, understand?"

Su Xing nodded, and the sound transmission replied: "Sect Master and Patriarch, don't worry! I just take a look, and I won't talk nonsense."

Speaking of which, Zhou Yuan, Xiao Anyuan, and Xiao Guanshan are all in the same family, and they will inherit the position of the head teacher of the Hengshan Sword Sect in the future, and the two have little guard against him.

After making the decision, Xiao Anyuan looked around the hall and smiled: "Since Elder Zhou Yuan insists on making a contribution, let him go with him!"

The disciples who were selected naturally did not dare to disagree, and they all said yes.

Su Xing glanced, and the three hundred disciples selected did not see Yu Qingwan, who had been handsomely transformed into Nangong, and he was a little relieved.

However, there was a female disciple who made him feel like a bright spot.

Standing at the forefront of many disciples, the other party was wearing a slim long skirt with a slender waist and slender and straight legs, which perfectly outlined the graceful figure.

Aside from her graceful figure, her facial features are also very delicate, revealing a delicate and delicate taste.

Many male disciples' eyes fell on her as if nothing happened, and it was hard to hide their admiration.

"Ye Xuehan!" Su Xing muttered. The other party was Ye Xuehan, one of the three beauties of the Hengshan Sword Sect, who was as famous as Yu Qingwan and Xiao Jingyu.

"Why is she here?" Su Xing glanced at Xiao Guanshan and Xiao Anyuan strangely.

Most of the disciples selected this time were not high-level, they were just ordinary disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect. This was because Xiao Guanshan and Xiao Anyuan were unwilling to let the Hengshan Sword Sect suffer too much loss.

But Ye Xuehan is different. She is the head of the ten true disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect. She has a special status and high talents. She has a bright future. It is unreasonable to let her be cannon fodder.

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