Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2205: Hedgehog Demon Lord

Chapter 2205: Hedgehog, Rat Demon Lord

Compared with sub-fire and mother-fire, Yanglingyuan Fire is the most valuable thing. Once absorbed and refined, it will continue to grow, never extinguish, and even has the potential for growth.

Of course, if you want to collect Yang Lingyuan Fire, the difficulty is not generally high.

For most divine cultivators, Yanglingyuan Fire is an extremely terrifying existence, and it will die if touched.

When he returned to the vicinity of Yangling Volcano, he found Liucai Divine Butterfly, Dongguo Rumo, and Lu Xingfeng. The collection of Yangling Mother Fire had also ended.

He was not surprised either, mainly because he broke through the physical realm and wasted a lot of time.

Among them, Liucai Divine Butterfly and Dongguo entered the ink and successfully collected the Yang Spirit Mother Fire, while Lu Xingfeng ended in failure.

Normal people, failing to collect the Sun Spirit Mother Fire, will undoubtedly end in death, but Lu Xingfeng has not died. He is already extraordinary and has his own advantages.

Wake up from the clouds and go straight to Yangling Volcano.

He doesn't worry about revealing his identity, because now his most powerful thing is his physical strength. If he doesn't use his cultivation base, no one present should be able to spot the clue.

And his appearance quickly attracted everyone's attention.

When everyone was afraid to approach Yangling Volcano, a person suddenly appeared and headed towards Yangling Volcano. It was difficult for people not to notice and pay attention.


The Six-Colored Divine Butterfly flew out, blocking the way of waking up, and said: "You have the breath of Butterfly Wu."

"Die Wu?" Su Xing showed doubts.

"He is my brother, a colorful divine butterfly." Liu Cai divine butterfly said: "I can feel that he is still alive, let him go, I will leave you a whole body."

"With such a big tone, do you want to scare someone?" Wake up unmoved.

"Looking for death!" The eyes of the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly became cold, and when he was about to take a shot, a demon master flew out and said: "Boss Die Shi, where this kind of stuff needs you to take action, I will solve it."

Liucai Divine Butterfly nodded and agreed.

Before, Yinyue Sirius had told him that a physical **** cultivator had come here, and he was already certain that he was the one who had awakened.

According to the speculated result of Silver Moon Sirius, the awakened physical body cultivation is only the ninth stage of the Heavenly God Realm.

No matter how special the physical **** cultivation is, it can't make up for the huge gap in realm, so the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly didn't really pay attention to awakening.

"Boy, do you dare to attack Diewu, you are dead." The demon lord said, his hair grows on his head like barbs, his facial features give people the feeling of thief and rat eyes. Blood red, full of strange feelings.

His body is a "Hedgehog Blood Demon", known as the "Hedgehog Demon Lord", possessing the cultivation base of the first-tier peak of the Divine Lord Realm, but the level of combat power has entered the middle of the second-order Divine Lord Realm.

Among the many demon masters and beast masters, the strength ranks seventh, which is quite impressive.


As the Hedgehog Rat Demon Lord turned his cultivation base, his whole body suddenly burst into blood, with a mighty force, and a demon spirit soaring into the sky.

Suddenly, he leaned out a palm, and the majestic blood gushed from his palm, turning into a torrent of blood, surging, sweeping hundreds of miles, and awakening.

Su Xing took a step forward and blasted out with a simple and direct punch.

A seemingly ordinary punch, but it contained unimaginable tyrannical power. The spirit of the law of the gods around it was quickly squeezed out, and a general trend of heaven and earth quickly condensed.

With awakening as the center, the torrent of blood was split into two, whizzing past his sides.

With a bang, when he woke up and took the second step, he was already dozens of miles away from the Hedgehog Demon Lord, and he punched again.

At the same time, the Hedgehog Demon Lord also condensed a second wave of offensive, his hands were embracing, a palace-sized blood ball appeared, and there was thunder surging inside, full of a destructive force.


The palace-sized blood-colored light ball collided with the awakened second punch, and the air waves were intertwined into huge energy ripples, spreading in all directions.

The location of Yangling Volcano, both in terms of spatial structure and land density, far surpassed other places, without causing excessive damage.

In the end, the Scarlet Light Ball was smashed with a punch that was awakened, and with a surging punch, it swept the Hedgehog Demon Lord and flew him out.

This scene surprised everyone who watched the game.

The Hedgehog Demon Lord is by no means a weak person, with extraordinary talents. No one in the room dared to underestimate him. However, in the hands of his awakening, he suffered successive losses and was even injured, which seemed very incredible.

"The Lord of the Flesh!"

"His physical body has reached the power of one hundred thousand dragons and has entered the realm of gods!"

"Where did this guy come from? Is it a strong man who cultivates in seclusion?"

People have to re-examine the awakening, the ninth-level physical **** cultivation of the Heavenly God Realm. Although it is amazing, it is far inferior to the golden content of a physical **** master.

"Roar! Humans, I want you to die." The Hedgehog Demon Lord roared in anger, his body swelled rapidly, and changed out of his body, which was thousands of feet long, exuding a huge demon power.

Around him, the blood quickly diffused into the sky, intertwined into a dense cloud of blood, making his huge body looming and full of mystery.


Suddenly, a paw that was as big as a palace came out from the cloud of blood, exuding an aura of tyrannical power, like a demon **** destroying the world, blasting the awakening downward.

"It's time to end!" Su Xing's eyes were cold, not retreating but advancing. After the third step, his body was lifted up, and the spirit like wolf smoke billowed and quickly condensed into his fist.

Immediately, he swiped a fist toward the demon claw that was as big as a palace.

The first way of breaking the sky, slaying spirits!


The awakened boxing gun seemed to pierce a huge hole in the sky. As soon as the momentum went forward, the demon claws as big as the palace shattered and opened under a single face, and poured a pouring rain of blood.

Waking up in the rain of blood, the power in the fist gang poured into the body of the Hedgehog Demon Lord like a horrible tide, violently shattering his vitality, and being wiped out together with his soul.


The blood cloud dissipated, and the Hedgehog Mouse Demon Lord died. His huge body fell from the sky and hit the hard ground, raising billowing smoke and dust.

With Yangling Volcano as the center, the land is a thousand miles away, and it fell into silence.

The scene before him is more impactful than the four words of the God Lord of the flesh, because the ordinary God Lord of the flesh has terrible fighting power in the same realm, but there is no way to kill the Hedgehog Demon Lord with three strokes like waking up.

"What kind of physical combat technique is that, the momentum is too terrifying, it is simply fighting the heavens and the earth, omnipotent." Many people recalled the momentum when they woke up and used the groundbreaking combat method, and they couldn't hide their shock.

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