Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2219: Angry Black Soul Island Master

Chapter 2219 The Angry Black Soul Island Master

Most divine cultivators understand a truth, don’t be approached by physical divine cultivators, even if your strength is much stronger than the opponent.

Close combat is the realm of physical **** cultivation.

Their power is powerful and rude, and there are forbidden fields to complement each other. Whoever dares to approach them is simply seeking a dead end. Some people even cultivated for the physical gods and divided a "ten zhang forbidden zone."

This means that within ten feet of a physical god, it is a forbidden zone, so don't get close.

At this time, when he was awakened and had trouble, he was only seven feet away from the three-stripe elder. Although the opponent had a high level of cultivation and was at the third level of the Divine Master Realm, he had no time to react. His head was torn apart, and the soul was shattered into pieces. Fly ash.

The dignified elder with three patterns unexpectedly died like this. He had no time to show his strong strength, and his life-saving cards were too late to use. It is estimated that on Huangquan Road, he would have to cry out.

It was not until the death of the three-stripe elder, the island owner not far away, and the other three-stripe elders next to him, that reacted. At this time, he woke up with another punch and killed another three-stripe elder.

The lesson from the past is there, and the elder Sanwen who was hunted down is almost frightened and retreats without thinking.

However, the distance between him and awakening was already very close, and it was also less than ten feet. When he reacted, the moment he quickly backed away, it was only a few dozen feet away.

For other physical gods, within ten feet is the forbidden area, but here in Awakening, the value of the forbidden area is obviously more than that big.


At the moment that the three-stripe elder retreated, awakening also displayed the Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada, and at the same time activated the meteor flying cloud clothing hidden under the black robe, the speed was incredible.

The distance between him and the three-stripe elder quickly narrowed.

At the same time, the awakened body's energy was surging, condensing a general trend of heaven and earth, and blasted out towards the elder with three patterns.

All this is a long story, but in fact, they all happened in a short time.

Whether it was awakening, or the speed of punching, it was so fast that he couldn’t respond. In the senses of the three-stripe elder, he was caught up by awakening just after he retreated. The terrifying fist was even worse. On his chest.


The three-stripe elder fell directly to the ground with a punch. Even with his vigorous cultivation, it was difficult to withstand the impact of such a powerful force, and many cracks appeared on his body.

However, he was not killed by a single blow, but suffered heavy losses.

When he was about to use his life-saving hole card, he found a leg whip carrying the momentum of thunder, which fell from the sky and struck him first.


At this moment, all the bones of the three-stripe elder were shattered into powder, and the vitality in the body quickly dissipated. The blood in his mouth was like a column, and he died in convulsions.

At this time, Suwa felt a huge sense of crisis, and quickly enveloped himself, his body turned into a blue light, and he swept back without thinking.


In the place where I was standing just now, there was a huge roar. The ground was exploded, and the dust turned into a huge mushroom cloud, rising up, and a storm woven with divine power, raging towards the surroundings, where Wherever it passed, the earth rolled and shook, the mountains and forests were destroyed, and the scene was scary.

Wake stopped her figure in midair and looked up to the front.

He suddenly violently murdered, causing a great sensation. Many people in black robes around the canyon quickly gathered here, and among them, in the midair at the entrance of the canyon, five figures stood out.

They were the remaining four three-stripe elders and the island owner of Black Soul Island.

At this time, the island owner of Black Soul Island was filled with terrifying killing intent, and his mighty power surged in his body. Just now, he was the one who hit and tried to awaken.

Elder Sanwen is the core power of Black Soul Island, and there are only seven in total.

It takes countless cultivation resources and effort to train each one, and just now, two three-stripe elders were awakened and killed, the owner of the Black Soul Island, the anger in his heart can be imagined, and I can’t wait Awakening was alive and well.

And if he knew that the one who left Black Soul Island and besieged and killed Liucai Divine Butterfly and others, the elder of the three patterns named "Earth Star", also indirectly died in Suwa's hands, the anger in his heart would probably burn. The more vigorous.

"You die for me!" The island owner of Black Soul Island roared and rushed towards awakening. At this moment in his heart, awakening was even more hateful than the beast master who stayed in the canyon.

Even though the beast control master killed many black-robed people, most of them were not high in cultivation, and the losses they caused were not particularly large.

The mighty divine power surged from the main body of the Black Soul Island, condensed into a huge palm, and every finger on the palm was like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun, shrouded towards awakening.

If this blow is hit, no matter how strong the awakening defense is, he will be hit hard, and may even be killed by a single blow.

The fourth-order power of the God Realm is definitely not easy to provoke.


Awakening naturally would not be hard-wired, displaying the Nine Transformations of the Divine Cicada, and fleeing towards the rear. With the blessing of the Meteor Feiyun Yi, his speed was not inferior to the fourth-order power of the Divine Main Realm at all, and he was agile and unpredictable.

In the end, he escaped between the fingers of that huge palm.


The corner of Su Xing's mouth overflowed with blood.

The power contained in that huge palm was vast, even if it was just a little aftermath, it caused the blood in his body to surge violently, and he suffered a slight injury.

But with his physical body's strong self-healing ability, the injury was healed almost instantly.

"Even so." The island owner of Black Soul Island, his gaze became quite gloomy, and he didn't wake up with a single blow, which made him feel more anger in his heart after the accident.


At this time, the Grand Canyon violently oscillated, and many Sky Monster Beasts flew into the sky, filled with evil spirits, and burst into skyrocketing roars.

Wake up seeing this scene, could not help but brighten up.

He was wearing a black robe at this time. Xiao Du certainly didn't know who he was. However, Xiao Du obviously knew the outside situation and knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and took advantage of the situation to attack Black Soul Island.

"You hold the beast control master, this seat must first kill the physical **** master." The Taoist master of Black Soul Island issued orders. He actually ignored Xiao Du, but insisted on dealing with awakening first.

Even if he was awake and courageous, he felt a little hairy at this time.

It is a terrible thing for a fourth-order power of the Divine Realm to kill people desperately.

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