Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2657: Earth mother ball

Chapter 2655: Mother Earth Jade


A light flashed in the palm of his awakened palm, and the ancient jade appeared.

He naturally remembered the origin of this ancient jade, it was the ancient jade left after killing Wei Qi.

Previously, through various methods, he was unable to make any changes to this ancient jade. The other party was like a stubborn stone, but did not want to, but now it is self-illuminating.

If you stare carefully, the so-called light is emitted by the special lines that suddenly appeared inside the ancient jade.

Those lines don't seem to be carved by the day after tomorrow, they are more like innate.

"Congenital Daowen?" Su Xing murmured.

"This...Is this thing Mother Earth Jade?" Sky Shadow Mouse looked surprised.

"Master, haven't you seen Mother Earth Jade before?" Xue Ling asked curiously.

"How rare is the Mother Earth Jade? How can you see it if you want to see it?" Sky Shadow Mouse shook his head and smiled bitterly. His knowledge about Mother Earth Jade also came from ancient documents.

Awakening had given this ancient jade to him for a period of time before.

If you had known each other a long time ago, how could you still look surprised now?

"It's going to Xinglai Island!" Su Xing said, if he hadn't forcibly controlled it, the ancient jade in his hand had already flown away.

"My son, we will kill with you." Sky Shadow Mouse said.

"Wait a moment." Wake did not act rashly, but was waiting for the opportunity. At this time, Iwashen's heart had not been fully gestated, and even the undead did not rush to act.

However, the undead have also become extremely restless, and they all put on a posture ready to go.

As for the divine cultivators around, many people also showed greed. Although many people didn't know Diyan Shenxin, the signs on Xinglai Island at this time looked too extraordinary.

Even a fool can tell that this is a treasure about to be born.


On Xinglai Island, the earth cracked, the peaks collapsed, and smoke billowed.

If Xinglai Island is likened to a huge egg, the divine heart of the rock is gestated, it is the time when the dome is broken.

"The gods who originally lived on Xinglai Island, don't you know that there is such a big chance on Xinglai Island?" Ding Xi said in a puzzled way.

"The heart of the earth rock comes from the depths of the earth, not from the island of Xinglai." Sky Shadow Mouse shook his head and explained: "The emergence of the dead sea area, a large amount of death air is gestated, and this world is completely changed."

"Only when there is a perception in the heavens, the Diyan Shenxin will appear. As for the appearance on Xinglai Island, it is just a coincidence. The Diyan Shenxin can also be born from other places."


This reason is actually very simple.

The world itself has a kind of "purification" ability, just like a person has a certain self-healing ability after being injured.

The Dead Sea destroys the environment of heaven and earth, and the world itself will spontaneously carry out a "purification" action, and then there will be an earth rock **** heart, trying to use the majestic life energy to purify the death air.

But this obviously cannot be done.

The life aura contained in the Diyan God Heart is indeed very majestic, but it is still too weak compared to the vast death sea.

The scene on Xinglai Island is even more shocking. The original whole island has been divided after many large cracks appeared. The rich emerald green light will be centered on Xinglai Island. The land of thousands of miles is very bright.

Even the black clouds in the sky were blasted out of a huge hole because of the emerald green light.

The sky is shining down, and it seems that this place is no longer a dead sea.

"Ho **** ho ho..."

A deafening roar sounded, and thousands of undead rushed to Xinglai Island together.

The body of each undead is extremely large. From a distance, it looks like thousands of mountains are moving fast, and the waves rushing to the sky along the way are frightening.


With a bang, many gods also chose to rush towards Xinglai Island.

Although this move will inevitably cause them to collide with the undead, the risk factor is extremely high, but the gods who dare to enter the sea of ​​death are a little bit fierce in their bones, and it is impossible to watch the opportunity ahead. , And indifferent.

Of course, some people did not rush to Xinglai Island, after weighing the pros and cons, they chose not to move.

Soon, the gods collided with the undead.

Most of the divine cultivators who came to the Death Sea were good, and the lowest was the divine master at the early stage of the ninth stage, and there was no shortage of divine masters in the middle, late, and even peak stages of the ninth stage.

Even, there are still a few strong masters on the main **** list. The middle-aged man headed by the Kongtong Mountain people is a strong master and a powerful elder of the Kongtong Mountain.

Under just one face, the momentum of the fierce battle became very exaggerated.

The earth that Xinglai Island split into was swept away by the aftermath of that profound divine power, and instantly collapsed.

Soon, the sea area centered on Xinglai Island was dyed red with blood.

The waves are surging to the sky, the wind is whistling, and people below the ninth-level Divine Lord cannot participate in this level of battle at all, and will be bombarded and killed in an instant.

Some ninth-tier gods began to fall, and some undead were shaken to death.

Both sides are hurting each other.

Even in the fight, both sides tried to get close to Xinglai Island. The undead wanted to eat the vitality contained in the heart of Diyan God, while the gods thought they could get a great opportunity.

"It's us." Su Xing said calmly.

Hearing this, the long-awaited Sky Shadow Mouse and others suddenly burst out into the sky.


Wake was the first to move, and took the lead. Wearing a meteor flying cloud suit, he displayed the nine changes of the cicada, his body turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Behind him, the six Sky Shadow Rats moved together.

Everyone hasn't activated the God Destroying Cross Formation for the time being. Although this formation is very powerful, it consumes a lot of people and should not be opened easily.

The six people are not far away from each other, once any change occurs, the formation will be activated as soon as possible.


Ahead, awaken the target to Xinglai Island.

His figure was extremely flexible. When the undead's attack fell, he had disappeared, and soon after waking up, he would come first, becoming the group closest to Xinglai Island.


Suddenly, a tyrannical blade light slashed towards him, giving the awakening a feeling of inevitable.

The dragon sword appeared in the hands of awakening in an instant, the divine power in his body surged like a frenzy, and the next moment a sword slashed out.

The sword light and the sword light bombarded together in the void, erupting a huge sound.

Awakened and stared indifferently, the middle-aged man headed by the Kongtong Mountain people said unceremoniously: "If you don't want to die, you can stay away. You can't get the chance here."

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