Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2894: Second Grade Heavenly Grant Dark God Stream

Chapter 2894: Second Grade Heavenly Grant Dark God Stream

Lin Yuxiao had a sullen expression on his face, and the majestic power of the gods continuously poured into the Luoshui **** jade ruler, and then suddenly swung it out, and in an instant, a white divine light rushed out.

The white divine light surging endlessly, like a divine river, the momentum is very inviting.

Wake's complexion remained unchanged, and with a wave of one hand, the Tianque Broken Sword flew forward, the dazzling and sharp sword light bloomed, and countless kendo laws flew around, setting off a torrential hurricane.


Two tyrannical forces collided together in the sky, eroding and impacting each other, giving birth to a terrible aftermath of power, with endless roars.

Soon after, the Tianque Broken Sword, which has always been unbreakable, began to retreat steadily.

The power contained in the white **** river is extremely terrifying, enough to severely inflict Xing Mingyang and other powerful people, or even kill them.


Tianque Broken Sword flew back to Wake, the Wake figure flashed, avoiding the white God River that rushed quickly.

He glanced down at Tianque Broken Sword, frowning slightly.

The origin of this broken sword is extraordinary and mysterious, but it is in a broken state after all, and it is difficult to fully reveal its power in the realm of waking up to the current cultivation level, unless the broken sword voluntarily makes a move.

But if it is not humiliated, Tianque Broken Sword will not burst out suddenly.

And that kind of thing, after all, is mostly coincidence, if you deliberately lead others to humiliate Tianque Broken Sword, it may be counterproductive.

"Can you kid? Would you like me and Lao Tian to take action?" Kong Xuanye asked, and when he asked, there was still a trace of care in his tone. After all, even regardless of friendship, everyone is now a grasshopper tied to a rope.

On the realm of cultivation, Kong Xuanye is not as good as Lin Yuxiao, but as the head teacher of the Moon Worship Sect, he naturally has a second-grade heavenly granted artifact. In addition, Tian Anshan also conveniently took the Shura oven from Xia Yuanjia.

Relying on two second-grade heavenly granted artifacts, even if Lin Yuxiao could not be defeated, he could resist one or two.

"Wake up, it seems that you are still lacking in terms of background!" Lin Shuzhi smiled faintly, apparently mocking Wake up for not being able to produce the second-grade Heavenly Granted artifact.

"I thought you guys are so great, but that's nothing but that." Lin Yuxiao said contemptuously.

One blow had the upper hand, which naturally made him more powerful.

"Teacher Kong, you just need to act according to the original plan." Su Xing finished talking to Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan, his eyes fell on Lin Yuxiao, and said indifferently: "It's just a test of your strength, I really think , Can't I help you?"


A stream of black water rushed out of his awakened body.

His body seemed to have turned into the eyes of a sea spring, and the black water flow expanded extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, it spread to thousands of miles, centering on awakening.

Seen from a distance, the Black Sea is overwhelming, with undulating waves and majestic momentum.

"this is……"

"Second Grade Heavenly Granted Artifact?"

People looked at the surging Black Sea, and for a time, their expressions changed.

There is no shortage of people with clever eyesight. The unique and powerful aura exuded by the Black Sea was quickly recognized by many people, and it was undoubtedly a second-grade god-given artifact.

Everyone has always thought that Awakening does not have a second-grade god-given artifact.

After all today's confrontation, if Awakening had a second-grade Heavenly Granted artifact, it should have been taken out long ago. Who would have thought that he had hidden such a hand before.

Not to mention outsiders, even Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan were surprised.

Especially Kong Xuanye, he thought he knew better about Awakening. After all, he had teamed up to kill Qi Tian and Xing Mingyang together, but he didn't expect that Awakening was actually carrying a second-grade Heavenly Granted artifact.

Kong Xuanye glanced at Fu Yunlu suddenly, as if thinking of something, but did not ask.

At this time, Lin Shuzhi and Lin Yuxiao's expressions were darkened.

"Wake up, you are hiding quite deep." Lin Shuzhi couldn't help but speak.

"Are you surprised?" Awakened eyes fell on Lin Shuzhi, and said indifferently: "Actually, I don't intend to hide anything, but you are too weak, so weak that I don't have the right to use the second-grade Heavenly Granted artifact."

This is mercilessly belittling Lin Shuzhi.

The contradiction between the two has reached the level of endless death. In this case, it is natural to be polite to wake up.

A few days ago, Fu Yunlu found him and returned the Dark God Flow.

Then he awoke and began to flow through the robbery for the dark god.

The calamity of the second-rank Heavenly Granted Divine Weapon cannot be underestimated, and its lethality is extremely high. Although the Dark Divine Flow finally succeeded in crossing the tribulation, it was also greatly injured, which caused the awakening to have to contain the Dark Divine Flow.

"Shu Zhi, don't talk nonsense with him, you first solved Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan, and then joined me to kill this child together." Lin Yuxiao said.

"Good!" Lin Shuzhi nodded.

"Old Tian, ​​they seem to treat you as a soft persimmon!" Kong Xuanye said lightly.

"I only heard that they were going to kill you first." Tian Anshan said sternly.

"Really? Then there will be them for a while?" Kong Xuanye said.

"Good!" Tian Anshan cherishes words like gold.

The next moment, the two took the initiative to rush to the main peak.

They are the two masters of the Moon Worship Sect and the Asura Mountain. They are high-ranking existences. Their majesty cannot be offended. When were they regarded as soft persimmons?

Kong Xuanye and Tian Anshan didn't say anything, but they were already angry.


Tian Anshan gave a cry, and the Shura oven quickly zoomed in front of him, and it quickly became as big as a mountain, exuding a pressure far greater than that of Xia Yuanjia's activation, and then crashed towards the main peak of Cangwu Mountain. past.

"The old guy is really angry!" Outside the boundary of Cangwu Mountain, Xia Yuanjia couldn't help but smack his tongue when he saw this scene, but there was more an unkind smile on his face.

When Tian Anshan started his hand, Kong Xuanye also moved.

His figure disappeared out of thin air, as if it merged with the night, as if it were everywhere.

Anyone who knows Kong Xuanye knows one thing, that is, don't fight Kong Xuanye at night, because that is a very dangerous thing.

What Kong Xuanye enlightened was the dark road, and in the dark, he was like an incarnation of a king of killing.


On the main peak, Lin Shuzhi, Lin Jingwei, Xing Mingyang, and the remaining four patriarchs who were able to fight one after another shot.

"Four patriarchs, you block Tian Anshan, the three of us deal with Kong Xuanye." Xing Mingyang said.

"Okay!" The four patriarchs shot together. Among them, the patriarch of the Black Tortoise Clan took out a simple tortoise shell, and as he poured the power of the gods into it, the tortoise shell quickly enlarged, and a thicker light emerged.


The Shura oven bombarded the quaint tortoise shell, erupting terrible power.

However, the tortoise shell was not shattered by a single blow, and it abruptly withstood the power of the blow, but the light on it was much dimmed, I am afraid it would be difficult to withstand the continuous attacks of the Shura oven.

Although the Xuangui clan is very strong in defensive power, it is somewhat weak in the face of the second-grade heavenly granted artifact Shuluo oven.

But at this time, the other three patriarchs took action, one after another, they performed their unique magic skills and bombarded the Asura oven.

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