Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2917: The Dark Portal

Chapter 2917 The Gate of Darkness

The horror from the dark does not appear every night.

There is no law at all in their appearance.

People worry that the fact that the spiritual world's heavenly ark is shattered will not happen.

Regardless of the terror in the dark and how crazy attacks, the Spirit World Sky Ark is still intact, which makes people feel a lot of peace. It is also the reason why the Spirit World Heaven Ark can cross the Forbidden Spirit World Wall for many years.

People have speculated about the horror in the dark.

However, no one can give an accurate answer.

Even Jia Longjun rides in the Spirit World Sky Boat several times a year. He doesn't know what the horror inside the Forbidden Spirit World is and where it comes from.

I only know that it is a terrifying force that even gods can't resist.

At night, the full moon hangs high.

This shows that there will be no great terror tonight.

Terror descends with the darkness, and when the full moon hangs above the sky, the terror will be hidden.

After waking up and staying on the deck for a while, he turned and left and returned to the room.

In the past few days, he has been investigating the Spirit World Ark, wanting to get a glimpse of the situation at the bottom of the cabin. However, he has not gained much. He gradually discovered that with his current cultivation level, it is impossible to have any good A deeper understanding.

It was not unwilling to wake up, that is, he was ready to use the time on the road to practice.

The furnishings in the room are quite simple.

In the middle of the night, awakening from cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had sensed something, but at this moment, not far in front of him, there were waves in the space.

Immediately afterwards, faint light emerged out of thin air, quickly interweaving into a light gate.

"The Dark Door?"

Awakened, he didn't expect that the dark gate that Jia Longjun had said would appear in his room.

This is a scary thing.

In that dark door, there was a whining sound, like the sound of the wind, but also like howling ghosts and wolves, giving people an extremely bad feeling.

An emotion of fear quickly grew.

Awakening mind was awe-inspiring, this dark gate can have an impact on the divine soul, and it has a unique deceptiveness that made him feel an urge to enter the dark gate.

Although Awakening was curious, whether it was the great horror in the forbidden spirit world wall or this spiritual world heavenly ark, it was too unbelievable and even beyond the scope of Awakening's understanding.

Therefore, he does not intend to find out.

Sometimes, being too curious may also be a disaster.

But things quickly surpassed the awakening expectations. I saw wisps of black mist, pouring out from the dark gate, turning into tentacles, grabbing to awaken.

Awakening body's cultivation base surged, his eyes became sharp.

At this time, it is natural for him not to resist.

But in the next moment, all the black tentacles collapsed, and then a voice came from the gloomy door: "A bunch of fools with eyes and no beads, those are the sons of the old lady, do you dare to do it?"


A majestic suction force spread from the dark gate.

Then, the awakened body was sucked into the dark gate uncontrollably.

In the eyes is the endless gloom, which makes the awakening feel like being in hell, and countless ghost-like things are wandering in the gloomy space.

They have no entities, but they exude a violent and murderous aura.

The fluctuating power radiated is also shocking.

Suddenly, Su Xing looked forward in a daze, only to see a curvaceous figure walking towards him.

Her appearance seemed to make this gloomy space bright and warm.

She is tall and slender, with beautiful and moving facial features. She smiles and seems to make all living beings fall, but the most eye-catching thing is the very unique temperament of her.

She seems to be out of the five elements, detached from heaven and earth.

It seems that through the ages, no one can match its supreme style.


Su Xing's eyes flashed, and his thoughts surged like a tide.

"Wake up!"

The Empress Void looked up and down to wake up, the pair of bright stars, the eyes that have made countless powerful people dare not look straight through the ages, also trembled slightly at this moment.

Even if she had climbed to the top of the divine way and looked down on sentient beings, there was a softness in her heart that was invisible to sentient beings.

Wake up and knelt down on both knees.

Different from what he had seen before, what stood in front of him at this moment seemed to be a living Empress of the Void, a mother of flesh and blood, rather than an illusion.

However, before waking up, he was lifted up by a gentle force.

"Xing'er, Wei Niang rarely accompanies you and can't stand your gift." Empress Void said.

"Mother, I never resented." Su Xing shook his head and said, his life was bestowed by the woman in front of him, and he knew that there were many things his mother couldn't help himself.

When he was in the Lower Realm, he was imprisoned.

In the years to come, I have been searching for myself.

In addition, even though his mother was not accompanied by her side, she gave him a lot of care invisibly, and made many arrangements for him in private.

"You kid still has a bit of conscience." Empress Void smiled and hugged Awakening in her arms. In her eyes that had never fluctuated too much for hundreds of millions of years, glittering tears flashed.

Wake up enjoying this warm and comfortable hug.

For him, it is already a great surprise to see his mother this time.

After a long time, the Empress Void relaxed and woke up, frowning and said: "Xing'er, why didn't you swallow the Chaos Phoenix Heart? Didn't you worship the Qinglian ladies as a teacher?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched slightly, and probably only his own mother would call Dao Ancestor Qinglian as "the Qinglian lady", right?

"Mother, I want to walk my own way." Suwa seriously said.

"Promising, like a mother." Not only was Empress Void not angry, she showed a proud smile. With her eyesight, how could she not see that Awakening had already shaped the source of good fortune?

In other words, waking up is not only about wanting to walk on one's own path, but having successfully embarked on a path that belongs to oneself.

Idea, successfully implemented.

"So what about the Chaos Phoenix Heart? How did you deal with it? Wouldn't it give the blood ancestor the old slicker?" the Empress Void asked.

It seems that she has not had any contact with Qinglian Daozu yet.

She just relied on her own eyesight to see that Awakening had not swallowed the Chaos Phoenix Heart.


Su Xing explained the fact that Luo Qingxue had almost fallen for her own sake, and then told Empress Void that Qinglian Daozu mistakenly recognized Luo Qingxue and accepted him as an apprentice.

"So it was given to my daughter-in-law?"

Empress Void's eyes lit up, and there was a lot of interest on her stunning face.

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